This document outlines the objectives of SME Ambassadors in the Yorkshire region. It aims to raise marketing skills in small-to-medium enterprises, which represent most UK businesses but often lack in-house expertise. The Ambassadors will promote CIM workshops and resources to help SMEs recognize marketing's importance and make it accessible. Their role is to build partnerships and spread awareness of the CIM as the top marketing authority able to help all levels of small businesses.
2. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
Why are SMEs important to
the UK economy?
represent 97.8% of all UK businesses
provide 58.2% of jobs
create 52.4% of GNP
3. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
Why have SME Ambassadors?
Owners, directors and managers of SMEs often have
limited marketing expertise in-house
Owners, directors and managers of SMEs have limited
resource and time - Need accessible marketing!
SMEs view marketing as for the large organisation with
a dedicated team
Many SMEs are not aware of the CIM
The choice of business support for SMEs is often
complex and therefore not always used
4. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
Categories of SME
Micro businesses:
Less than 10 employees (including Start-ups)
Less than 贈1M annual T/O
Often less than three years in business
Small businesses:
Between 1050 employees
Greater than 贈1M annual T/O
Usually established more than three years
Medium or established businesses:
Between 50250 employees
Greater than 贈10M annual T/O
Established more than five years
5. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
Primary audience
Is the Small business
As we believe this sector has the greatest potential for growth,
but usually lacks sufficient in-house professional marketing
Secondary audience:
Is the medium or established business
As they usually have some in-house marketing expertise
Tertiary audience:
Is the micro business
As they have access to free or heavily subsidised support, and usually
have insufficient resource (financial and/or human) to conduct a
professional marketing strategy
6. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
CIM Vision
To be recognised by the Yorkshire SME
sector, as the most authoritative
source of marketing knowledge, and
best marketing practice
7. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
CIM Objectives
Raise the level of marketing knowledge, skills and
expertise in the SME sector
Deliver marketing training, and support activity,
appropriate, affordable and accessible to SMEs
Develop tools and learning processes relevant to the
smaller business
Increase SMEs awareness of CIM
8. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
Role of SME Ambassador
Promote SME workshops across region
Attend business fairs supported by CIM promoting:
SME workshops
CIM Training & Development
CIM Membership benefits
Build links with Business support organisations
Promote SME workshops
Build links with Business membership organisations
Promote SME workshops
9. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
Core Message of CIM
Present CIM as the most authoritative source of
marketing knowledge, and best marketing practice
Help SMEs to recognise marketing is achievable for
the small business sector
Marketing support available
SME workshops
CIM chartered diagnostic for their business
CIM training & qualifications for staff
CIM chartered consultants
10. SME Ambassadors
Yorkshire Team Objectives
SME Ambassador for Yorkshire and
North East
Derek Carpenter
FCIM Chartered Marketer
Mobile: 07796 050539
Using our skills to support business