The class rules for Team Drypel include raising hands only when necessary, notifying Mike when adding content to a website, eating outside if not enough time on breaks and returning when finished, listening to "what's new?", maintaining silence when Mike is talking, completing all homework, coming to class with downloaded activities, trying to always speak in English, and trying to understand without translating.
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Class rules
1. Class Rules
Team Drypel
Valeria Querub鱈n, Mariana Mej鱈a, Sim坦n
Torres, Isabela Mosquera
1. Raise your hand only if it is neccesary.
2. To Mike: you must say when you put
something on your website.
3. If you dont have enought time to eat
on break, you must eat outside and enter
into the classrom when you finish.
4. Listen to the whats new?
5. Keep silence when Mike its talking.
6. Do all the homeworks.
7. Come to class with the activities
already downloaded.
8. Try to always talk in English.
9. Try to not translate, but understand.