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Implement a product configurator
meeting Fassi’s requirements of a
highly complex product range sold
by a worldwide dealership
                                        Chooser Story: Fassi Cranes
• Guarantee configuration accuracy
  and effectiveness with global sales
• Ensure user-friendly configurations
                                        Cincom Acquire™ Enables
  by non-IT people
• Establish flexibility in managing
                                        Fassi Cranes to Reach New
  highly complex configurations
• Achieve 100% compatibility with
  Fassi’s ERP system

Cincom Acquire Guided Selling and
Product Configurator Software

• Configurations can now be
  integrated straight from the
  dealers into Fassi’s ERP system,
  24 hours a day
• Error-free configurations
• Their dealers’ work can be
  efficiently monitored all over the
• Improved production planning
  and faster raw-material
  requirements planning

                                        Fassi Gru, an Italian crane manufacturer established in 1965, exports
                                        its range of quality products to the entire world and guarantees
                                        technological innovation and technical assistance at the highest level.
                                        The number-two brand in the world in its sector sells via a sales
                                        network spread across almost 60 markets worldwide. Fassi produces
                                        around 10,000 cranes per year in 11 plants across Italy.
                                        All the cranes are tailor made and custom built for each client. This
                                        explains the astonishing extent of the Fassi range, with over 60
                                        models in 30,000 configurations. Customers choose Fassi products
                                        most of all for their quality and their equipment. Over 90% of a Fassi
                                        crane is manufactured directly in one of their factories. Fassi organises
                                        its operations via component production workshops, assembly plants,
                                        crane testing centres and a logistics centre that manages and
                                        automates crane stock and parts.
Business Challenge                                                          Immediate Results
A Fassi crane is made up of an infinite number of                           The configurator project took around six working
variants, and some of them can conflict with each other.                    months to implement with a group of four Fassi people.
The Fassi Group sales office receives orders from all over                  Calegari, who was surprised at how quickly the Cincom
the world. In the past, orders came in via e-mail or fax                    configurator was up and running, said, “After four or five
using individual order forms. During their global                           days of training, we could already start using it (though
expansion, the number of orders increased dramatically.                     naturally with help from Cincom staff).”
These orders had to be filtered and oftentimes
technically corrected before they could be entered into                     The configurator's impact on Fassi’s efficiency is
their ERP system. Also at the sales level, the technical                    significant. Fassi is now able to receive configurations
knowledge did not always suffice causing ultimate                           from all over the world 24 hours a day. Orders from very
control to occur at the production planning level.                          different time zones (e.g., Australia and Canada) are
                                                                            already in the system when the Italian sales office starts
The product configurator guarantees that orders are                         working in the morning.
correctly generated 100% of the time, and they can be
completely integrated into Fassi’s ERP system. With the                     Fassi found that Cincom’s configurator combined several
implementation of a configurator, Fassi’s goal was to                       advantages:
reduce the time spent manually checking and correcting                      • Rules can be easily defined in trees or case format by
orders, thus increasing the efficiency of their entire sales                  a graphical interface.
and configuration process. Also, Fassi wanted to better
manage its product range, more effectively monitor the                      • A wide range of rules: Selection rules, constraint rules,
work of their dealers and improve the entire process                          configuration rules and procedural rules.
from planning through production.                                           • The product is totally compatible with all of the Fassi
                                                                              IT systems.
System Selection
                                                                            • The product is highly accurate even at the part level
Fassi had tested other configuration products in the                          and very flexible in managing complex configurations.
past, but these had not met 100% of their needs.
                                                                            • You can constantly update/check configurations to
Products were dismissed since rules definition and
                                                                              improve them during the project implementation.
management were far too complex. It was important
that the configuration solution chosen could completely                     Vendor Assessment
be controlled in-house and be integrated with their ERP
system. This way the production people who know                             Fassi has been very pleased with the results from their
cranes inside out could implement the projects – not                        Cincom Acquire implementation. Calegari stated, “We
their IT specialists.                                                       have certainly had a very positive experience with
                                                                            Cincom. We consider it to be a very serious company
Fassi was very impressed with the speed and efficiency                      doing all that it takes to satisfy its customers' requests.
of the first Cincom Acquire demo on their product                           We've noticed that the Cincom product is a very
range. Roberto Calegari, Group Supply Chain Manager,                        powerful and versatile engine, able to cope with
explained, “We found that Cincom's staff had high                           complex products and processes that are hard to
levels of expertise and knew what they were doing.”                         manage, and producing error-free results.”
                                                                            The fact that throughout the project, the Cincom team
                                                                            was very helpful to solve any problem contributed
                                                                            positively to Fassi’s selection.

Cincom, the Quadrant Logo and Cincom Acquire are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Cincom Systems, Inc. All other trademarks belong to their
respective companies.

© 2010 Cincom Systems, Inc.
FORM CMEN1003096-A4 05/10                                                   Contact our European offices:
Printed in U.S.A.
                                                                            Brussels, Belgium               Monaco
All Rights Reserved
                                                                            +32 (0)2 679 68 11              +377
                                                                            marketingbelux@cincom.com       cincommonaco@cincom.com
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Fax 1-513-612-2000 • International 1-513-612-2769                           Paris, France                   Madrid, Spain
E-mail info@cincom.com • http://www.cincom.com                              +33 (0)1 53 61 70 00            +34 91 524 9820
                                                                            marketingfrance@cincom.com      cincomiberia@cincom.com

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                                                                            cincomitalia@cincom.com         info_europenorth@cincom.com

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Cincom acquire™ enables fassi cranes to reach new heights.pdf'

  • 1. Goal: Implement a product configurator meeting Fassi’s requirements of a highly complex product range sold by a worldwide dealership Chooser Story: Fassi Cranes Challenge: • Guarantee configuration accuracy and effectiveness with global sales network • Ensure user-friendly configurations Cincom Acquire™ Enables by non-IT people • Establish flexibility in managing Fassi Cranes to Reach New highly complex configurations • Achieve 100% compatibility with Heights Fassi’s ERP system Solution: Cincom Acquire Guided Selling and Product Configurator Software Results: • Configurations can now be integrated straight from the dealers into Fassi’s ERP system, 24 hours a day • Error-free configurations • Their dealers’ work can be efficiently monitored all over the world • Improved production planning and faster raw-material requirements planning Situation Fassi Gru, an Italian crane manufacturer established in 1965, exports its range of quality products to the entire world and guarantees technological innovation and technical assistance at the highest level. The number-two brand in the world in its sector sells via a sales network spread across almost 60 markets worldwide. Fassi produces around 10,000 cranes per year in 11 plants across Italy. All the cranes are tailor made and custom built for each client. This explains the astonishing extent of the Fassi range, with over 60 models in 30,000 configurations. Customers choose Fassi products most of all for their quality and their equipment. Over 90% of a Fassi crane is manufactured directly in one of their factories. Fassi organises its operations via component production workshops, assembly plants, crane testing centres and a logistics centre that manages and automates crane stock and parts.
  • 2. Business Challenge Immediate Results A Fassi crane is made up of an infinite number of The configurator project took around six working variants, and some of them can conflict with each other. months to implement with a group of four Fassi people. The Fassi Group sales office receives orders from all over Calegari, who was surprised at how quickly the Cincom the world. In the past, orders came in via e-mail or fax configurator was up and running, said, “After four or five using individual order forms. During their global days of training, we could already start using it (though expansion, the number of orders increased dramatically. naturally with help from Cincom staff).” These orders had to be filtered and oftentimes technically corrected before they could be entered into The configurator's impact on Fassi’s efficiency is their ERP system. Also at the sales level, the technical significant. Fassi is now able to receive configurations knowledge did not always suffice causing ultimate from all over the world 24 hours a day. Orders from very control to occur at the production planning level. different time zones (e.g., Australia and Canada) are already in the system when the Italian sales office starts The product configurator guarantees that orders are working in the morning. correctly generated 100% of the time, and they can be completely integrated into Fassi’s ERP system. With the Fassi found that Cincom’s configurator combined several implementation of a configurator, Fassi’s goal was to advantages: reduce the time spent manually checking and correcting • Rules can be easily defined in trees or case format by orders, thus increasing the efficiency of their entire sales a graphical interface. and configuration process. Also, Fassi wanted to better manage its product range, more effectively monitor the • A wide range of rules: Selection rules, constraint rules, work of their dealers and improve the entire process configuration rules and procedural rules. from planning through production. • The product is totally compatible with all of the Fassi IT systems. System Selection • The product is highly accurate even at the part level Fassi had tested other configuration products in the and very flexible in managing complex configurations. past, but these had not met 100% of their needs. • You can constantly update/check configurations to Products were dismissed since rules definition and improve them during the project implementation. management were far too complex. It was important that the configuration solution chosen could completely Vendor Assessment be controlled in-house and be integrated with their ERP system. This way the production people who know Fassi has been very pleased with the results from their cranes inside out could implement the projects – not Cincom Acquire implementation. Calegari stated, “We their IT specialists. have certainly had a very positive experience with Cincom. We consider it to be a very serious company Fassi was very impressed with the speed and efficiency doing all that it takes to satisfy its customers' requests. of the first Cincom Acquire demo on their product We've noticed that the Cincom product is a very range. Roberto Calegari, Group Supply Chain Manager, powerful and versatile engine, able to cope with explained, “We found that Cincom's staff had high complex products and processes that are hard to levels of expertise and knew what they were doing.” manage, and producing error-free results.” The fact that throughout the project, the Cincom team was very helpful to solve any problem contributed positively to Fassi’s selection. Cincom, the Quadrant Logo and Cincom Acquire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cincom Systems, Inc. All other trademarks belong to their respective companies. © 2010 Cincom Systems, Inc. FORM CMEN1003096-A4 05/10 Contact our European offices: Printed in U.S.A. Brussels, Belgium Monaco All Rights Reserved +32 (0)2 679 68 11 +377 marketingbelux@cincom.com cincommonaco@cincom.com World Headquarters • Cincinnati, OH USA • US 1-800-2CINCOM Fax 1-513-612-2000 • International 1-513-612-2769 Paris, France Madrid, Spain E-mail info@cincom.com • http://www.cincom.com +33 (0)1 53 61 70 00 +34 91 524 9820 marketingfrance@cincom.com cincomiberia@cincom.com Schwalbach, Germany Geneva, Switzerland +49 6196 9003-0 +41 22 747 75 18 infode@cincom.com marketingfrance@cincom.com Torino, Italy Maidenhead, United Kingdom +39 011 5154 711 +44 (0)1628 542300 cincomitalia@cincom.com info_europenorth@cincom.com