The ant works hard at its job without supervision. The lion chief is impressed and hires a cockroach supervisor. The cockroach implements complex management systems that reduce productivity and morale. More managers are hired, wasting more time and resources. An audit finds productivity has dropped. The lion fires the ant for lack of motivation.
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1. or May be not.... Con kie叩n Mo辰t truye辰n ngu誰 ngo但n... Hay la淡 Co湛 the奪 kho但ng pha短i....
2. Every day, a small ant arrives at work very early and starts work immediately . Mo達i nga淡y, chu湛 kie叩n nho短 単eu 単i la淡m ra叩t s担湛m va淡 ba辿t tay va淡o vie辰c ngay.
3. He produces a lots and very happy. Chu湛 kie叩n la淡m vie辰c ra叩t gio短i, va淡 luo但n vui ve短.
4. The Chief, a lion, was surprised to see that the ant was working without supervision. Ong chu短 cu短a chu湛, la淡 con s旦 t旦短, ra叩t nga誰c nhie但n khi tha叩y chu湛 kie叩n la淡m vie辰c ma淡 kho但ng can s旦誰 gia湛m sa湛t.
5. He thought if the ant can produce so much without supervision, wouldnt she produce even more if she had a supervisor! Con s旦 t旦短 suy ngh坦, chu湛 kie叩n 単a探 co湛 the奪 la淡m to叩t ma淡 kho但ng can gia湛m sa湛t, va辰y ne叩u co湛 ng旦担淡i gia湛m sa湛t th狸 cha辿c chu湛 kie叩n co淡n la淡m to叩t h担n ga叩p bo辰i!
6. So he recruited a cockroach who had extensive experience as supervisor and who was famous for writing excellent reports. The叩 la淡 s旦 t旦短 thue但 1 con gia湛n co湛 nhieu kinh nghie辰m ve gia湛m sa湛t, va淡 no奪i tie叩ng ve ky探 na棚ng vie叩t nh旦探ng ba湛o ca湛o ra叩t la淡 hay.
7. The cockroachs first decision was to set up a clocking in attendance system. Sau khi 単旦担誰c thue但, quye叩t 単嘆nh 単au tie但n cu短a con gia湛n la淡 ga辿n 1 ca湛i 単ong ho treo t旦担淡ng 単e奪 theo do探i vie辰c 単i la淡m 単u湛ng gi担淡.
8. He also needed a secretary to help him write and type his reports and Con gia湛n cu探ng can 1 th旦 ky湛 単e奪 thay no湛 vie叩t ghi chu湛 hay la淡m ba湛o ca湛o, va淡 the叩 la淡...
9. ... he recruited a spider, who managed the archives and monitored all phone calls. ... no湛 thue但 1 con nhe辰n, ch脱 単e奪 qua短n ly湛 ba湛o ca湛o va淡 nha辰n ca湛c cuo辰c go誰i.
10. The lion was delighted with the cockroach's reports and asked him to produce graphs to describe production rates and to analyse trends, so that he could use them for presentations at Boards meetings. Con s旦 t旦短 ra叩t ha淡i lo淡ng ve nh旦探ng ba湛o ca湛o cu短a con gia湛n, va淡 ye但u can con gia湛n la淡m the但m nh旦探ng bie奪u 単o theo do探i sa短n l旦担誰ng va淡 pha但n t鱈ch xu h旦担湛ng th嘆 tr旦担淡ng, 単e奪 no湛 co湛 the奪 tr狸nh ba淡y ta誰i cuo辰c ho誰p Ban qua短n tr嘆.
11. So the cockroach had to buy a new computer and a laser printer and ... The叩 la淡 con gia湛n mua 1 ca湛i ma湛y vi t鱈nh m担湛i, cu淡ng v担湛i 1 ma湛y in lazer, va淡...
12. ... recruited a fly to manage the IT department. ... no湛 thue但 1 con ruoi 単e奪 la淡m qua短n ly湛 bo辰 pha辰n IT.
13. The ant, who had once been so productive and relaxed, hated this new plethora of paperwork and meetings which used up most of her time! Nha辿c t担湛i con kie叩n, lu湛c tr旦担湛c la淡m vie辰c ra叩t cha棚m va淡 thoa短i ma湛i, gi担淡 ra叩t la淡 b旦誰c m狸nh v狸 nh旦探ng co但ng vie辰c gia叩y t担淡 va淡 nh旦探ng cuo辰c ho誰p vo但 bo奪 la淡m ma叩t he叩t th担淡i gian cu短a no湛...!
14. The lion came to the conclusion that it was high time to nominate a person in charge of the department where the ant worked. Ong chu短 s旦 t旦短 単i 単e叩n ke叩t lua辰n la淡 can pha短i c旦短 mo辰t ng旦担淡i la淡m qua短n ly湛 nguye但n ca短 bo辰 pha辰n ma淡 con kie叩n 単ang la淡m vie辰c.
15. The position was given to the cicada, whose first decision was to buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office. Ch旦湛c vu誰 o但ng chu短 nho短 na淡y 単旦担誰c giao cho 1 con ve sau, va淡 quye叩t 単嘆nh 単au tie但n cu短a con ve la淡 mua ngay 1 ca湛i tha短m 単e誰p va淡 mo辰t ca湛i ghe叩 tha辰t e但m cho pho淡ng la淡m vie辰c cu短a no湛.
16. The new person in charge, the cicada, also needed a computer and a personal assistant, who he brought from his previous department, to help him prepare a Work and Budget Control Strategic Optimisation Plan Va淡 o但ng chu短 ve sau na淡y cu探ng can the但m 1 ma湛y vi t鱈nh va淡 mo辰t th旦 ky湛 rie但ng, 単o湛 la淡 th旦 ky湛 cu探 cu短a no湛, ng旦担淡i 単a探 giu湛p cho no湛 chua奪n b嘆 Ke叩 Hoa誰ch To叩i u Hoa湛 Chie叩n L旦担誰c Kie奪m Soa湛t Co但ng vie辰c & Nga但n quy探...
17. The Department where the ant works is now a sad place, where nobody laughs anymore and everybody has become upset... Va棚n pho淡ng con kie叩n la淡m vie辰c tr担短 tha淡nh mo辰t n担i buon ba探, cha炭ng co淡n ai c旦担淡i 単u淡a va淡 mo誰i ng旦担淡i tr担短 ne但n lo la辿ng kho湛 ch嘆u...
18. It was at that time that the cicada convinced the boss , the lion, of the absolute necessity to start a climatic study of the environment . The叩 la淡 con ve sau thuye叩t phu誰c o但ng chu短 l担湛n, la淡 con s旦 t旦短, ve s旦誰 can thie叩t pha短i la淡m mo辰t cuo辰c nghie但n c旦湛u ky探 l旦担探ng ve mo但i tr旦担淡ng la淡m vie辰c ta誰i 単a但y.
19. Having reviewed the charges for running the ants department , the lion found out that the production was much less than before. Sau khi xem la誰i ca湛c ba湛o ca湛o ta淡i ch鱈nh trong va棚n pho淡ng n担i con kie叩n la淡m, con s旦 t旦短 pha湛t hie辰n ra na棚ng sua叩t 単a探 tha叩p h担n tr旦担湛c 単a但y ra叩t nhieu.
20. So he recruited the owl , a prestigious and renowned consultant to carry out an audit and suggest solutions. The叩 la淡 s旦 t旦短 thue但 1 con cu湛, 単o湛 la淡 1 co叩 va叩n no奪i tie叩ng va淡 co湛 uy t鱈n, 単e奪 tie叩n ha淡nh 単ieu tra va淡 単旦a ra ca湛c gia短i pha湛p can thie叩t
21. The owl spent three months in the department and came up with an enormous report , in several volumes, that concluded : The department is overstaffed ... Con cu湛 bo短 ra 3 tha湛ng 単e奪 nghie但n c旦湛u ve va棚n pho淡ng va淡 vie叩t mo辰t ba湛o ca湛o kho奪ng lo, le但n 単e叩n va淡i quye奪n, va淡 単i 単e叩n ke叩t lua辰n: Va棚n pho淡ng na淡y co湛 qua湛 nhieu nha但n vie但n...
22. Guess who the lion fires first? oa湛n xem o但ng chu短 s旦 t旦短 sa tha短i ai 単au tie但n?
23. The ant , of course, because he showed lack of motivation and had a negative attitude". D坦 nhie但n se探 la淡 con kie叩n, v狸 no湛 thie叩u 単o辰ng c担 la淡m vie辰c va淡 co湛 tha湛i 単o辰 bi quan trong co但ng vie辰c.
24. PS: The characters in this fable are fictitious; any resemblance to real people or facts within the Corporation is pure coincidence Ca湛c nha但n va辰t trong truye辰n ngu誰 ngo但n na淡y toa淡n la淡 t旦担短ng t旦担誰ng, ba叩t c旦湛 s旦誰 lie但n quan 単e叩n mo辰t ng旦担淡i na淡o hoa谷c mo辰t to奪 ch旦湛c na淡o 単eu ch脱 la淡 nga達u nhie但n...
25. The end Nguye但n ba短n cu短a Bo a淡o Nha, vie叩t b担短i PR. Obrigado Ma湛rio.