How to Use Your Claimed Free Business Listings, and how to respond to positive and negative reviews on TripAdvisor, Google+ Local, Google Places, Google Maps, Bing Business Portal, Yahoo Local, MapQuest, Yelp, FourSquare, and A "How To" Guide to responding to positive and negative reviews and managing your online reputation. Tips for increasing your ranking on review sites. A complement to a small business's search engine optimization (SEO) plan.
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Claim and Optimize Your Business Listings - Part Two
2. What You Will Learn in This Class:
Important Marketing Tools Found in Your
Claimed Listings:
Google Places/Google Plus Local
Yahoo Local
Bing Business Portal
How to Track, Respond to, and Promote
Your Reviews
3. Google+ Local
Google Offers allows you to reach potential customers
near your business. Using their mobile device, these
customers can find your offer and visit your business
right away. And its free,for a limited time
Customers simply show you the offer on their phone
and you apply the appropriate discount at checkout.
You can see how many offers have been saved and
redeemed in the Offers tab in your Google Places
Go to, and login to your Google
account. Click on the top right blue tab that says "offers."
Follow the simple guidelines to post your offer.
4. Yahoo Local
Go to
Look at Reputation Tracker Tab (mentions and
Look at Local Visibility Tab for other Local Listing
No mobile promotions available on Yahoo for Small
5. Bing Local
Go to
Login to your Bing account
Preview tab:
A mobile version of your website
A QR Code for your website
A window sticker to download and print
Mobile tab:
Mobile content - list your specials here
Click blue marketing tab at the very top:
Then click on "Deals" to set up an offer that can be
displayed on your bing listing and on the mobile
6. MapQuest (formerly known as AOL Maps)
1 out of 5 map searches are done on
Make sure your listing is current and
completely filled out to reach your potential
customers who are searching for you on
No mobile deals/offers available on
MapQuest at this time.
7. Yelp
Your business account is located at: https://biz.
Activity tab: Learn about your audience.
Reviews tab: Monitor and respond to your
Check-in Offers tab: Create an offer that
appears on your business listing in the Yelp
Mobile app.
Go into the "Account Information" tab to set
up your email notifications to be notified
when a new review is posted.
8. FourSquare
Features include:
Share an update to have it appear:
When people view your location
After people check in
In your loyal customers friends tabs
Share your update to Facebook and/or Twitter
Find out how many customers you have on
foursquare, how many times they've checke
and who your mayor is (the customer who h
checked in the most times in the last 60 days)
Set up a special offer for mobile devices.
9. TripAdvisor
Go to and login.
Click on "Your Business and Account", then "Your
Business." The Management Center is full of tools,
Manage your TripAdvisor Page: Enhance you
listing, upload photos and videos; update busi
details, rates and booking info; track performa
and more...
Manage your Reviews: Know what your custo
are saying about you and post your reply.
Free Marketing Tools: Use downloadable badg
and widgets on your own website to display yo
TripAdvisor ratings and reviews, encourage
customer reviews and create photo slideshows.
10. Responding to Reviews
It takes 20 years to build a reputation
and five minutes to ruin it.
- Warren Buffet
Fact: Consumers are far more likely to believe
the review (opinion) of a stranger than the
advertising message of a business.
11. Responding to Reviews
Keep these three things in mind as you're
crafting a message to your customer:
Your reviewers are your paying customers
Your reviewers are human beings with
(sometimes unpredictable) feelings and
Your reviewers are vocal and opinionated
(otherwise they would not be writing
12. Responding to Positive Reviews:
ALWAYS respond to positive reviews.
Your purpose should be simply to deliver a
human thank you and let them know you care.
That's it. No gift certificates. No mailing lists.
No event invites. No reactions to the minor
complaint in their review. No requests for
them to tell more friends about your business.
Remember, this customer already likes your
business -- just use this opportunity to thank
them and introduce yourself.
13. Responding to Negative Reviews:
Negative reviews can feel like a punch in the gut. We
care deeply about our business, and it hurts when
someone says bad things about it. A negative review
can even feel like a personal attack.
Your first instinct is the "double D." Deny and Defend. It
doesn't matter whether their account is true, false or lies
somewhere in between. Defending and denying will be
a HUGE mistake!
Failure to respond to a negative reviews sends a
strong message to prospective customers that you have
no customer service and further entices them to stay
away. One of the first things I review with a new client is
their reviews across multiple channels. When they ask
me why they have no business yet their competitors do,
this is often where we find the answer.
14. Stop, Drop, and Roll
1. Stop - Don't respond immediately. Sleep on
it. Waiting 24 hours can make all the difference.
2. Drop - Drop the prideful, defensive and harsh
response. Let a trusted co-worker or friend
read through your response before posting.
3. Roll - Roll with it. In the end, you can't
control the opinions of your clients. Attempt to
mend any valid issues this person presented
through their review. Keep providing the best
possible service and products.
15. Responding to Negative Reviews
You have a chance to help the situation and maybe
even change this customer's perspective for the better.
There are many success stories from business owners
who were polite to their reviewers and were given a
second chance.
But be careful here: if your reviewer perceives that you
are being rude or condescending, there's a chance he
or she could get angry and make the situation even
worse. Keep in mind that this is a vocal customer who
could well copy and paste your message all over the
16. Negative Review Response:
Keep it simple.
"Thank you for the business and the
If you can be specific about the customer's
experience and any changes you may have
made as a result, this could go very far in
earning trust.
17. Use a Listening Tool
1. Know what is being said about your business.
Negative statements, lies, rumors can spread in
an instant. The longer you wait to respond, the
more damage will be done.
2. To get notifications sent to you by e-mail, set up
Google Alerts for your business name. Google
Alerts sends you a notification when you have
been mentioned in articles, blogs, reviews, etc.
3. Some review sites can be set up to send you a
notification when a review is posted (Yelp,
18. Learn From Others
Here are some businesses to study on
TripAdvisor. Their review responses - whether
to a positive or negative review- are very
appropriate and can help you craft your own
High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, NC
Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC
19. Improve Your Review Rankings
Loyal and repeat customers can be a huge
asset to your online reputation.
When you have a satisfied customer at your
business location, hand them an easy review
sheet and ask them to share their experience.
20. Create a Custom Review Sheet
Select up to 3 of the most popular
review sites for your business.
Include a QR code so customers can
find your review site and leave a
review from their mobile phone
immediately upon leaving your
Include an active hyperlink to the page
on the review site for your business, if
you prefer to email this document to a
Make sure the links and QR codes go
to the EXACT page on the review site
for your business.
Use a URL shortener to make it easier
for customers to find your site in case
they need to type in the URL directly.
Handout Resources:
Create QR Codes:
Create short URL's:
21. Responding to Reviews
Fact: Every Star in a Review Leads to a 5-9%
Jump in Revenues
Risk comes from not knowing what you
re doing.
- Warren Buffett