This document provides an overview of living labs, including:
1) A brief history noting the work of pioneers like Veli Pekka Niitamo and William J. Mitchell who helped establish the concept.
2) Details several "Orange" living labs located in the Netherlands, including the Amsterdam Living Lab.
3) Notes that living labs provide access to real-world users, data, and environments to support research, innovation, and business development.
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1. Living Labs
Bits of History, Words of Advice
The best way
to predict the
future is to
invent it.
Alan Kay
2. Martijn Kriens
Medical Data Recorder
Amsterdam Living Lab
Program development Telematica Institute
CTO Human Inference
Director BSO eCommerce/QI
MSc Industrial Engineering & Informatics, @martijnkriens
9. The basic output that
has become dominant in the
most advanced economies
human meaning
and communication
Yochai Benkler
The Wealth of networks
10. Orange Living Labs
Amsterdam Living Lab
Living Lab Leiden
EXser Living Lab Almere
KOALA Living Lab Groningen
Living Lab Rotterdam
Freeband Living Lab
11. country name type of member em am no
Netherlands Urban Management Fieldlabs Adherent member 0 1 0
Netherlands Foundation the Hague Innovation Motor (HIM) 0 0 1
Netherlands MiPlaza 0 0 1
Netherlands Freeband experience lab 0 0 1
Netherlands Amsterdam Living Lab 0 0 1
Netherlands Care Innovation Center West-Brabant Adherent member 0 1 0
Netherlands Next Generation Labs East Netherlands NGL-EN Adherent member 0 1 0
Netherlands Eindhoven Living Lab Effective member 1 0 0
Country Effective member Adherent member No affiliation Totaal
Spain 5 18 44 67
Finland 3 6 8 17
Poland 2 0 3 5
UK 2 10 10 22
Turkey 2 2 0 4
Sweden 1 4 8 13
Netherlands 1 3 4 8
Switzerland 1 2 4 7
Taiwan 1 0 3 4
Belgium 1 9 3 13
Luxembourg 0 1 0 1
Grand Total 19 163 223 405
12. "If you don't fail at least 90%
of the time, you're not aiming
high enough.
Alan Kay