This document provides information about information literacy workshops hosted by the National Library Board of Singapore. It defines information literacy as the ability to articulate information needs, locate, evaluate, and use information effectively which prepares people for lifelong learning and participation in an information society. The workshops aim to empower participants to become information literate citizens through teaching skills like using the Big6 problem-solving process, developing search strategies, evaluating information sources, and citing sources. The workshops are customized for different groups like teachers, parents, students, and office workers.
4. What is Information Literacy?
Information literacy is the core of
lifelong learning.
It prepares the person to:
articulate his information needs
seek, identify, locate, evaluate &
use information effectively.
5. What is Information Literacy?
Being information literate is a prerequisite for
effective participation in an information society
because information literacy prepares the person to become
independent learners & critical thinkers.
7. Information Literacy Workshops
Our workshops seek to empower a person to become
information literate citizens who are equipped to function in
an information society. Our holistic and comprehensive
programmes are customized for Teachers, Parents &
8. Information Literacy Workshops
Participants of our workshops can expect to learn
lifelong skills such as:
The Big6 information problem-solving process
How to develop effective search strategies
How to get better search results on the Internet
How to evaluate information and select reliable &
relevant information
How to cite information sources
How to locate good information sources for school