This document describes a lab environment for migrating a Novell GroupWise installation from NetWare to Linux. The lab uses VMware to run images of NetWare and Linux servers as well as a Windows workstation. It outlines the network configurations and software needed to complete the migration process using the GroupWise migration wizard. Key steps include checking the existing GroupWise environment, running migration checks and tools to migrate the GroupWise domain, users, and settings to the Linux server.
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Cl210 lab
1. Migrating Novell 速 GroupWise 速 to Linux Lab Description Paul van der Cruyssen The Network Factory [email_address] Diethmar Rimser BrainAgents [email_address]
2. VMware Environment Three images CL210, OES NetWare, novell Original GroupWise 速 installation CL210, OES Linux, novell Destination server CL210, XP Migration, novell Workstation to run the migration wizard Working together via vmnet5 (host only environment)
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