So much of our professional lives can be boiled down to interpersonal interactions. Diva Management presents some strategies when the drama around you feels operatic!
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Cindy ncurahawaii4.19.12
5. .. it is time for research institutions to adopt long term,
sustainable approaches to cost control. Continuous Process
Improvement (CPI) can have a dramatic effect on productivity,
cost and quality within the Research setting. (Axelrod, 2011)
24. It is no longer about who is the most
organized but how the WORK is best
25. The Central Office Divas
If we become a
true team, how
will I outshine
What can I do to
disrupt this
some of us
liked it the way it
I function
well in
26. The Primary Investigators accuse..
Lacking Customer
#2: Good Afternoon and thanks for coming. If you are here for Diva Management? Im delivering. Maria Callas probably defined the modern concept of the Diva. Brilliant, absurdly talented, fascinating and highly demanding of any and everyone around her.. I choose this word diva because it represents waste when it comes to maintenance . .forgive me Maria.
#3: The piece you were listening to is from one of her more brilliant performances .. as Tosca. I choose this opera to play for you because it is Puccinis story of cheating and doubt.
#4: In Tosca both the heroes and villains are humans who struggle on the stage. The clashes are between individuals. Nothing seems honest and direct. Few props are used for their supposed intention table knives kill people, men dress up as women, good people lie Critic Giovanni Christain explains The inappropriate use of objects and situations is used systematically in this opera to create a suffocating atmosphere of doubt and suspicion. Today, Im speaking to a room of College and University Research Administratorsany of this feel familiar? Measure turn around times much?
#5: This presentation will focus on the change of culture challenges between the PI, the Department and the Central Research Administration Office during the transition to CPI line work in the Office of Sponsored Research.
I have a unusual take on Research Administrators, PIs and Department Administrators and the process that loves themI believe my day to day as a OSR administrator used to be an uncomfortable balancing act between divas. The drama was operatic. And like the best operas someone or something had to die.
#6: Luckily, it was a somethingour old processenter CPI SCRI was one of the first in the country to implement CPI to our Research Support Services.
#7: In October of 2011 11, the Office of Sponsored Research at Seattle Children's Research Institute embarked on the CPI journey massively transforming our processes and culture.
#8: Coming in fresh to this world was profound for me. I was coming from a different government planet. trying maintain order was elusive. I was shocked and bewildered at the volume and lack of standard approach towards handling it although I didnt have the words for it yet.
#9: We were ducking a lot of the time to keep everyone happy. I never had so many bosses in my career. Everyone holding on until the next big explosion.
#10: We spent nearly 30 hours talking about all the things we do ruminated over the 38 pieces of WIP (work in progress) we perform, and argued over standard work. Finally we saw the simplicity in what we required to take the next step to serve.
#11: I was uncomfortable for many reasons.mostly because someone stole my chair but thats a whole other slide showI was wondering how I was going to hold this team togetherAT SCRI our Osr had a revolving door for SPOs..lets face it SPO work/ our work/ is thankless and challengingwe are the No people or the you forgot peoplewe are underappreciated and EASY targets.. To add to the intrigue my people were not super experienced..but we were a solid team.
#12: Status update and the ensuing attacks were taking 20 hours per week to deal with.2 hours per person..and thats just the averageimagine gaining a parttime employeethats what it felt like when jim covered us. This was infuriating for the departments. We used a product called InfoEd to do all of our Proposal Tracking and the Departments were gifted with a gorgeous dashboard so they could easily look up where their proposals stood in the process.
#16: Enforces themreally enforces themthis would not have been possible with this partthis is not something you can do half way
#17: Our visibility board, taking transparent work ethic to the next level.
#18: We were becoming organized, large within ourselves, full of standards and thoughtful, organized process. The Heijunka is low tech, cathartic, it allows me to measure the pulse of my department, it provides physical evidence. There is a one to one relationship between the WIP and a physical piece of paper. Cathartic because it is human nature to want to build or relieve a load. What you call that load is up to you of course
#19: We develop nifty tools to accommodate our new found sense of organization
Qualifications matrix was self assessed it helped our :batter do a better job of assigning helped with our Party L:ineif someone was not qualified to do the work they could pass to the next piece of paper
#20: We had to create and communicate standard work and stick to it. We had to establish a new workflow. Through standard work we produce reliable methods and then set a standard and a pace to remedy the hostility.
These are the lines: Rapid = deadline
C G negotiations (CTAs, MTAs Subs etc) 2 redline rule
Party Line ASU, LOI, NCE
#24: Dont let the percentages fool you however, 8% on the negotiations line consumes two FTEs all WIP is not created equally.
#25: This is where the cultural piece explodes on the field. .Id like to talk with you about the divas on each team Our president thinks in sports analogies so this was the image that came to his mindthis is chaotic, undisciplined full of individuals stars doing their own things..
#26: This was the most difficult part. My divas started making appearances and then some about examples of sub person, spo person, contracts person
SUB Person I was relieved to not have someone to worry about..i had an experienced person who made this her realmI was terribly wrongshe went out on leave and I discovered my trust had been betrayedshe left over 120 subs un initiated
Spo superstars
Contract diffusion cross training was not attractive to her
#27: Lots of insults and name calling, negativityDiva speak from the PIs. Of note here is the concept that THEY were the customer. Impossible. In lean management we identify value added and non value added as waste. They are partners. The customer are families and children. The waste is the energy , time, suffering, comforting that everyone experiences when dealing with all of this drama. We zero-ed in on who the customer really wasand it wasnt the PI
#28: Department administrators could no longer leverage personal relationships, ask for special favors , and now they may have to create reliable methods themselves. Some compassion here..they are the unsung heros..e of the department administrators most crucial roles is to translate the communications between the central office and the PI. It is important therefore, that The Central Office standardize communications and methods that mitigate any possible negative interpretations.. They are in a difficult spot..i often refer to them as agents to the rockstars .
#29: The change took guts and a strong enforcer. The painful part is that it showed everyones weaknesses along the way. With the implementation of standards everyone is in step.. The lines necessitated that the team work together. Jims imagery again but I get itorganized, in-step mistakes are easily apparentPDCA Plan DO Check Actare in constant Flux but we are together in that flux
#30: Please dont leave from this presentation with the impression that we have taken the talent out of our teams. The constant PDCA ing requires high performance, intelligence, and flexibility.
Ultimately, achieving this balance between the central office, the department administrator and the PI should result in waste reduction, enhanced effectiveness, standard work methods, clear communication, increased collaboration, and the ability to allow all the artists to tend to their art.