The document provides an update for a social media marketing course. It outlines revisions to the syllabus including new virtual meeting dates and changes to assignment structure. It reminds students to maintain participation through social media posts and discussion questions for grading. Recent reading assignments on social networking ethics and increasing ROI from social media marketing are noted. This week's topics cover current events, a Super Bowl case study, and analytics based on Qualman's questions of who, what, where, when and why.
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Class 7
1. Class 7, COM 540
PR Topics: Social Media
Practices and Analysis
Oct. 3, 2013
2. Revised syllabus
New stuff you need to
Assignment structure
New course meeting plan:
virtual meetings Oct. 24,
Nov. 7, Nov. 14, Dec. 5
3. Assignments and
Assignment updates
Keep up the participation:
post to social media
accounts, complete
discussion questions, etc.
Grading: 2000 total points
4. From last week
Social networking and
Increasing the ROI of
social media marketing
5. From this week
Current events
Super Bowl case study:
Perceptions of
6. From this week
Qualman 17
Who, What, Where,
When, Why of analytics