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Tuesday, 11 March, 2014
Blythswood Square Hotel, Glasgow
CIPR Scotland Group Chair, Laura Sutherland
Its time we looked to future proof our
profession....new ways of reaching audiences have
developed in the last ten years, not least social media
which enables anyone to reach across the globe in a
couple of clicks.
This conference looks at routes to PR, team
structures, teaching and skills, leadership and how
we can push PR to the top of the agenda.
Feel free to tweet your thoughts!
1-1.30pm Routes to PR
Prof Jacquie Letang and Dr Mandy Powell
1.30 - 2.30pm What the future PR team might look like
Nick Jones and Lynda Redington
2.30-3.30pm PR professionals of the future
John Heuston and David Martin
3.30 -3.50pm Break
3.50- 4.25pm Leadership
David Watt
4.25-5.30pm PR  Yes or No
Alastair McCapra, Phil Morgan, David Watt and Stephen Penman
5.30  6pm Networking drinks
 Speaker biographies on seats
 No planned fire alarms
 Help yourself to water
 Toilets outside the room in the corridor
 Interactive  each speaker will take questions or discussion
points after the presentation
 Tw: #PRfutureproof
 Wifi access
Professor Jacquie LEtang and Dr. Mandy Powell
talk us through the recent research into senior
PR practitioners in central Scotland
PR Routes & Roots: hierarchical or
rhizomatic structure?
Enacting Communications Expertise Through Public Relations Practice
Professor Jacquie LEtang, Dr Magda Pieczka & Dr Mandy Powell
Media, Communications & Performing Arts
Queen Margaret University
EH21 6UU
Bird, Plane or Superman?
 Who is senior and how is it made apparent?
 What is senior expertise?
 What knowledge and thinking underpins senior
 An historical category
 Routes to seniority  from ugly duckling to swan
 A route map or an aporia (pathless path)?
What the doctor ordered?
 Project conceived as Knowledge Exchange  identifying a
need and working collaboratively to find solutions
 Designed initially as linear pathway: researchgap
analysisdiagnosisdesign and delivery of solutions
 Abandoning the SatNav and the primrose path to
navigate complexity, aporia and re-entrants
Research methodology: where are the
 literature review
 exploratory and pilot
 qualitative social science
 multi-level intervention: focus group, interview,
individual mentoring (co-creative)
 grounded theory
 coded and analysed in NVivo (data software tool)
From identifying deficits to mapping
 from transmission to co-construction model
 knowledge about practice meeting knowledge in
practice through dialogue
 dialogue as deliberative space
 participation not imposition
 person, practice and social world
Towards authentic and autonomous
professional education: Communities
of Practice
(a) from networks to knotworks
(b) importance of horizontal and multidirectional
connections in human lives (rhizomatic structures)
(c) simultaneous vertical (cognitive) and horizontal (social)
movements enacted through participation in work
(d) professional learning as shift from peripheral
participation to becoming increasingly complex and
Towards authentic and autonomous
professional education: Reflexivity
(a) from calculative problem solving to meditative thinking
(b) opening ourselves to the exploration of tensions and
recognising identity as ephemeral
(c) being more responsive to different ways of thinking and
acting (unbecoming)
(d) commitment to open debate, to problematise language,
truth claims and universal explanations
(e) tension between professional practices and
organisational structures
PR professional bodies: fit for purpose?
I just dont think the profession has sufficiently
communicated itself as an actual generator of ideas as
opposed to the seller of ideas.
... to some extent the industry in Scotland as well as
elsewhere is guilty of and to some extent perpetuating a
very narrow perception of what PR is ...
... Im not sure ... its not a matter of going on a course ...
sometimes it is literally lived breadth of experience ...
[and] quite a depth of knowledge.
I mean I had probably thought the CIPR would have more
of a space for that [reflexive practice]. I dont find that
they have.
Theorising/Towards a systematic
understanding of learning in PR work
 where are the communities of practice practitioners
participate in and learn from?
 how do practitioners learn to think?
 what strategies do they use to analyse their practices?
 how is this supported? (and by who? whose
 where and what is the role of specialised knowledge?
 Shift focus from skills to thinking processes and critical
 The hidden value of senior PR knowledge/thinking that
underpins expertise
 Transformative engagement in safe spaces to facilitate self-
 Formulating senior PR knowledge and expertise for
developmental purposes
 Partnership working between senior practice, professional
bodies and senior academics e.g. practitioner-in-residence;
academics to work-shadow in practice.
Professional doctorates, advanced modules, academic
Storied so far
IPRA Thought Leadership Series:
Wanted: A Community of Practice for Senior Public Relations
QMU Working Paper Series:
Accessing PR Expertise: methodological considerations
Nick Jones and Lynda Redington talk about their
organisations and their teams  structure and skills
Visa Europe Confidential. This information is not intended, and should not be construed,
as an offer to sell, or as a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities.
CIPR Scotland
Social Media BAU* for the Future PR Team
Nick Jones
Head of Digital & CSR
Visa Europe
CIPR Scotland Future PRoofing conference presentations
Social Media BAU
 What is BAU?
 BAU for Visa Europe
 BAU for social media
 Social media strategy
BAU for the real world
Not unsettling
or distracting!
So is it this?
Do what you do well and keep going
http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/ for all your parodying needs
 or this?
BAU in my old job
Visa Europes BAU
BAU: big systems, big networks
 37Countries: Greenland to
 35,000per second at peak
 20milliseconds to authorise
BAU builds a big brand
Media is
BAU for
BAU: an expanded Twitter footprint
BAU: producing glanceable content
BAU: Images that are findable and shareable
BAU: measuring and monitoring to understand
CIPR Scotland Future PRoofing conference presentations
A strategy for a Future PR Team
Four part approach
 Review and revise our messages for digital edges
 Understand better how influence flows in this new world
 Tell stories made for a digital world
 Engagement: preparing for the big challenge
Revise and revise our messages
for digital edges
 Edges are the angles that cut
 They need to be honed regularly
 Is it still attractive and coherent to
digital culture?
 Digital culture
 Tries first
 Comments first
 Dis-proportionate content creators
 Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells replaced
by Digital of TechCity?
Using comms plans to pick the right stuff from
the digital smorgasbord
Create content
Pick channels
Tune timing
Handle interaction
2. Understand better how influence
flows in this new world
 Develop strong insight into digital behaviour of our stakeholders and
their relation to digital culture demographics.
Who to trust?
Who resonates with the influencers?
Empowering employee advocates
@VEapprentices to @StevePerryVE
Understand how the influencers are measured
3. Tell stories made for a digital world
 Produce content that is interesting and compelling because it is: part a
strong story, and part told in a relevant way
Social media story telling BAU
Get a cat that can dance
Been there, done that.
Social media BAU
If you cant
Even humble tea cakes can tell stories
4. Engagement: preparing for the big challenge.
Consumer and corporate comms connecting
The challenges of social media BAU*
 Demand for market specific language content
 No respecter of boundaries
 No respecter of brands
Market specific language content
BAU* The social world respects no boundaries
BAU* Merciless ridicule of poor execution
 Social media is BAU
 There can be digital elements to many comms plans
 But remember they must be led by business objectives
 Story telling remains important
 Greater understanding of the influencers is needed
 Content that cuts through is critical
Evolution or Extinction
Jason Gallucci
The Lexis Agency
Huge Threat, Huge Opportunity
PR Skill should dominate marketing for the next 10 years
Most PR agencies will go bust
 PC & Smartphone
 Social Media
 TV Fragmentation
 Cost Per Reach
 Viewing Behaviour Change
CIPR Scotland Future PRoofing conference presentations
PAID MEDIA = I buy my space I say what I want
OWNED MEDIA = I own my space I say what I want
EARNED MEDIA = I do something that makes others say
what they want about me
Pre Social Age
Owned Media
Earned Media
Post Social Age
Owned Media
Paid Media
Marketing has Flipped
Well, it will do over the next few years.
The Skill of EARNED can be applied to PAID and OWNED
Any piece of content could be a catalyst
If it is designed to be
Who creates the catalysts?
Do we design them or just PR them?
CMO test: Define PR Skill
Reputation Management?
Publicity? (in print editorial?)
The relationship between a brand
and its publics?
Internal Structures
Big brand organisations have been built around advertising for the last 50
They have not been built for the next 50 years
Who is Lead Agency?
Advertising has lead for 50 years (and are trying to adapt to keep
Ad agencies serve 2 functions:-
1. Brand Strategy and Creativity (big talent ECD, ESD)
2. Short Film making (Content)
Strategy, Creativity or Activation?
Activation Areas:
PR (publicity)
Digital Build
Whos in control?
We need to differentiate between Strategy,
Creativity and Activation
Earned Media Strategy
Earned Media Creativity
Influencer ID
PR (publicity)
Why will they care?
Why will they share?
Give PR a Makeover
Own the skill of 3rd party influence across ALL channels
Own the skill of Story Creation and Placement
Own the skill of Influencer Marketing
Own the metrics of Cost to Engagement
Own an ECD and ESD
Own Earned Media
Be LEAD agency
Jim Wolf
 Invest in credible talent on a par with Adland
 Who can you put around the table in a head to head?
 We recently hired Tessa Barrera, former Global Head of Social for Red Bull
to run our social business
Stay on speed
 What is working, what is not?
 Know New Campaigns, New Technology, New Trends
 We have a creative hub that is updated every day. It contains at least 200
case studies from around the world that out entire agency must LEARN
 Everyone must SHAG!
 Metrics are dead, long live data
 Give them a dashboard
 Enable them to crow  easily
 Help clients with their own careers
 Pick your battles
 Be bold and go to the top (if you are ready)
 Save them money
Keep evolving
Transient Dogmatism
The Stakes
Increasing and Significant Earned Media Budgets
Decreasing PR Budgets
Money where my mouth is
In April 2014 we are becoming a new collective of agencies under one roof.
100 people, 贈10m in fees, working for some of the worlds best brands
Services range from PR to Social to UX to Experiential to Content Creation to
Video Seeding
We will have a very senior, agnostic Strategy and Creative team in the centre
We specialise in Integrated Earned Media Marketing, turning influencers into
brand evangelists
John Heuston talks us through what FE is teaching
its students and how they link into future
employers. David Martin will give us insight into
what Skills Development Scotland is doing to fill the
gap and ensure the future is bright
Scotlands Creative Industries
& Skills Needs
David Martin, Key Sector Manager  Creative Industries
david.martin@sds.co.uk @creativeSDS
SDS - CIPR 2014
We work in partnership with the sector to:
 Enable people to reach their potential
 Make skills work for employers
 Improve the skills and learning system
 Prepare Scotland's workforce for today's global economy
Skills Development Scotland
SDS - CIPR 2014
Gathering intelligence on the skills demands of
 Partner insight
 Working with employers & representative bodies
 Skills alert on ourskillsforce.co.uk
 Skills pulse surveys
Articulating & prioritising skills development needs
in sectors & regions:
 Skills Investment Plans
 Regional Skills Assessments
 Regional Investment Plans
SDS - CIPR 2014
Employer & Economic Demands
SDS - CIPR 2014
Skills Investment Plan Process
 Review of economic data
and skills and LMI
 Consultation with more
than 80 stakeholders
across industry and
 SIP now finalised
 Next stage  action
planning workshops with
key partners
 Disseminate outputs to
 Diverse range of sub-sectors with main areas of growth in digital
 Dominated by micro-businesses with high levels of freelance
 Long-term growth trend stalled by recession
 Recent increase in business numbers and output suggest recovery
 Workforce highly qualified but lacks diversity
Indicator Creative Industries total % of Scotland total
Registered Enterprises (2012) 12,325 8%
Employment (2012) 65,000 3%
GVA (2011) 贈2.73bn 3%
SDS - CIPR 2014
Scotlands Creative Industries
Source: Scottish Government Economic Strategy Growth Sector Statistics, 2013
Skills Development Scotland CIPR 2014
 Digital technology
 Consumer behaviour
 Multi-disciplinary working
Future skills demand at the highest levels  digital and business skills
The emerging skills landscape
 20,000 students in Higher Education and 38,000 in Further
 Growing focus on entrepreneurial skills, but still largely the
domain of business schools
 Issues of over-supply?
 Provision and uptake of MAs still modest in the sector
 CPD patchy and difficult for micro-businesses and freelance
labour force
 Industry prizes experience
SDS - CIPR 2014
The current supply
Addressing the digital agenda
Developing industry readiness
Developing leadership and business skills
New approaches to delivery
Understanding the sector
SDS - CIPR 2014
Key themes for action
SDS - CIPR 2014
SDS & CIPR Scotland:
A new skills partnership
 Do you recognise the patterns and issues I have described?
 How diverse is your company skills base & workforce?
 Do you recognise the patterns and issues I have described?
 How diverse is your company skills base & workforce?
 What are your plans for succession planning?
 How do you identify, secure and introduce new talent?
 What are the challenges in developing your company capacity &
 What would help you to manage and respond to these issues
Working with national and local partners to invest in employers:
 Modern Apprenticeship programme
 Employer Recruitment Incentives
 Flexible Training Opportunities
 Energy Skills Challenge Fund
 Low Carbon Skills Fund
 Our Skillsforce  www.ourskillsforce.co.uk
SDS - CIPR 2014
Supporting employers
息 City of Glasgow College
Charity Number SC0 36198
Future Proofing: An FE perspective
John Heuston
City of Glasgow College
CIPR Scotland Future PRoofing conference presentations
HND Advertising and Public Relations
CIPR Scotland Future PRoofing conference presentations
Key skills.
 Press conference
 Media release
 Damage limitation
 Partnering with Kelvingrove, The Big Issue
 PR campaigns (objectives, publics, evaluation)
 Communications audit, media scanning, press packs
 In-house v consultancy (job titles and roles)
 Business skills
 Social (blogging, Twitter, company Facebook pages)
 Glasgow Caledonian University
 (Media & Communication. Marketing)
 CIPR accredited:
 Napier University
 (Communications, Advertising and PR)
 Queen Margaret University
 (PR & Marketing. PR & Media)
 Other universities
 (Robert Gordon, UWS, Leeds Met)
The real destinations.
 Aura PR
 Weber Shandwick
 Parlez Media
 Pagoda PR
Lets talk.
 Wed like to invite you to:
 Work with us on assessments. Feeding back to them.
(STV, Big Issue)
 Shape the course.
 Mould your future employees.
 Work experience. Internships. Workshops. Guest lectures
 0141 271 6218
 300 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G1 2TA
Lead the way and others will follow. CIPR has a duty
to set professionals standards but how can get into
the boardroom?
David Watt, Director, IOD Scotland talks us through
some top-line research we carried out with IOD
members and discusses leadership
Help, Support and Develop Directors
and provides:
- A range of services & facilities
- Events & Contacts
- Lobbying & Representation
- Professional Development
IoD in Scotland exists to:
IoD Core Activity
Third Sector
Public Sector
Scotlands future
Competent Boards and NXDs are key for:
Boards have to know about 
Corporate Governance
 Fiduciary behaviour
Health and Safety
Industry specific knowledge
Boards have to know about 
Social media
 Etc., Etc.
Now you want to add PR!!!
CIPR/IoD research
89% believe comms integral
56% dont have comms or PR person at senior/board level
34% to CEO
12% to wider board
23% to marketing director
12% to senior management team
CIPR/IoD research
45% say it is on board agenda
Only 33% saying occasionally on agenda
Only 1/3 of Directors regularly taking comms advice
77% media trained
70% robust plan for crisis but one third have nothing!
Boards should be on top of 
Corporate Governance  in practice
Crisis planning
Business Continuity
and they need help to do it!
A Good NXD is:
A critical friend  a sceptical ally
Strategic thinker
An expert in something you need
Not the same as you
Understands the context
NXDs have to know about:
Social Media
Strategy etc. etc. etc.
Especially know what they dont know!
So can CIPR members help?
-Get involved
-Push your expertise and worth
-Join the IoD
-Get trained
-Move outside your comfort zone
Get on Board!
They need your skills  they just dont know it!
Alastair McCapra, Phil Morgan, David Watt and
Stephen Penman lead the panel. Your input is
What if anything will change?
What sectors will be affected the most?
How will it change our approach to do business?
Does it possess an opportunity for Scottish-based
PR companies?
Will Scotland be an international hub like London?
Tuesday, 11 March
Blythswood Square Hotel, Glasgow

More Related Content

CIPR Scotland Future PRoofing conference presentations

  • 1. FUTURE PROOFING BROUGHT TO YOU BY Tuesday, 11 March, 2014 Blythswood Square Hotel, Glasgow
  • 2. WELCOME! CIPR Scotland Group Chair, Laura Sutherland @laurafromaura
  • 3. Its time we looked to future proof our profession....new ways of reaching audiences have developed in the last ten years, not least social media which enables anyone to reach across the globe in a couple of clicks. This conference looks at routes to PR, team structures, teaching and skills, leadership and how we can push PR to the top of the agenda. Feel free to tweet your thoughts! #PRfutureproof
  • 4. ORDER OF THE DAY 1-1.30pm Routes to PR Prof Jacquie Letang and Dr Mandy Powell 1.30 - 2.30pm What the future PR team might look like Nick Jones and Lynda Redington 2.30-3.30pm PR professionals of the future John Heuston and David Martin 3.30 -3.50pm Break 3.50- 4.25pm Leadership David Watt 4.25-5.30pm PR Yes or No Alastair McCapra, Phil Morgan, David Watt and Stephen Penman 5.30 6pm Networking drinks
  • 5. Speaker biographies on seats No planned fire alarms Help yourself to water Toilets outside the room in the corridor Interactive each speaker will take questions or discussion points after the presentation Tw: #PRfutureproof Wifi access HOUSE KEEPING
  • 6. ROUTES TO PR Professor Jacquie LEtang and Dr. Mandy Powell talk us through the recent research into senior PR practitioners in central Scotland
  • 7. PR Routes & Roots: hierarchical or rhizomatic structure? Enacting Communications Expertise Through Public Relations Practice Professor Jacquie LEtang, Dr Magda Pieczka & Dr Mandy Powell Media, Communications & Performing Arts Queen Margaret University Edinburgh EH21 6UU
  • 8. Bird, Plane or Superman? Who is senior and how is it made apparent? What is senior expertise? What knowledge and thinking underpins senior expertise? An historical category Routes to seniority from ugly duckling to swan Linear? Networked? A route map or an aporia (pathless path)?
  • 9. What the doctor ordered? Project conceived as Knowledge Exchange identifying a need and working collaboratively to find solutions Designed initially as linear pathway: researchgap analysisdiagnosisdesign and delivery of solutions dissemination Abandoning the SatNav and the primrose path to navigate complexity, aporia and re-entrants
  • 10. Research methodology: where are the gaps? literature review exploratory and pilot qualitative social science multi-level intervention: focus group, interview, individual mentoring (co-creative) grounded theory coded and analysed in NVivo (data software tool)
  • 11. From identifying deficits to mapping assets from transmission to co-construction model knowledge about practice meeting knowledge in practice through dialogue dialogue as deliberative space participation not imposition person, practice and social world
  • 12. Towards authentic and autonomous professional education: Communities of Practice (a) from networks to knotworks (b) importance of horizontal and multidirectional connections in human lives (rhizomatic structures) (c) simultaneous vertical (cognitive) and horizontal (social) movements enacted through participation in work (d) professional learning as shift from peripheral participation to becoming increasingly complex and engaged
  • 13. Towards authentic and autonomous professional education: Reflexivity (a) from calculative problem solving to meditative thinking (b) opening ourselves to the exploration of tensions and recognising identity as ephemeral (c) being more responsive to different ways of thinking and acting (unbecoming) (d) commitment to open debate, to problematise language, truth claims and universal explanations (e) tension between professional practices and organisational structures
  • 14. PR professional bodies: fit for purpose? I just dont think the profession has sufficiently communicated itself as an actual generator of ideas as opposed to the seller of ideas. ... to some extent the industry in Scotland as well as elsewhere is guilty of and to some extent perpetuating a very narrow perception of what PR is ... ... Im not sure ... its not a matter of going on a course ... sometimes it is literally lived breadth of experience ... [and] quite a depth of knowledge. I mean I had probably thought the CIPR would have more of a space for that [reflexive practice]. I dont find that they have.
  • 15. Theorising/Towards a systematic understanding of learning in PR work ... where are the communities of practice practitioners participate in and learn from? how do practitioners learn to think? what strategies do they use to analyse their practices? how is this supported? (and by who? whose responsibility?) where and what is the role of specialised knowledge?
  • 16. Futures? Shift focus from skills to thinking processes and critical reflexivity The hidden value of senior PR knowledge/thinking that underpins expertise Transformative engagement in safe spaces to facilitate self- understanding Formulating senior PR knowledge and expertise for developmental purposes Partnership working between senior practice, professional bodies and senior academics e.g. practitioner-in-residence; academics to work-shadow in practice. Professional doctorates, advanced modules, academic mentoring
  • 17. Storied so far IPRA Thought Leadership Series: Wanted: A Community of Practice for Senior Public Relations Practitioners http://eresearch.qmu.ac.uk/3358/1/eresearch_3358.pdf QMU Working Paper Series: Accessing PR Expertise: methodological considerations http://eresearch.qmu.ac.uk/3340/1/3340.pdf
  • 18. WHAT THE FUTURE PR TEAM MIGHT LOOK LIKE Nick Jones and Lynda Redington talk about their organisations and their teams structure and skills
  • 20. Visa Europe Confidential. This information is not intended, and should not be construed, as an offer to sell, or as a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities. CIPR Scotland Social Media BAU* for the Future PR Team Nick Jones Head of Digital & CSR Visa Europe @njones
  • 22. Social Media BAU What is BAU? BAU for Visa Europe BAU for social media Social media strategy BAU*
  • 23. BAU for the real world Not unsettling or distracting!
  • 24. So is it this? Do what you do well and keep going http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/ for all your parodying needs
  • 26. BAU in my old job
  • 28. BAU: big systems, big networks 37Countries: Greenland to Turkey 13.2bntransactions 35,000per second at peak 20milliseconds to authorise
  • 29. BAU builds a big brand
  • 31. BAU: an expanded Twitter footprint @VisaEuropeNews @VisaEuropeJobs @VisaEurope_FR @VisaEurope_DE
  • 32. BAU: producing glanceable content MORE STATS!
  • 33. BAU: Images that are findable and shareable
  • 34. BAU: measuring and monitoring to understand
  • 36. A strategy for a Future PR Team
  • 37. Four part approach Review and revise our messages for digital edges Understand better how influence flows in this new world Tell stories made for a digital world Engagement: preparing for the big challenge
  • 38. Revise and revise our messages for digital edges Edges are the angles that cut through They need to be honed regularly Is it still attractive and coherent to digital culture? Digital culture Tries first Comments first Dis-proportionate content creators Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells replaced by Digital of TechCity?
  • 39. Using comms plans to pick the right stuff from the digital smorgasbord Create content Pick channels Tune timing Handle interaction
  • 40. 2. Understand better how influence flows in this new world Develop strong insight into digital behaviour of our stakeholders and their relation to digital culture demographics. www.attenzi.com
  • 43. Understand how the influencers are measured http://www.brands2life.exvn.com/docs/Brands2Life_Oriella_Digital_Journalism_Study_The_New_Normal_for_News_Report_2013.pdf http://www.brands2life.exvn.com/docs/Brands2Life_DJS_2013_GRAPHIC.pdf
  • 44. 3. Tell stories made for a digital world Produce content that is interesting and compelling because it is: part a strong story, and part told in a relevant way
  • 45. Social media story telling BAU Get a cat that can dance https://www.gov.uk/government/history/10-downing-street#larry- chief-mouser
  • 48. Even humble tea cakes can tell stories
  • 49. 49
  • 50. 50
  • 51. 51
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 4. Engagement: preparing for the big challenge. Consumer and corporate comms connecting
  • 54. The challenges of social media BAU* Demand for market specific language content No respecter of boundaries No respecter of brands
  • 56. BAU* The social world respects no boundaries
  • 57. BAU* Merciless ridicule of poor execution
  • 58. Summary Social media is BAU There can be digital elements to many comms plans But remember they must be led by business objectives Story telling remains important Greater understanding of the influencers is needed Content that cuts through is critical
  • 61. Evolution or Extinction Jason Gallucci CEO The Lexis Agency
  • 62. Huge Threat, Huge Opportunity PR Skill should dominate marketing for the next 10 years Most PR agencies will go bust
  • 63. FAD OR FOREVER? PC & Smartphone Social Media TV Fragmentation Cost Per Reach Viewing Behaviour Change Trust Influencers Engagement
  • 65. PAID MEDIA = I buy my space I say what I want OWNED MEDIA = I own my space I say what I want EARNED MEDIA = I do something that makes others say what they want about me
  • 67. Pre Social Age PAID MEDIA Owned Media Earned Media Post Social Age EARNED MEDIA Owned Media Paid Media Marketing has Flipped Well, it will do over the next few years.
  • 68. The Skill of EARNED can be applied to PAID and OWNED Any piece of content could be a catalyst If it is designed to be
  • 69. Battleground Who creates the catalysts? Do we design them or just PR them?
  • 70. CMO test: Define PR Skill Reputation Management? Comms? Publicity? (in print editorial?) Spin? The relationship between a brand and its publics?
  • 71. Internal Structures Big brand organisations have been built around advertising for the last 50 years They have not been built for the next 50 years
  • 72. Who is Lead Agency? Advertising has lead for 50 years (and are trying to adapt to keep CONTROL). Ad agencies serve 2 functions:- 1. Brand Strategy and Creativity (big talent ECD, ESD) 2. Short Film making (Content)
  • 73. Strategy, Creativity or Activation? Activation Areas: PR (publicity) Social UX Digital Build Content Experiential Design CSR POS DM Whos in control?
  • 74. We need to differentiate between Strategy, Creativity and Activation Earned Media Strategy Earned Media Creativity Influencer ID PR (publicity) Social Experiential UX
  • 75. Our DNA Why will they care? Why will they share?
  • 76. Give PR a Makeover Own the skill of 3rd party influence across ALL channels Own the skill of Story Creation and Placement Own the skill of Influencer Marketing Own the metrics of Cost to Engagement Own an ECD and ESD Own Earned Media Be LEAD agency Jim Wolf
  • 77. Talent Invest in credible talent on a par with Adland Who can you put around the table in a head to head? We recently hired Tessa Barrera, former Global Head of Social for Red Bull to run our social business
  • 78. Stay on speed What is working, what is not? Know New Campaigns, New Technology, New Trends We have a creative hub that is updated every day. It contains at least 200 case studies from around the world that out entire agency must LEARN Everyone must SHAG!
  • 79. Data Metrics are dead, long live data Give them a dashboard Enable them to crow easily
  • 80. Educate Help clients with their own careers Pick your battles Be bold and go to the top (if you are ready) Save them money
  • 82. The Stakes Increasing and Significant Earned Media Budgets Decreasing PR Budgets
  • 83. Money where my mouth is In April 2014 we are becoming a new collective of agencies under one roof. 100 people, 贈10m in fees, working for some of the worlds best brands Services range from PR to Social to UX to Experiential to Content Creation to Video Seeding We will have a very senior, agnostic Strategy and Creative team in the centre We specialise in Integrated Earned Media Marketing, turning influencers into brand evangelists
  • 84. PR PROFESSIONALS AND THE FUTURE John Heuston talks us through what FE is teaching its students and how they link into future employers. David Martin will give us insight into what Skills Development Scotland is doing to fill the gap and ensure the future is bright
  • 86. Scotlands Creative Industries & Skills Needs David Martin, Key Sector Manager Creative Industries david.martin@sds.co.uk @creativeSDS SDS - CIPR 2014
  • 87. We work in partnership with the sector to: Enable people to reach their potential Make skills work for employers Improve the skills and learning system Prepare Scotland's workforce for today's global economy Skills Development Scotland SDS - CIPR 2014
  • 88. Gathering intelligence on the skills demands of employers: Partner insight Working with employers & representative bodies Skills alert on ourskillsforce.co.uk Skills pulse surveys Articulating & prioritising skills development needs in sectors & regions: Skills Investment Plans Regional Skills Assessments Regional Investment Plans SDS - CIPR 2014 Employer & Economic Demands
  • 89. Scaleofthesector /growthambition Reviewevidence ofskillsneeds Identifyskills prioritiesforgrowth Testwith industry Securebuy-infor SIPActions Assesssupply sideconstraints PublishSIP /ActionPlan Gapfilling SDS - CIPR 2014 Skills Investment Plan Process Review of economic data and skills and LMI research Consultation with more than 80 stakeholders across industry and partners SIP now finalised Next stage action planning workshops with key partners Disseminate outputs to industry
  • 90. Diverse range of sub-sectors with main areas of growth in digital Dominated by micro-businesses with high levels of freelance working Long-term growth trend stalled by recession Recent increase in business numbers and output suggest recovery Workforce highly qualified but lacks diversity Indicator Creative Industries total % of Scotland total Registered Enterprises (2012) 12,325 8% Employment (2012) 65,000 3% GVA (2011) 贈2.73bn 3% SDS - CIPR 2014 Scotlands Creative Industries Source: Scottish Government Economic Strategy Growth Sector Statistics, 2013
  • 91. Skills Development Scotland CIPR 2014 Drivers: Digital technology Globalisation Uncertainty Consumer behaviour Demands: Creativity Innovation Multi-disciplinary working Adaptability Future skills demand at the highest levels digital and business skills The emerging skills landscape
  • 92. 20,000 students in Higher Education and 38,000 in Further Education Growing focus on entrepreneurial skills, but still largely the domain of business schools Issues of over-supply? Provision and uptake of MAs still modest in the sector CPD patchy and difficult for micro-businesses and freelance labour force Industry prizes experience SDS - CIPR 2014 The current supply
  • 93. Addressing the digital agenda Developing industry readiness Developing leadership and business skills New approaches to delivery Understanding the sector SDS - CIPR 2014 Key themes for action
  • 94. SDS - CIPR 2014 SDS & CIPR Scotland: A new skills partnership Do you recognise the patterns and issues I have described? How diverse is your company skills base & workforce? Do you recognise the patterns and issues I have described? How diverse is your company skills base & workforce? What are your plans for succession planning? How do you identify, secure and introduce new talent? What are the challenges in developing your company capacity & capability? What would help you to manage and respond to these issues better?
  • 95. Working with national and local partners to invest in employers: Modern Apprenticeship programme Employer Recruitment Incentives Flexible Training Opportunities Energy Skills Challenge Fund Low Carbon Skills Fund Our Skillsforce www.ourskillsforce.co.uk SDS - CIPR 2014 Supporting employers
  • 97. 息 City of Glasgow College Charity Number SC0 36198 Future Proofing: An FE perspective John Heuston City of Glasgow College @adprJohn
  • 99. HND Advertising and Public Relations
  • 101. Key skills. Press conference Media release Damage limitation Partnering with Kelvingrove, The Big Issue PR campaigns (objectives, publics, evaluation) Communications audit, media scanning, press packs In-house v consultancy (job titles and roles) Business skills Social (blogging, Twitter, company Facebook pages)
  • 102. Destinations. Glasgow Caledonian University (Media & Communication. Marketing) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIPR accredited: Napier University (Communications, Advertising and PR) Queen Margaret University (PR & Marketing. PR & Media) Other universities (Robert Gordon, UWS, Leeds Met)
  • 103. The real destinations. 3x1 Aura PR Weber Shandwick Parlez Media Pagoda PR Edrington
  • 104. Lets talk. Wed like to invite you to: Work with us on assessments. Feeding back to them. (STV, Big Issue) Shape the course. Mould your future employees. Work experience. Internships. Workshops. Guest lectures
  • 105. Thank-you. @adprJohn John.Heuston@cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk 0141 271 6218 300 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G1 2TA
  • 107. LEADERSHIP Lead the way and others will follow. CIPR has a duty to set professionals standards but how can get into the boardroom? David Watt, Director, IOD Scotland talks us through some top-line research we carried out with IOD members and discusses leadership
  • 108. Help, Support and Develop Directors and provides: - A range of services & facilities - Events & Contacts - Lobbying & Representation - Professional Development IoD in Scotland exists to:
  • 109. IoD Core Activity Companies Third Sector Public Sector Scotlands future Competent Boards and NXDs are key for:
  • 110. Boards have to know about Corporate Governance Legislation Fiduciary behaviour Health and Safety Bribery Compliance Commerce Industry specific knowledge
  • 111. Boards have to know about Strategy Environment Social media Politics Risk HR Etc., Etc. and Now you want to add PR!!!
  • 112. CIPR/IoD research 89% believe comms integral 56% dont have comms or PR person at senior/board level Reports 34% to CEO 12% to wider board 23% to marketing director 12% to senior management team
  • 113. CIPR/IoD research 45% say it is on board agenda Only 33% saying occasionally on agenda Only 1/3 of Directors regularly taking comms advice 77% media trained 70% robust plan for crisis but one third have nothing!
  • 114. Boards should be on top of Reputation Image Corporate Governance in practice Crisis planning Business Continuity and they need help to do it!
  • 115. A Good NXD is: A critical friend a sceptical ally Strategic thinker An expert in something you need Not the same as you Understands the context
  • 116. NXDs have to know about: Risk Vision H&S Values HR Compliance Finance Social Media Strategy etc. etc. etc. Especially know what they dont know!
  • 117. So can CIPR members help? -Get involved -Push your expertise and worth -Join the IoD -Get trained -Move outside your comfort zone Get on Board! They need your skills they just dont know it!
  • 118. CIPR AFTER THE REFERENDUM Alastair McCapra, Phil Morgan, David Watt and Stephen Penman lead the panel. Your input is required! What if anything will change? What sectors will be affected the most? How will it change our approach to do business? Does it possess an opportunity for Scottish-based PR companies? Will Scotland be an international hub like London? #PRfutureproof
  • 120. FUTURE PROOFING BROUGHT TO YOU BY Tuesday, 11 March Blythswood Square Hotel, Glasgow