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PHY131H1F - Class 21
 Today, finishing Chapter 13:
 Simple Pendulum
 Circular motion and S.H.M.
 Energy in S.H.M.
 Damped Harmonic Motion
 Driven Oscillations and Resonance.
From http://www.cavatoyota.com/blog/what-are-shock-absorbers/
To test your vehicles shock absorbers, simply push down on the
each corner of the vehicle and observe its bounce. The vehicle
should bounce up and return to its center resting position. If it
continues to bounce, the shock absorber should be replaced.
What is the net torque on this pendulum?
So the simple harmonic motion equation for 慮 as a function of time
裡 = 
= 瑞

The solution to this is  =  cos( + 0), where A and
0 are arbitrary, and the frequency of oscillations (in rad/s)

Suppose we restrict a pendulums oscillations to small angles
(< 10属). Then we may use the small angle approximation sin
慮  慮, where 慮 is measured in radians. The net torque on the
mass is
But the rotational inertia of a point mass m a distance L
from the rotation axis is I = mL2, so  =
Two pendula have the same length, but
different mass. The force of gravity,
F=mg, is larger for the larger mass.
Which will have the longer period?
A. the larger mass
B. the smaller mass
C. neither
Learning Catalytics Question 1
Luke and Leia have a combined mass of 120
kg and both grasp a rope of length 30 m that
is attached to a beam above them. The beam
is half-way across a 10 m horizontal gap, and
they want to swing across. If they start from
rest and swing down and up, just reaching the
other side, how long does this take?
Mass on Spring versus Pendulum
Mass on a
Condition for
Small oscillations
(Hookes Law is
Small angles



A person swings on a swing. When the person sits
still, the swing oscillates back and forth at its natural
frequency. If, instead, the person stands on the
swing, the natural frequency of the swing is
A. greater
B. the same
C. smaller
Learning Catalytics Question 2
A grandfather clock at high altitudes runs
A. fast.
B. slow.
C. normally as it does at sea level.
Image from https://www.1-800-4clocks.com/Bulova-Vickery-Wall-Chimes-Clock_C4329_CUV
Learning Catalytics Question 3
Uniform Circular Motion Simple Harmonic Motion
Energy of a mass on a spring
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
 If the net force on an object is a linear
restoring force (ie a mass on a spring, or a
pendulum with small oscillations), then the
position as a function of time is related to
cos( 0

 Cosine is a function that goes forever, but
in real life, due to friction or drag, all
oscillations eventually slow down.
Damped Oscillations
When a mass on a spring experiences the force of the spring
as given by Hookes Law, as well as a drag force of
magnitude |D|=bv, the solution is
Example 13.6.
A cars suspension acts like a mass-spring
system with m = 1200 kg and k = 5.8  104
N/m. Its shock absorbers provide a damping
constant of b = 230 kg/s. After the car hits a
bump in the road, how many oscillations will it
make before the amplitude drops to half its
initial value?
Damped Harmonic Motion
(a) underdamped
(b) critically damped, and
(c) overdamped oscillations.
Driven Oscillations and Resonance
 Consider an oscillating system that, when left to itself,
oscillates at a frequency f0. We call this the natural
frequency of the oscillator.
 Suppose that this system is subjected to a periodic
external force of frequency fext. This frequency is called the
driving frequency. Driven systems oscillate at fext.
 The amplitude of oscillations is generally not very high
if fext differs much from f0.
 As fext gets closer and closer to f0, the amplitude of the
oscillation rises dramatically.
14.8 Externally Driven Oscillations
Before Class 22 on Monday
 If you havent done it, please check your utoronto email, respond to the
course_evaluations email and evaluate this course!
Image from http://freger.weebly.com/the-five-senses.html
 Something to think about over the
weekend: Two of the five senses
depend on waves in order to work:
which two?
 Please start reading Chapter 14 on
Waves and/or watch the Preclass 22
video. Note that we will only cover the
first seven sections of chapter 14 for this
course (No Doppler shift)

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  • 1. PHY131H1F - Class 21 Today: Today, finishing Chapter 13: Simple Pendulum Circular motion and S.H.M. Energy in S.H.M. Damped Harmonic Motion Driven Oscillations and Resonance. From http://www.cavatoyota.com/blog/what-are-shock-absorbers/ : To test your vehicles shock absorbers, simply push down on the each corner of the vehicle and observe its bounce. The vehicle should bounce up and return to its center resting position. If it continues to bounce, the shock absorber should be replaced.
  • 2. What is the net torque on this pendulum?
  • 3. So the simple harmonic motion equation for 慮 as a function of time is: 裡 = 2 2 = 瑞 2 2 = The solution to this is = cos( + 0), where A and 0 are arbitrary, and the frequency of oscillations (in rad/s) is: = Suppose we restrict a pendulums oscillations to small angles (< 10属). Then we may use the small angle approximation sin 慮 慮, where 慮 is measured in radians. The net torque on the mass is But the rotational inertia of a point mass m a distance L from the rotation axis is I = mL2, so =
  • 4. Two pendula have the same length, but different mass. The force of gravity, F=mg, is larger for the larger mass. Which will have the longer period? A. the larger mass B. the smaller mass C. neither Learning Catalytics Question 1
  • 5. Example. Luke and Leia have a combined mass of 120 kg and both grasp a rope of length 30 m that is attached to a beam above them. The beam is half-way across a 10 m horizontal gap, and they want to swing across. If they start from rest and swing down and up, just reaching the other side, how long does this take?
  • 7. Mass on Spring versus Pendulum Mass on a Spring Pendulum Condition for S.H.M. Small oscillations (Hookes Law is obeyed) Small angles Angular frequency Period L g m k k m T 2 g L T 2
  • 8. A person swings on a swing. When the person sits still, the swing oscillates back and forth at its natural frequency. If, instead, the person stands on the swing, the natural frequency of the swing is A. greater B. the same C. smaller Learning Catalytics Question 2
  • 9. A grandfather clock at high altitudes runs A. fast. B. slow. C. normally as it does at sea level. Image from https://www.1-800-4clocks.com/Bulova-Vickery-Wall-Chimes-Clock_C4329_CUV Learning Catalytics Question 3
  • 10. Uniform Circular Motion Simple Harmonic Motion
  • 12. Energy of a mass on a spring
  • 15. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) If the net force on an object is a linear restoring force (ie a mass on a spring, or a pendulum with small oscillations), then the position as a function of time is related to cosine: ) cos( 0 t A x Cosine is a function that goes forever, but in real life, due to friction or drag, all oscillations eventually slow down.
  • 17. Damped Oscillations When a mass on a spring experiences the force of the spring as given by Hookes Law, as well as a drag force of magnitude |D|=bv, the solution is
  • 18. Example 13.6. A cars suspension acts like a mass-spring system with m = 1200 kg and k = 5.8 104 N/m. Its shock absorbers provide a damping constant of b = 230 kg/s. After the car hits a bump in the road, how many oscillations will it make before the amplitude drops to half its initial value?
  • 19. Damped Harmonic Motion (a) underdamped (b) critically damped, and (c) overdamped oscillations.
  • 20. Driven Oscillations and Resonance Consider an oscillating system that, when left to itself, oscillates at a frequency f0. We call this the natural frequency of the oscillator. Suppose that this system is subjected to a periodic external force of frequency fext. This frequency is called the driving frequency. Driven systems oscillate at fext. The amplitude of oscillations is generally not very high if fext differs much from f0. As fext gets closer and closer to f0, the amplitude of the oscillation rises dramatically.
  • 21. 14.8 Externally Driven Oscillations Resonance!
  • 22. Before Class 22 on Monday If you havent done it, please check your utoronto email, respond to the course_evaluations email and evaluate this course! Image from http://freger.weebly.com/the-five-senses.html Something to think about over the weekend: Two of the five senses depend on waves in order to work: which two? Please start reading Chapter 14 on Waves and/or watch the Preclass 22 video. Note that we will only cover the first seven sections of chapter 14 for this course (No Doppler shift)