1. The document describes an activity called the "Heart Market Place" where students are divided into groups to review the circulatory system through collaboration.
2. Each group is assigned one of three topics - characteristics of blood vessels, functions of blood, or effects of exercise on the circulatory system.
3. The activity involves preparation, research, peer teaching, and testing stages where the groups work together to learn the assigned content and teach each other.
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Circulatory revision
1. The Heart Market Place
Sit yourself and collect the correct resources in
the groups of 3 assigned last lesson:
(2 minutes):
3 areas of study:
1= Characteristics of blood vessels
2= Function of blood
3= Effects of exercise on circulatory system
A3 photocopied sheet, pens, A4 paper, 1 flip
chart sheet
2. Circulatory System Revision
Why are we doing this??
Mock exam question on the circulatory
system was poorly answered
Understanding of the system varies
greatly in the class
From Unistructural to Extended Abstract
(simple to complex understanding SOLO
3. Learning Intentions
Subject Specific:
Consolidate knowledge & understanding
of the circulatory system
Personal Learning &Thinking Skill Team
Collaborate with others to work towards
common goals
5. Heart Market
Stage 1 Preparation 8 mins
Stage 2 Research 5
Stage 3 Peer teaching 5 mins
Stage 4 Test 8 mins
You now have 1 minute to read through
6. Test
1. Describe different IMMEDIATE effects of
exercise on the circulatory system (3 marks)
2. Describe different LONG TERM effects of
exercise on the circulatory system (3 marks)
3. State 3 functions of blood (1 mark)
4. Give 2 characteristics of capillaries (2 marks)
5. Give 2 characteristics of arteries (2marks)
6. Give 2 characteristics of veins (2 marks)
7. Preparation = Only 10
Words: Everyone MUST
So please use lots of ...
initial letters
graphic devices
8. Research (5 minutes)
1 Person = stays at your stall and sells
your information only using the
information on the flip chart sheet
Other 2 people visit the other stalls
buying information from stall holder
YOU must decide how to organise this: 2
stalls cover the same information;
remember, you only have 5 minutes!!
9. Peer Teaching (5 minutes)
You should now, between your group,
have covered ALL 3 sections....
Go back to your group and exchange
information gathered from the other stalls.
Can be a discussion or make notes
10. Review:
3 skills you used
In your group:
Draw a BIG CIRCLE on the back of your sheet to represent a PIE
Split the pie chart into 3 sections 1 section represents 1 persons
overall contribution to the groups work (= %)
OPEN Questions:
What did you like about todays learning?
How did you achieve success? Why wasnt your team
How could you improve your time management?
What would you do differently next time?
What are the dangers of learning like this?