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Performance Analysis
      Performance Analysis is the integration of multiple technologies and the applied sciences
       to assist with identification of key performance indicators that can lead to either skilled
          performance or human error. It is about measuring what we do and how we do it.

Philosophy                                                          Objectives
In any skill situation it is often difficult to identify and then   •   To introduce participants to different types of
recall all the events that occurred during the time frame it            technology used to analyse performance.
took to complete the shift, task or game. This then makes           •   Improve confidence of trainers and assessors in
it difficult to understand why some errors or inefficiencies            using technology to measure, analyse and report on
are occurring. That’s where the following can be helpful:               skills.
                                                                    •   Demonstrate the application of technology in real-
•    video of the skill         •    graphs and statistics              time scenarios.
•    audio of responses         •    real time coaching
                                                                    •   Demonstrate the application of technology in
•    real time skill analysis   •    reporting on kpi’s
                                                                        workplace settings and for different skills or tasks.
In fact, research has pointed to severe human limitations           •   Provide the participants with the opportunity to
with respect to our ability to analyse events, with two                 set-up and test equipment under the guidance of an
key studies finding that only 30-50% of key performance                 experienced performance analysis technician.
factors witnessed in a session could be recalled, even with         •   Engage the learner through real-time coaching and
special training in observation. The outcomes are even                  interaction with technological innovations that can
worse if we ask people to recall events at a later time. Elite          enhance their own skills as a trainer or assessor.
sport has known this for years, and that’s why coaches
and athletes use technology to help improve core skills.            Course Information
By adopting performance analysis techniques it is possible          •   2 day introductory course.
to create a valid and reliable record of skill execution that       •   The Course can be delivered on-site using a
can be viewed and analysed, with the aim of providing                   mixture of real time in-field activities and class room
performance enhancing feedback. We do this by:                          activities, or at a Confiance training venue.
•     using computer based technologies to measure                  •   Self-paced learning units.
      physical, mental and behavioural outcomes; and                •   Post-course support services are also available,
•     teaching trainers, coaches and leaders how to                     on-site or remotely, for organisations wishing to
      maximise their instruction skills using various types             implement a technology based analysis program.
      of technology and analysis methods.                           •   Workplace or sport skills analysis.

    If you are interested in finding out more about our services you can visit our website,
           or you can call or email us to discuss your organisation’s training needs.

                                                                                  Confiance Learning
                                                                                W: www.confiancelearning.com.au
                                                                                 E: learning@confiance.com.au
                                                                                        P: 1300 982 458
                                                                                         F: 1300 982 735

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  • 1. Performance Analysis Performance Analysis is the integration of multiple technologies and the applied sciences to assist with identification of key performance indicators that can lead to either skilled performance or human error. It is about measuring what we do and how we do it. Philosophy Objectives In any skill situation it is often difficult to identify and then • To introduce participants to different types of recall all the events that occurred during the time frame it technology used to analyse performance. took to complete the shift, task or game. This then makes • Improve confidence of trainers and assessors in it difficult to understand why some errors or inefficiencies using technology to measure, analyse and report on are occurring. That’s where the following can be helpful: skills. • Demonstrate the application of technology in real- • video of the skill • graphs and statistics time scenarios. • audio of responses • real time coaching • Demonstrate the application of technology in • real time skill analysis • reporting on kpi’s workplace settings and for different skills or tasks. In fact, research has pointed to severe human limitations • Provide the participants with the opportunity to with respect to our ability to analyse events, with two set-up and test equipment under the guidance of an key studies finding that only 30-50% of key performance experienced performance analysis technician. factors witnessed in a session could be recalled, even with • Engage the learner through real-time coaching and special training in observation. The outcomes are even interaction with technological innovations that can worse if we ask people to recall events at a later time. Elite enhance their own skills as a trainer or assessor. sport has known this for years, and that’s why coaches and athletes use technology to help improve core skills. Course Information By adopting performance analysis techniques it is possible • 2 day introductory course. to create a valid and reliable record of skill execution that • The Course can be delivered on-site using a can be viewed and analysed, with the aim of providing mixture of real time in-field activities and class room performance enhancing feedback. We do this by: activities, or at a Confiance training venue. • using computer based technologies to measure • Self-paced learning units. physical, mental and behavioural outcomes; and • Post-course support services are also available, • teaching trainers, coaches and leaders how to on-site or remotely, for organisations wishing to maximise their instruction skills using various types implement a technology based analysis program. of technology and analysis methods. • Workplace or sport skills analysis. If you are interested in finding out more about our services you can visit our website, or you can call or email us to discuss your organisation’s training needs. Confiance Learning W: www.confiancelearning.com.au E: learning@confiance.com.au P: 1300 982 458 F: 1300 982 735