Circuit breakers are installed in electrical panels to shut off power when too much current flows, such as from too many devices plugged in or a short circuit. They contain contacts that separate when a fault is detected to immediately stop the flow of electricity. Circuit breakers can be classified by voltage level—low, medium, or high voltage—or by their arc suppression method, which includes air, oil, sulfur hexafluoride, vacuum, and magnetic circuit breakers. Vacuum and sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers are commonly used today due to their reliable and fast operation in shutting off electric current during a fault.
2. â–ªA circuit breaker is a device designed to shut off an
electrical circuit when too much current is flowing.
â–ªThis usually occurs if too many devices are plugged in or if
there is a short circuit. Circuit breakers are usually installed
in the electrical panel. Inside the circuit breaker, there is
usually two contacts which is touched between.When
detect a fault in the system, poles are divided each other.
The system reacts to immediate short circuits.The process
can be change different circuit breaker types.
3. â–ª The types of circuit breakers can be divided by these fields;
â–ªBy voltage level
â–ª Low Voltage (1-1kv)
â–ª MediumVoltage (1-72kv)
â–ª HighVoltage (72.5-.. Kv)
â–ª Arc suppression type
â–ª Air circuit breaker
â–ª CO2 circuit breaker
â–ª Disconnecting circuit breaker
â–ª Oil circuit breaker
â–ª Sulfur hexafluoride circuit breaker
â–ª Vacuum circuit breaker
â–ª Magnetic circuit Breaker
4. â–ªThe magnetic circuit breakers
uses electromagnet also
called solenoid.
â–ªWhen the current exceeds the
specified value, the system is
opened with the help of the
electromagnet and the
current is cut off.
5. â–ª Common in domestic, small
industrial and commercial
applications include Miniature
circuit breaker (type B, type C and
type D)and Molded Case Circuit
Breaker versions.
â–ª Characteristics given by
international standards.
â–ª Also It is made for DC applications.
6. â–ªOil circuit breaker is very
easy in construction.The oil
behaves, isolator between the
contacts and it uses for arc
â–ªDue to environmental and
cost concerns over insulating
oil spills, most new breakers
use SF6 gas to quench the arc.
7. â–ª In this type of circuit
breaker, the contacts of
device surrounded by
â–ª They are most often
used for high voltage
voltages. Especially cold
places heating might be
require to prevent gas
9. â–ª The disconnecting circuit breaker
(DCB) was introduced in 2000 and
is a high-voltage circuit breaker
modeled after the SF6-breaker.The
DCB is also high voltage circuit
â–ª The type of circuit breaker reduces
the space requirement, increases
availability and reliability.
10. â–ªIn this circuit breaker, the
fixed and moving contact is
enclosed in a permanently
vacuum area.
â–ªVacuum circuit breaker has a
high insulating medium for
arc extinction as compared to
the other circuit breaker.
â–ªWhen the fault occurs in the
system, the contacts of the
breaker are moved apart and
hence the arc is developed
between them.
11. â–ª Works on the same principle as
Sulphurre hexafluoride circuit
breaker, can also be produced
as a disconnecting circuit
breakers, high voltage breaker
â–ª Possible to reduce nearly 10
tons of carbon dioxide
emissions during the product’s
life time .
12. â–ªCircuit breaker is an essential part of electrical
network as it protects every device from electrical
â–ªHelps us to detect the fault and the area associated
with it
â–ªNowadays vacuum and sulphur hexaflouride circuit
breakers are widely used due to their reliable and
fast operations