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the morbid dread of citing and
Dont be afraid to cite!
Citing made easy doable
Types of Citation Styles
 Others: CSE, Turabian, etc.
 American Psychological Association
 Used as a standard for disciplines such as
the social sciences
Types of Sources
 Books: Reference
books, encyclopedias, anthologies, books
by one or more authors
 Periodicals: scholarly
journals, magazines, newspapers, online
 Websites: government or education
websites, commercial websites, nonprofit
 Sources from subscription databases
Types of Sources: Books
 Section title and author (if available)
 Page numbers of section
 Author (or editor) or book
 Title page of book
 Verso title page
Types of Sources: Periodicals
 Article title and author (if available)
 Date of article (always year, sometimes
month and day)
 Title of publication
 Volume number and issue (if available)
 Access point if available through library
database; URL if available online
Types of Sources: Databases and E-books
 KNOW the database you used
 Name of database is sufficient (URL is not
Types of Sources: Websites
 Responsible party:
author, organization, university, governme
nt org, etc.
 Title of section consulted
 Name of website
APA: Periodical w/DOI
Simpson, A. (2007). The impact of team
processes on psychiatric case
management. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 60, 409-418. doi:
APA: Periodical w/o DOI
Sands, L., & Shaevitz, B. (2007). Kale in
every pot. Orion, 26(4), 12. Retrieved
from LexisNexis Academic database.
APA: Book
Kerrigan, W., & Braden, G. K., Jr. (1989).
The idea of progress (2nd ed.). Chicago:
Avalon Press.
APA: Website
Latex allergy. (2007, December 1).
Retrieved from http://mayoclinic.com
In-Text Citations
 Help the reader find where you got the
information from
 Do the References list first
In-Text Citations
 Always use the FIRST thing in your
reference list
(this may be the author, title, website
organization or other)
 Use the YEAR
 For direct quotes use page numbers
In-text Citations: APA
 Paraphrase (no quotes, no page numbers)
 Quote (include page or para. numbers)
 Do you have all the
information from your
 What goes in text?
Whatever is first on your
works cited page.
 Webpages arent as
complicated as they seem:
look for an author or
responsible organization, a
title, a date of some
sort, and a URL (http).
 No date?
- use the abbreviation n.d.
APA Hints:
capitalization (only
first letter and
proper names) for
titles of books and
parenthetical in text
 Include DOI if
available for online
 Online and web-based services
 RefWorks (available to St. Kates current
students and staff ONLY)
 Word 2007 and other purchased software
Word 2007
Word 2007
 Garbage in, garbage out
(enter all names and titles accurately and in correct
 Double-check results
 Save frequently
 Citing not available in earlier version of Word
Librarians available online and via phone:
reference@stkate.edu | 651-690-6652

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Citophobia apa

  • 1. Citophobia the morbid dread of citing and bibliographies
  • 2. Dont be afraid to cite! Citing made easy doable
  • 3. Types of Citation Styles APA MLA Chicago Others: CSE, Turabian, etc.
  • 4. APA American Psychological Association Used as a standard for disciplines such as the social sciences
  • 5. Types of Sources Books: Reference books, encyclopedias, anthologies, books by one or more authors Periodicals: scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, online journals Websites: government or education websites, commercial websites, nonprofit websites Sources from subscription databases
  • 6. Types of Sources: Books Section title and author (if available) Page numbers of section Author (or editor) or book Title page of book Verso title page
  • 7. Types of Sources: Periodicals Article title and author (if available) Date of article (always year, sometimes month and day) Title of publication Volume number and issue (if available) Access point if available through library database; URL if available online
  • 8. Types of Sources: Databases and E-books KNOW the database you used Name of database is sufficient (URL is not needed)
  • 9. Types of Sources: Websites Responsible party: author, organization, university, governme nt org, etc. Title of section consulted Name of website URL
  • 10. APA: Periodical w/DOI Simpson, A. (2007). The impact of team processes on psychiatric case management. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60, 409-418. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04402.x
  • 11. APA: Periodical w/o DOI Sands, L., & Shaevitz, B. (2007). Kale in every pot. Orion, 26(4), 12. Retrieved from LexisNexis Academic database.
  • 12. APA: Book Kerrigan, W., & Braden, G. K., Jr. (1989). The idea of progress (2nd ed.). Chicago: Avalon Press.
  • 13. APA: Website Latex allergy. (2007, December 1). Retrieved from http://mayoclinic.com
  • 14. In-Text Citations Help the reader find where you got the information from Alphabetical Do the References list first
  • 15. In-Text Citations Always use the FIRST thing in your reference list (this may be the author, title, website organization or other) Use the YEAR For direct quotes use page numbers
  • 16. In-text Citations: APA Paraphrase (no quotes, no page numbers) Quote (include page or para. numbers)
  • 17. Hints Do you have all the information from your source? What goes in text? Whatever is first on your works cited page. Webpages arent as complicated as they seem: look for an author or responsible organization, a title, a date of some sort, and a URL (http). No date? - use the abbreviation n.d. APA Hints: Sentence capitalization (only first letter and proper names) for titles of books and articles Author-date parenthetical in text format Include DOI if available for online journals
  • 19. Short-cuts Online and web-based services RefWorks (available to St. Kates current students and staff ONLY) Zotero Word 2007 and other purchased software
  • 21. Word 2007 Garbage in, garbage out (enter all names and titles accurately and in correct capitalization) Double-check results Save frequently Citing not available in earlier version of Word
  • 22. Questions? Librarians available online and via phone: reference@stkate.edu | 651-690-6652