The Citrus County Enterprise Center (CCEC) is an incubator that helps technology startup companies grow. It offers specialized education programs, ongoing strategic advice, access to outside resources, and interaction with other tenants. CCEC provides flexible office space, shared services, and helps startups graduate to become self-sufficient businesses in the community after 3 years of incubation. The admission process involves submitting an application with business plan and financial information, followed by a presentation to the CCEC board.
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Citrus County Enterprise Center
1. Citrus County Enterprise Center An incubator helping technology startup companies develop and grow
2. Things Startups Need Fundingventure capital, loans or grants Management team with dual combination of business and technical people Specialized education and information Ongoing strategic advice and mentoring Space and specialty equipment
3. What CCEC will offer Specialized education programs Ongoing strategic advice Access to important outside resources Continual interaction with other tenants Flexible space Shared services
4. Specialized Education Programs Bimonthly special seminars Monthly pizza topics Meet and Greet events every quarter Cooperative education programs Invitations to special events and conferences Libraryonline database and trade publications
5. Bimonthly Special Seminars Third-Party Agreements Structuring, Negotiating and Consummating Agreements with Other Companies Negotiations Negotiating the best agreement for your company Intellectual Property Protection Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other IP forms Competitive Analysis Researching and determining your companys competitive advantages
6. Monthly Pizza Topics Strategic Planning Set your company on the track to success Intellectual Property Protecting your companys intellectual and other valuable property Exporting Grow your business by selling to foreign markets Sales and Distribution Strategies Deciding what strategy is best for your companys products or services
7. Quarterly Meet & Greet Events Meet and greet: Bankers Lawyers Accountants Insurance Agents Your company will learn: What services these groups can offer it How they work How and what they charge for their services What theyll expect from your company
8. Cooperative Education Programs and Courses Available for Startups College of Central Florida Citrus Information Technology Alliance Florida High Tech Corridor SCORE Small Business Development Center University of Central Florida
9. Special Events and Conferences Monthly education events Topical business workshops Presentations by outside experts Entrepreneurs roundtable Entrepreneur of the Year awards banquet Chamber of Commerce education programs
10. Ongoing Strategic Advice Advice on business plans and strategies Developing and revising a business plan Defining and quantifying the market for your companys products and services Identifying effective sales and distribution strategies Consummating outsourcing agreements with other companies Sharing of startup company experiences Assistance on establishing 1-2 objectives to be achieved in next 90 days as part of business plan
11. Introductions to Beneficial Outsiders Early-stage funding sourcesbankers, investors, active and passive partners Persons with specialized knowledgeattorneys, accountants and consultants Potential CEOs and other C level management
12. Access to Outside Resources Introductions or names of potential service providers your company will need Access to outside resources, such as Citrus County Chamber of Commerce, Educational institutions, Small Business Resource Network Sources or contacts for solutions to business problems
13. Contact with Other Tenants Daily interaction with other resident startup companies Sharing of common problems and experiences Opportunity to discover solutions or find new business opportunities Sharing of service providers As-needed interaction with CEC service providers and supporters
14. Flexible Space 135 to 475 sq. ft. spaces Some spaces have special features, such as 3 phase electrical power Furnished spacesdesk, chair and filing cabinet Initial 1-year term. After 1 st year, lease can be terminated on 30-days notice Startup can expand or contract its space as business needs dictate
15. Shared Services (Included in Rent) 2 conference rooms with Internet and telephone service LCD and overhead projectors Business library Laminating and binding equipment Display boards and racks for trade shows
16. Fee Services (Provided at competitive prices) Photocopying (collating color copier) Telephone service Broadband Internet service Secretarial services Postage meter
17. CCEC Incubation Process Startup is dependent and lacks financial viability Startup is self-sufficient and financial viable Entry 3 Years Graduation
18. Graduation from CCEC Move into Citrus County business community Relocation assistance from Citrus EDC Groundbreaking ceremony or ribbon cutting with community officials
20. Ideal CCEC Resident Startup Startup or early-stage company Innovative product, service or process Protected technology or ability to grow business Necessary technical expertise Active, engaged entrepreneur working in business Cash for next 6-months of operating expenses Product, service or process with market growth potential Ability and willingness to grow rapidly during next 3 years Desire to leverage CCEC's ongoing strategic advice and help
21. Information Needed Completed application Business plan or executive summary Facilities impact and proposed use of space statement Authorization for summary credit report Financial information and documentation
22. Admissions Process Once completed application and information is submitted, CCEC board: reviews application; performs market research interviews principals may request additional information Applicant makes PowerPoint presentation to CCEC board, followed by question and answer session After presentation, applicant is notified about admission decision
23. How can Citrus County help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into viable businesses and create jobs? One answer is