
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
All operatione ere perfotmed hlenually :
Man Conttolled
All Operations are performed
automaticelly: Computer Couttolled
Production Time Very High: Dne tri lot
of time wnstagen during opecuti
Productiou Time qiiite low: dne to
removal of inefiicieot time eucii ss:
repeated meastiremen Chip removal,
Tool change over etc.
Acciimcy Depends on Human Accuzacy doesn't depcads oa Humaa
skill and hence unskilled person can aleo
operete the machine once machine
setting is over.
Consistency in the quality of products
cannot be achieved.
Yields consisteni quality products.
Complicated prof4e mahining vezy
difEcelt to mqchine at even sometimcs
impossible ta mutdzc.
Can easily be machined because the
movements of the machine is conttulled
by o program.
Difference Between Conventional & CNC M/cing
Very low flexibility or adaptability of new
High flexibility for new components or
Workpieee clamping and tool mounting
methods quite slow in operation.
Mochanicsd eyeteme are commonly used.
Quiek aeting wotkpiece elamping and
tool mounting methods adopted auch
aa hydrsutic end pne tmatie ayatema.
Not paasible. Consiatency in the cyle time of pzaduct
Manufactuzing eost quite 転zigh. As q whole maaufacture of preducts at 束
reduced cost is possible.
Low initial investments High initial inveetments
One person can operate only one
Machine ut a time
One person can operate more than one
euch machines ai a iime
DiCerence Between I>ithe & Stilling
Two axis Machine extendable to $-
Principal Motions:
Lon +u&nM (A) W Tmnsveme
Rotational Motion of Workpiece about
Single Point Cursing tools are used.
Consist of a turtet to accommodate
number of tools. Upon indexing the
turret the roofs are paeitioned to work
the w/p the
Three Axis Machine extendable to 6-
贈lenerally flat or contoured surfaces are
Longitudinal (X), Transverse (Y) and
Vertical (Z) trnvel of Workpiece
RotRtiooal h4otion of Tool generally
Multiple point cutting tools are used.
Consists of a ATC to accommodate
number of tools. The tools are changed
really usin a different
Lathe Milling
W/p ie clamped either on a chuck or
by a collect system.
W/p is clamped on the machine bed in
vise or ptoper fixturing arrangements.
May have more than one spindle for May have more than one pallets for
 Ways of Mach誰ning
 Parts of CNC Machine
 Working Methods of CNC
Ways of Machining
 Conventional or Traditional
 Numerical Control (NC)
 Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
Difficulties with Conventional System
 Complex shapes are difficult to machine
 Depends on the human skill
 Frequent & repeated measurements are required
 Difficult to achieve consistency in product quality
 High Changeover Time
 Less productive hours
 More scrap is generated
Current arket Deman
 High quality products
0 at 0 Lowest cost
0 in 0 Minimum time
0 with 0 wide range of variety
Parts of C/CNC Machine
_ _


) Machi
ne Control Uni
ne Tool Uni.
Programming nit
 Computer system
 User Interface dev誰ce
 Data Storage and Transfer facility
achine Control nit
 Tape Reader
 Data Buffer
 Signal Output Channels to Machine Tool
 Feedback channels from the Machine Tool
Machine Tool
 Actuation System
Stepper motor/servomotor
Ball Screw & nut with support bearing
Feed back devices on closed loop system
Linear Bearing
 Tool & Work handling Devices
Automatic Tool Changers (ATCs)
Turret Head
Automatic Pallet Changers
Hydraulic/Pneumatic Tool/Work Clamping System
Machine Tool
 Actuation System
Stepper motor/servomotor
Ball Screw & nut with support bearing
Feed back devices on closed loop system
Linear Bearing
 Tool & Work handling Devices
Automatic Tool Changers (ATCs)
Turret Head
Automatic Pallet Changers
Hydraulic/Pneumatic Tool/Work Clamping System
2. Fundamental Principles
 Coordinate System
 Longitudinal Motion
 Transverse Motion
 Reference System
 Machine Reference
 Work Reference
Instruction or program
N 10 G 00 X 50.0 Z 25.0 ;
Block No.
G 00
Words End of Block
Fanuc Heidenhein
Program Logic & Structure for the both the eyeiome are aame only the writing format ia
Both uses G & M Codes for writing the pnogtems.
Standard alot milling, pocket
cycles not available.
milling Ttiene
available 束e rim atandeid G-Code
Siondard functions for mirroring,
Corner wounding, corner chamfeziog etc
a able.
functions for mirroring etc are
Program number starts with the tetter Doesn't.
Requires block termination or end of
btock ' ; *
Requires '.' in the numerical
such as 20.1$ or 28.0
values doesn't
Compare & Contrast Fanuc & Heidenhain
Basic Program Structure
 Working unit
Mm: G71
Inch: G70
 Working Plane
XY: G17
ZX: G18
YZ: G19
 Dimensioning method
Absolute: G90
Incremental: G91
Simple Example Program (Absolute)
% 101 G71
N05 G90 G17
N10 G30 X0 Y0 Z-10
N20 G31 X100 Y100 ZO
N30 G99 T1 LOR5
N40 M06 T1
N50 M03 S2000
N60 G90 G00 X20 Y20
N62 G01 Z5 F250
N65 G01 Z
O F100
N70 G01 Z-1 F50
N80 G01 X80 Y20F100
N90 Y80 X80
N100 X20
N110 Y20
N120 G00 Z5
3 M
N1 0 0
20 60
Simple Example Program (Incremental)
Oo102 G71
N05 G90 G17
N10 G30 X-50 Y-50 Z-10
N20 G31 X50 Y50 ZO
N30 G99 T1 LO R3
N40 M06 T1
N50 M03 S2000
N60 G90 G00 X-40 Y0 Z10
N65 G01 ZO F500
N70 G01 Z-1 F50
N80 G91 Y-40
N90 X80
N100 Y80
N110 X-80
N120 Y-40
N130 G00 Z10
N140 M05
Example Program
 Use of G02/G03
 Use of G40/G41/G42
 Use of Tangential Approach
o 103 G71
N10 G90 G17
N20 G30 X-30 Y-30 Z-20
N30 G31 X30 Y30 ZO
N40 G99 T1 LO R7
N50 M06 T1
N60 M03 S2000
N70 G90 G00 Z50
N80 G00 X0 Y-55
N90 G01 Z1 F500
N95 ZOF50
N100 G41 Z-5 F50
N110 G03 X0 Y-25 R15 F300
N120 G01 X-20 Y-25
6.0 5
30 0
N140 G98 L3
N15O G17 G91 Y-15
N133 GOOG90 Z+1 M99
N134 L3.2
N135 G98 L4
N136 G17 G91 X-15
N137 GOOG9O Z+1 M99
N134 L4.2
N140 GOOZ1 M99
N142 GOOZ10
N144 G98 LO
N145 MOS
N150 M30
N9999 %1005 G71
10 10
Depth of Cut Increment Method
%1002 G71
N100 G17 G90
N200 G30 X-45 Y-45 Z-15
N300 G31 X+4S Y+45 Z+0
N400 G99 T1 L+0 R+7
N500 G00 G40 G90
N600 T1 M06
N700 S1000 M03
N800 G00 X-S5 Y+0 Z+10
N900 Z+0
N1000 G98 L1
N1100 G01 G41 G91 Z-1 F100
N1200 G90 X-30 Y+0 F80
N1300 X-30 Y+20
N14OO X-20 Y+30
N141O X2O Y3O
N15OO GO2 X+30 Y+20 R+10
N16OO GO1 X3O Y-20
N170O GO2 X+20 Y-30 R+10
N180O GO1 X-20 Y-30
N185O X-30 Y-20
N186O X-30 Y0
N187O GOG4O X-55 YO
N1900 L1.4
N2000 G98 LO
N2100 G40 Z+20
N2200 M30
N9999 %1002 G71
Linear circular polar Method
%1003 G71
N2O G17
N40 G17 G30 G9O X+0 Y+0 Z-10
N6O G31 G9O X+100 Y+100 Z+0
N8O G99 T1 L+0 R+3
N90 T1
N110 G01 M06
N120 S2000
N140 G01 M03
N18O G00 G90 X+20 Y+20 Z+5
N200 GO1 G90 Z-1 FSO
N220 G9O I+20 J+20 G29
N240 G11 G90 R+80 H+45 F100
N260 G90 I+50 J+50 G29
N280 G12 G90 H-55
N300 GO7 G90 X+20 F60
N320 GOOG90 Z+5
N340 GO1 M30
N9999 %1003 G71
Writing Format:
G83 P01.... P02.... PO3.... P04.... P05....
P01: Setup Clearance
P02: Total Depth
P03: Pecking Depth
P04: Dwell Time (in Sec nds)
P05: Feed Rate
%1005 G71
N05 G17 G90
N10 G30 X-45 Y-45 Z-15
N20 G31 X+45 Y+45 Z0
N30 G99 T1 L+0 R+4
N31M06 T1
N32 M03 S2000
N40 G90 G40 G00 X-40 Y-30
N45 G01 Z10 F800
N50 G01 Z3 F100
N60 G83 P01 -1 P02 -5 P03 -1P04 0.1P05 100
N65 Z1 M99
N70 G98 L1
N80 G17 X-40 Y30 G90
N90 G00 Z1 M99
N100 G98 L2
N110 G17 G91 G01 X10 F100
N120 G90 G00 Z1 M99
N130 L2.5
N140 G98 L3
N15O G17 G91 Y-15
N133 GOOG90 Z+1 M99
N134 L3.2
N135 G98 L4
N136 G17 G91 X-15
N137 GOOG9O Z+1 M99
N134 L4.2
N140 GOOZ1 M99
N142 GOOZ10
N144 G98 LO
N145 MOS
N150 M30
N9999 %1005 G71
10 10
Writing Format
G75 P01... P02 ... P03 ... P04 ... P05 ... P06 ... P07 ...
P01: Setup Clearance
P02: Total Depth
P03: Peckng Depth
P04: Feed Rate in Z-axis
P05: 1st Side Length of Pocket
P06: 2nd Side Length of Pocket
P07: Feed Rate for Cutting
G75 : Rectangular Pocket Milling Clockwise
G76: Rectangular Pocket Milling Anti Clockwise
N05 G17 G90
N10 G30 X0 Yfi Z-I5
N20 G31 X+90 Y+90 ZO
N30 G9S TI I.+0 R+3
N40 G4fi GS8
N50 5103SISI
N60 G湛0 X2OY2G
NHS G0) Z10 F230
N坦8 G00 Z3
N70 G74 P0l 
50P05 X+40 P06 Y+10 P07 100
NS0 G00 K3 hI99
N100 GS0 120J20GU R60H9 5199
Nll0 G00 Zl0
Nl2短 6I端端
G74 POI... B02 ... P03 ...
P0l: Setup Clearance
P02:Total Depth
P03: Pecking Depth
P04: Feed Rate in Z-axis
POS: 1st
Side I.ength of Slot
P06: 2≒ Side I.enyth of Slot
POS:Feed Rate for Cutting
N05 G17 G90
N10 G30 X0 Yfi Z-I5
N20 G31 X+90 Y+90 ZO
N30 G9S TI I.+0 R+3
N40 G4fi GS8
N50 5103SISI
N60 G湛0 X2OY2G
NHS G0) Z10 F230
N坦8 G00 Z3
N70 G74 P0l 
50P05 X+40 P06 Y+10 P07 100
NS0 G00 K3 hI99
N100 GS0 120J20GU R60H9 5199
Nll0 G00 Zl0
Nl2短 6I端端
&rifing Format
G達8 X
V'here, X is the name Gif 脱x狸s 狸n which mirroring wil狸 take place
%1010 G71
N05 G17 G90
N10 G17 G30 X-50 Y-50 Z-10
N20 G31 X+50 Y+50 Z+0
N30 G99 T1 L+0 R+3
N40 T1 M06
N40 G40 G90
N50 S1500 M03
N60 G90 X+0 Y+0 Z+5
N70 G98 L150
N80 G00 X+10 Y+10
N82 G01 Z+5 F500
N85 G01 ZO F100
N90 G01 Z-1 F50
N100 G01 X+20 Y+10 F100
N110 G01 X+20 Y+15
N112 X15 Y15
N114 Y25
N116 X30
N118 Y30
N120 X10
N122 Y10
N124 G
N140 G98 LO
N150 G28 X L150
N160 G28 X Y L150
N170 G28 Y L150
N18O G
N200 M05 G
N100 M30

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  • 1. All operatione ere perfotmed hlenually : Man Conttolled All Operations are performed automaticelly: Computer Couttolled Production Time Very High: Dne tri lot of time wnstagen during opecuti Productiou Time qiiite low: dne to removal of inefiicieot time eucii ss: repeated meastiremen Chip removal, Tool change over etc. Acciimcy Depends on Human Accuzacy doesn't depcads oa Humaa skill and hence unskilled person can aleo operete the machine once machine setting is over. Consistency in the quality of products cannot be achieved. Yields consisteni quality products. Complicated prof4e mahining vezy difEcelt to mqchine at even sometimcs impossible ta mutdzc. Can easily be machined because the movements of the machine is conttulled by o program. Introduction Difference Between Conventional & CNC M/cing
  • 2. Very low flexibility or adaptability of new compouen*sormod5cmMne High flexibility for new components or modifications. Workpieee clamping and tool mounting methods quite slow in operation. Mochanicsd eyeteme are commonly used. Quiek aeting wotkpiece elamping and tool mounting methods adopted auch aa hydrsutic end pne tmatie ayatema. Not paasible. Consiatency in the cyle time of pzaduct Manufactuzing eost quite 転zigh. As q whole maaufacture of preducts at 束 reduced cost is possible. Low initial investments High initial inveetments One person can operate only one Machine ut a time One person can operate more than one euch machines ai a iime
  • 3. DiCerence Between I>ithe & Stilling Lathe Two axis Machine extendable to $- Generally genemted. Principal Motions: Lon +u&nM (A) W Tmnsveme mve!oSToo! Rotational Motion of Workpiece about Z-axis Single Point Cursing tools are used. Consist of a turtet to accommodate number of tools. Upon indexing the turret the roofs are paeitioned to work the w/p the spindle. Three Axis Machine extendable to 6- axts. 贈lenerally flat or contoured surfaces are generated. Longitudinal (X), Transverse (Y) and Vertical (Z) trnvel of Workpiece RotRtiooal h4otion of Tool generally Z-axis Multiple point cutting tools are used. Consists of a ATC to accommodate number of tools. The tools are changed really usin a different mechanisms.
  • 4. Lathe Milling W/p ie clamped either on a chuck or by a collect system. W/p is clamped on the machine bed in vise or ptoper fixturing arrangements. May have more than one spindle for May have more than one pallets for
  • 6. 1. INTRODUCTION Ways of Mach誰ning Parts of CNC Machine Working Methods of CNC
  • 7. Ways of Machining Conventional or Traditional Numerical Control (NC) Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
  • 8. Difficulties with Conventional System Complex shapes are difficult to machine Depends on the human skill Frequent & repeated measurements are required Difficult to achieve consistency in product quality High Changeover Time Less productive hours More scrap is generated
  • 9. Current arket Deman High quality products 0 at 0 Lowest cost 0 in 0 Minimum time 0 with 0 wide range of variety
  • 10. Parts of C/CNC Machine _ _ I ProgrammingUnit I I . I I I Cjy i i ) Machi ne Control Uni t .y I i . Machi . ne Tool Uni. t
  • 11. Programming nit Programmer Computer system User Interface dev誰ce Data Storage and Transfer facility
  • 12. achine Control nit Tape Reader Data Buffer Signal Output Channels to Machine Tool Feedback channels from the Machine Tool
  • 13. Machine Tool Actuation System Stepper motor/servomotor Ball Screw & nut with support bearing Feed back devices on closed loop system Linear Bearing Tool & Work handling Devices Automatic Tool Changers (ATCs) Turret Head Automatic Pallet Changers Hydraulic/Pneumatic Tool/Work Clamping System
  • 14. Machine Tool Actuation System Stepper motor/servomotor Ball Screw & nut with support bearing Feed back devices on closed loop system Linear Bearing Tool & Work handling Devices Automatic Tool Changers (ATCs) Turret Head Automatic Pallet Changers Hydraulic/Pneumatic Tool/Work Clamping System
  • 15. 2. Fundamental Principles Coordinate System Longitudinal Motion Transverse Motion DimensioningSystem Absolute Incremental Mixed Reference System Machine Reference Work Reference
  • 16. Instruction or program Introduction N 10 G 00 X 50.0 Z 25.0 ; Block No. G 00 Address Words End of Block Data Block
  • 17. Fanuc Heidenhein Program Logic & Structure for the both the eyeiome are aame only the writing format ia Both uses G & M Codes for writing the pnogtems. Standard alot milling, pocket cycles not available. milling Ttiene cycles. available 束e rim atandeid G-Code Siondard functions for mirroring, Corner wounding, corner chamfeziog etc Standard a able. functions for mirroring etc are Program number starts with the tetter Doesn't. Requires block termination or end of btock ' ; * Doesn't Requires '.' in the numerical such as 20.1$ or 28.0 values doesn't Compare & Contrast Fanuc & Heidenhain
  • 18. Basic Program Structure Working unit Mm: G71 Inch: G70 Working Plane XY: G17 ZX: G18 YZ: G19 Dimensioning method Absolute: G90 Incremental: G91
  • 19. Simple Example Program (Absolute) % 101 G71 N05 G90 G17 N10 G30 X0 Y0 Z-10 N20 G31 X100 Y100 ZO N30 G99 T1 LOR5 N40 M06 T1 N50 M03 S2000 N60 G90 G00 X20 Y20 N62 G01 Z5 F250 N65 G01 Z O F100 N70 G01 Z-1 F50 N80 G01 X80 Y20F100 N90 Y80 X80 N100 X20 N110 Y20 N120 G00 Z5 3 M N1 0 0 20 60
  • 20. Simple Example Program (Incremental) Oo102 G71 N05 G90 G17 N10 G30 X-50 Y-50 Z-10 N20 G31 X50 Y50 ZO N30 G99 T1 LO R3 N40 M06 T1 N50 M03 S2000 N60 G90 G00 X-40 Y0 Z10 N65 G01 ZO F500 N70 G01 Z-1 F50 N80 G91 Y-40 N90 X80 N100 Y80 N110 X-80 N120 Y-40 N130 G00 Z10 N140 M05
  • 21. Example Program Use of G02/G03 Use of G40/G41/G42 Use of Tangential Approach O o 103 G71 N10 G90 G17 N20 G30 X-30 Y-30 Z-20 N30 G31 X30 Y30 ZO N40 G99 T1 LO R7 N50 M06 T1 N60 M03 S2000 N70 G90 G00 Z50 N80 G00 X0 Y-55 N90 G01 Z1 F500 N95 ZOF50 N100 G41 Z-5 F50 N110 G03 X0 Y-25 R15 F300 N120 G01 X-20 Y-25 6.0 5 30 0 50
  • 22. N140 G98 L3 N15O G17 G91 Y-15 N133 GOOG90 Z+1 M99 N134 L3.2 N135 G98 L4 N136 G17 G91 X-15 N137 GOOG9O Z+1 M99 N134 L4.2 N140 GOOZ1 M99 N142 GOOZ10 N144 G98 LO N145 MOS N150 M30 N9999 %1005 G71 10 10 Contd..
  • 23. Depth of Cut Increment Method %1002 G71 N100 G17 G90 N200 G30 X-45 Y-45 Z-15 N300 G31 X+4S Y+45 Z+0 N400 G99 T1 L+0 R+7 N500 G00 G40 G90 N600 T1 M06 N700 S1000 M03 N800 G00 X-S5 Y+0 Z+10 N900 Z+0 N1000 G98 L1 N1100 G01 G41 G91 Z-1 F100 N1200 G90 X-30 Y+0 F80 N1300 X-30 Y+20 0.0 10 .0
  • 24. N14OO X-20 Y+30 N141O X2O Y3O N15OO GO2 X+30 Y+20 R+10 N16OO GO1 X3O Y-20 N170O GO2 X+20 Y-30 R+10 N180O GO1 X-20 Y-30 N185O X-30 Y-20 N186O X-30 Y0 N187O GOG4O X-55 YO N1900 L1.4 N2000 G98 LO N2100 G40 Z+20 N2200 M30 N9999 %1002 G71
  • 25. Linear circular polar Method %1003 G71 N2O G17 N40 G17 G30 G9O X+0 Y+0 Z-10 N6O G31 G9O X+100 Y+100 Z+0 N8O G99 T1 L+0 R+3 N90 T1 N110 G01 M06 N120 S2000 N140 G01 M03 N18O G00 G90 X+20 Y+20 Z+5
  • 26. N200 GO1 G90 Z-1 FSO N220 G9O I+20 J+20 G29 N240 G11 G90 R+80 H+45 F100 N260 G90 I+50 J+50 G29 N280 G12 G90 H-55 N300 GO7 G90 X+20 F60 N320 GOOG90 Z+5 N340 GO1 M30 N9999 %1003 G71
  • 27. Writing Format: G83 P01.... P02.... PO3.... P04.... P05.... Where; P01: Setup Clearance P02: Total Depth P03: Pecking Depth P04: Dwell Time (in Sec nds) P05: Feed Rate P02 P01
  • 28. %1005 G71 N05 G17 G90 N10 G30 X-45 Y-45 Z-15 N20 G31 X+45 Y+45 Z0 N30 G99 T1 L+0 R+4 N31M06 T1 N32 M03 S2000 N40 G90 G40 G00 X-40 Y-30 N45 G01 Z10 F800 N50 G01 Z3 F100 N60 G83 P01 -1 P02 -5 P03 -1P04 0.1P05 100 N65 Z1 M99 N70 G98 L1 N80 G17 X-40 Y30 G90 N90 G00 Z1 M99 N100 G98 L2 N110 G17 G91 G01 X10 F100 N120 G90 G00 Z1 M99 N130 L2.5
  • 29. N140 G98 L3 N15O G17 G91 Y-15 N133 GOOG90 Z+1 M99 N134 L3.2 N135 G98 L4 N136 G17 G91 X-15 N137 GOOG9O Z+1 M99 N134 L4.2 N140 GOOZ1 M99 N142 GOOZ10 N144 G98 LO N145 MOS N150 M30 N9999 %1005 G71 10 10 Contd..
  • 30. Writing Format G75 P01... P02 ... P03 ... P04 ... P05 ... P06 ... P07 ... P01: Setup Clearance P02: Total Depth P03: Peckng Depth P04: Feed Rate in Z-axis P05: 1st Side Length of Pocket P06: 2nd Side Length of Pocket P07: Feed Rate for Cutting G75 : Rectangular Pocket Milling Clockwise G76: Rectangular Pocket Milling Anti Clockwise
  • 31. %1脱8o7l N05 G17 G90 N10 G30 X0 Yfi Z-I5 N20 G31 X+90 Y+90 ZO N30 G9S TI I.+0 R+3 N40 G4fi GS8 N50 5103SISI N60 G湛0 X2OY2G NHS G0) Z10 F230 N坦8 G00 Z3 N70 G74 P0l 3P02 5P03 1P04 50P05 X+40 P06 Y+10 P07 100 NS0 G00 K3 hI99 N100 GS0 120J20GU R60H9 5199 Nll0 G00 Zl0 Nl2短 6I端端 N1206130
  • 32. G74 POI... B02 ... P03 ... P0l: Setup Clearance P02:Total Depth P03: Pecking Depth P04: Feed Rate in Z-axis POS: 1st Side I.ength of Slot P06: 2≒ Side I.enyth of Slot POS:Feed Rate for Cutting
  • 33. %1脱8o7l N05 G17 G90 N10 G30 X0 Yfi Z-I5 N20 G31 X+90 Y+90 ZO N30 G9S TI I.+0 R+3 N40 G4fi GS8 N50 5103SISI N60 G湛0 X2OY2G NHS G0) Z10 F230 N坦8 G00 Z3 N70 G74 P0l 3P02 5P03 1P04 50P05 X+40 P06 Y+10 P07 100 NS0 G00 K3 hI99 N100 GS0 120J20GU R60H9 5199 Nll0 G00 Zl0 Nl2短 6I端端 N1206130
  • 34. &rifing Format G達8 X V'here, X is the name Gif 脱x狸s 狸n which mirroring wil狸 take place %1010 G71 N05 G17 G90 N10 G17 G30 X-50 Y-50 Z-10 N20 G31 X+50 Y+50 Z+0 N30 G99 T1 L+0 R+3 N40 T1 M06 N40 G40 G90 N50 S1500 M03 N60 G90 X+0 Y+0 Z+5 N70 G98 L150 N80 G00 X+10 Y+10 N82 G01 Z+5 F500 N85 G01 ZO F100 N90 G01 Z-1 F50
  • 35. N100 G01 X+20 Y+10 F100 N110 G01 X+20 Y+15 N112 X15 Y15 N114 Y25 N116 X30 N118 Y30 N120 X10 N122 Y10 N124 G O OZ+5 N140 G98 LO N150 G28 X L150 N160 G28 X Y L150 N170 G28 Y L150 N18O G O OZ+5 N200 M05 G O O220 N100 M30