Students in Mrs. Gardner's 6th grade ELA class will follow netiquette guidelines called "The Big 10" when communicating online. The Big 10 provides rules for proper online etiquette, such as spelling checking work before publishing, avoiding all capital letters, being honest, and stopping cyberbullying. Students are expected to use emoticons and acronyms appropriately and exercise discretion online. Following these guidelines will create a more positive experience for all users.
2. Lesson Objective
Learning Objective: I can use proper
netiquette when communicating online by
following the Big 10.
TEKS: TECH 3(B) demonstrate proper etiquette and
knowledge of acceptable use while in an individual
classroom, lab, or on the Internet and intranet
4. Netiquette
What is Netiquette?
Netiquette is a set of guidelines that
remind users to behave properly while
online. Proper netiquette helps users
remain responsible and respectful while
communicating electronically.
5. The Big 10
1. Spell Check
2. No All Caps
3. Tell the Truth
4. Be Yourself
5. Do not flame
6. The Big 10
6. Do not Spam.
7. Be Conservative.
8. Emoticons and Acronyms.
9. Use Discretion.
10. Stop Cyberbullying.
7. Review/Questions
1. What should you do before publishing
work online?
2. What is wrong with typing in all caps?
3. When are Emoticons appropriate in this
class? What about Acronyms?
4. Someone is sending your friend
threatening messages online, what do
you do?
5. I received an email that said I won a free
Xbox. What do I do?
#6: 1. Spell Check: Spell check and proofread all internet correspondence.2. No All Caps: Please refrain from using all capital letters in internet correspondence. This can be interpreted as shouting. Remember, the user reading your message is a real person. Be polite.3. Tell the Truth: You should always tell the truth Online.4. Be Yourself: Be yourself Online. You are not anonymous Online and other users are real people, too. Do not say or do things Online that you would not do in reality. Your Online image is important. Don't ruin it by being someone you're not.5. Do not flame: Refrain from posting or responding to inflammatory material, or flames on the Internet, because they are uncivilized. A flame is a personal insult communicated through the Internet. If you witness an instance of flaming, report it to an adult.