A circle of diameter 70mm is drawn on the horizontal plane (HP). The plane is inclined such that the top view is an ellipse with a minor axis of 40mm. A diameter of the circle passes through a point A on the circumference and makes an angle of 45 degrees with the vertical plane (VP). The document provides step-by-step instructions to determine the inclination of the inclined plane with respect to the HP based on the given information.
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1. Draw the Projection of a circle of 70mm diameter on the HP. On a
Point A of the circumference. The plane is inclined to the HP such that
the top view is an ellipse of minor axis 40mm.The top view of the
diameter ,through the point A is making an angle of 450 with the VP.
Determine the inclination of plane with HP
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Circular plane Projection
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3. 1.Draw a circle as shown
70 Ø
Ashoka Institution
Since top view is an ellipse of minor axis 40mm.
And hence the surface makes an angle with HP
Therefore we need to Draw a circle in HP so that
surface parallel to HP and lying on HP