Openshift has the mechanism for building and deploying applications and Jenkins is a tool use for continuous integration/delivery/deployment. If we combine these together we can create a CI/CD pipeline that will allow us to promote builds of applications and make them available in our OSE instance.
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CI/CD with Openshift and Jenkins
1. CI/CD with OpenShift and Jenkins
by Ari LiVigni, Michal Fojtik, and Aaron Weitekamp
2. Agenda
¡ñ Introduction and Goals
¡ñ Jenkins Master/Slave Setup and Tools
¡ñ CI/CD Workflow and Pipeline
¡ñ Demo
¡ñ Q&A
3. Why Containers?
¡ñ Speed
¡ñ Agility (Cattle vs Pets)
¡ñ Microservices are real
¡ñ Ephemeral nature enforces persistent data volume
¡ñ Portability / reproducibility
4. Why OpenShift?
¡ñ Run containers in cluster, DNS routing
¡ñ Application blueprints (templatize microservices)
¡ñ Integrated components and services: Builds,
Docker Registry, Jenkins and more...
¡ñ Source-to-Image (S2I)
5. ¡ñ Generalize a container-based CI/CD pipeline
1. Test every code change automatically
2. Build image and promote manually
3. Deploy to Stage
4. Deploy to Production
¡ñ Prevent promotion of broken builds
6. Jenkins on OpenShift
¡ñ Master / Slave
¡ñ S2I allows customization of Jenkins image
¡ñ Template to turn any builder image into a Jenkins
¡ð Slaves reach out to Jenkins and download JNLP Java agent
¡ð Slave provides same environment as application runtime
¡ð Slaves run as Pods and are started on-demand
7. Jenkins Job Builder
¡ñ Jenkins jobs defined locally as YAML templates,
uploaded as XML to any Jenkins Master
¡ñ Templating reduces redundancy in Jenkins jobs
¡ñ Maintain YAML, not XML
¡ñ Promotes source control management
10. Conclusion
¡ñ Creating a custom CI/CD pipeline should be easy
¡ñ Openshift Roadmap, release v3.3
¡ð Example
¡ð Openshift Jenkins Plugin
¡ñ Add Delivery Pipeline plugin to show visualization
¡ñ Add more features to JJB for Promoted Build plugin