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overview Small Business  Historically Underutilized Business Plan
Our Mission The mission of the City of Charlotte, Small Business Program is to increase the capacity and contract acquisition rate of Certified Historically Underutilized Businesses.
Our Goals  Creating a 5 year strategic plan  Maintaining and increase 12-18% MWSBE/HUB contract participation rate Increase monetary level of non-bidded contracts under $30K Streamlining HUB  bid packages & certification process Implement Multi-Bid Packaging system to increase capacity & opportunity Contractors Institute of 2008 HUB Advisory Committee Technology / Marketing
120 Day Work Plan HUB Advisory Committee   5 Year Strategic Plan  Partner with state officials to create a disparity study for City of Charlotte HUBs Lobbying for legislation that increases the minimum amount of non-bidded contract awards for HUBs Streamline Bid-Packages and the Certification process to make it more user friendly Partner with faith-based / marketing group to get message out to small business owners
120 Day Work Plan Streamlining Bid-Packages  Waive Bid Application Deposits for Certified HUBs 2. Point system will be created on RFPs to make sure GCs are making a good faith effort to hire an HUB before submitting proposal GCs must sign affidavit stating that they will use specific subcontractor to perform specific duties  Implement Multi- Bid Packaging System GCs must complete price parity forms when submitting bids The City of Charlotte will unbundle contract proposals to attract more HUBs Separate and Dual Prime Bidding
120 Day Work Plan Seminars designed to provide technical assistance to all small businesses wishing to do business with FWISD.  We will partner with local companies and municipalities to host the event over a three day period. Examples of Seminar topics include: I.R.S laws impacting Small Businesses Building Relationships with Prime Contractors Making a Profit MWBE / HUB Certification process Contractors Institute 2008
120 Day Work Plan Technology Contractor consulting firms offer programs that provide real-time leads on hundreds Of projects out for public bid.  Minority contractors are placed on an electronic list server that is connected to a municipal database filled with bid announcements. I am aware of two groups who perform those services in North Carolina. By using the technology that links HUBs to GCs and bid opportunities; participation rates will increase. By the 120 th  day we will: Enlist a Contractor Database Consultant Group to conduct a seminar and provide training for the services they offer.  Update current database of HUBs and create new categories based on bonding levels, contracts awarded, and the type of work they do.  Request for funding to use a Temporary building with computer equipment to be used by Certified HUBs that do not have modern technology (fax, computer w/internet, copiers, etc)
120 Day Work Plan Marketing The Small Business Department should be responsible for sending out reading material related to monthly meetings and policy changes.  For large events, we should bid out services to a Historically Underutilized Marketing Firm. We will establish relationships with the local media to highlight contract opportunities with  the city and the programs we promote. As a former Broadcast Journalist with the  Army and contributing writer in several publications, I aware of the vehicles used  in marketing. By the 120 th  day we should have a link on the  City of Charlottes Website that gives visitors: contact information for questions / concerns , notes from our (HUB Advisory / Contractor Orientation) meetings  and guidelines for completing the Certification process.
Considerations 油 Consider that in the 3rd  fiscal quarter of 2007, the City of Charlotte  made formal and informal purchases totaling $100.8 million . Of that  total; $16.7 Million dollars was spent with Minority and Women  Business Enterprises.  The City met the goal for MWBE participation in five of the six  categories analyzed: 1. Architecture and Engineering 2. Construction companies awarded with less and more than $30K  3.  Goods and Supplies 4. Other services Professional services is the only area where the goal was not met.
Considerations When breaking down the $16.7 million that was spent with minority firms, 10% was spent  with African American firms,  7% with Asian Americans 10% ,with Hispanic Americans  and 15% with Native Americans and 58% with Non-minority females.
Contact Rodney Ragsdale 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 (803) 487-2444

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City Of Charlotte Hub 07

  • 1. overview Small Business Historically Underutilized Business Plan
  • 2. Our Mission The mission of the City of Charlotte, Small Business Program is to increase the capacity and contract acquisition rate of Certified Historically Underutilized Businesses.
  • 3. Our Goals Creating a 5 year strategic plan Maintaining and increase 12-18% MWSBE/HUB contract participation rate Increase monetary level of non-bidded contracts under $30K Streamlining HUB bid packages & certification process Implement Multi-Bid Packaging system to increase capacity & opportunity Contractors Institute of 2008 HUB Advisory Committee Technology / Marketing
  • 4. 120 Day Work Plan HUB Advisory Committee 5 Year Strategic Plan Partner with state officials to create a disparity study for City of Charlotte HUBs Lobbying for legislation that increases the minimum amount of non-bidded contract awards for HUBs Streamline Bid-Packages and the Certification process to make it more user friendly Partner with faith-based / marketing group to get message out to small business owners
  • 5. 120 Day Work Plan Streamlining Bid-Packages Waive Bid Application Deposits for Certified HUBs 2. Point system will be created on RFPs to make sure GCs are making a good faith effort to hire an HUB before submitting proposal GCs must sign affidavit stating that they will use specific subcontractor to perform specific duties Implement Multi- Bid Packaging System GCs must complete price parity forms when submitting bids The City of Charlotte will unbundle contract proposals to attract more HUBs Separate and Dual Prime Bidding
  • 6. 120 Day Work Plan Seminars designed to provide technical assistance to all small businesses wishing to do business with FWISD. We will partner with local companies and municipalities to host the event over a three day period. Examples of Seminar topics include: I.R.S laws impacting Small Businesses Building Relationships with Prime Contractors Making a Profit MWBE / HUB Certification process Contractors Institute 2008
  • 7. 120 Day Work Plan Technology Contractor consulting firms offer programs that provide real-time leads on hundreds Of projects out for public bid. Minority contractors are placed on an electronic list server that is connected to a municipal database filled with bid announcements. I am aware of two groups who perform those services in North Carolina. By using the technology that links HUBs to GCs and bid opportunities; participation rates will increase. By the 120 th day we will: Enlist a Contractor Database Consultant Group to conduct a seminar and provide training for the services they offer. Update current database of HUBs and create new categories based on bonding levels, contracts awarded, and the type of work they do. Request for funding to use a Temporary building with computer equipment to be used by Certified HUBs that do not have modern technology (fax, computer w/internet, copiers, etc)
  • 8. 120 Day Work Plan Marketing The Small Business Department should be responsible for sending out reading material related to monthly meetings and policy changes. For large events, we should bid out services to a Historically Underutilized Marketing Firm. We will establish relationships with the local media to highlight contract opportunities with the city and the programs we promote. As a former Broadcast Journalist with the Army and contributing writer in several publications, I aware of the vehicles used in marketing. By the 120 th day we should have a link on the City of Charlottes Website that gives visitors: contact information for questions / concerns , notes from our (HUB Advisory / Contractor Orientation) meetings and guidelines for completing the Certification process.
  • 9. Considerations 油 Consider that in the 3rd fiscal quarter of 2007, the City of Charlotte made formal and informal purchases totaling $100.8 million . Of that total; $16.7 Million dollars was spent with Minority and Women Business Enterprises. The City met the goal for MWBE participation in five of the six categories analyzed: 1. Architecture and Engineering 2. Construction companies awarded with less and more than $30K 3. Goods and Supplies 4. Other services Professional services is the only area where the goal was not met.
  • 10. Considerations When breaking down the $16.7 million that was spent with minority firms, 10% was spent with African American firms, 7% with Asian Americans 10% ,with Hispanic Americans and 15% with Native Americans and 58% with Non-minority females.
  • 11. Contact Rodney Ragsdale 600 East Fourth Street Charlotte, NC 28202 (803) 487-2444