This document provides information for students in the Business Information Management and Digital Image Management classes. It outlines the curriculum goals, expected student behaviors including being prompt, responsible, prepared, honest, productive and following rules. It discusses showing respect, attendance policies, grading which is based on labs and exams, internet safety issues and risks of online predators, opportunities to get involved in extracurricular activities, and poses questions for an in-class writing activity.
2. Curriculum Goals
Business Information Management (HT2D00Y1)
Digital Image Management (HT2K00Y1)
See Classroom Website
3. Student Behaviors
Be prompt
Be in assigned seat before the tardy bell.
Be responsible with property and belongings.
Computers, printers, desks & other equipment.
Be a prepared, honest and positive participant
Follow directions. Do not cheat. Be honest and
Be productive
Turn in work on time, and always do your best.
Follow the rules
4. Show Respect
Treat all members of the school community and
all visitors with politeness and respect.
Honor the ideas and opinions of others.
5. Attendance
If tardy, get pass from attendance.
Each absence has a one-day grace period to turn in
missed assignment(s) IF absence is excused.
Check the online assignment calendar for the
Teacher Pages
6. Grading
Grades are weighted.
Points are based on:
Grades are posted online. Be sure to check
often (Student Portal)
Our Grading Scale
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
75-79% = C
60-74% = D
Below 60% = F
8. When you and your family surf
the Web its important to keep the
following in mind:
Online information is usually
not private.
People online are not always
who they say they are.
Anyone can put information
You cant trust everything you
read online.
9. Are you
addicted to the
Look for symptoms
of Internet
Ask yourself if
your Internet use is
affecting your
health, and
relationships with
family and friends.
10. Using Internet communication tools such as social
media, e-mail, and instant messaging can put you at
potential risk of encountering online predators.
Certain sites have been blocked by the district. Do not
attempt to override these blocks
Online predators try to gradually
seduce their targets through attention,
affection, kindness, and even gifts,
and often devote considerable time,
money, and energy to this effort.
11. Get Involved!
Many opportunities for students to become
involved in school programs.
Club list.
BPA Business Professionals of America
12. Questions?
Take questions from students.
Review Guidelines for Acceptable
Classroom Behavior online.
13. In-Class Activity
Writing Activity
Students, write about who you are. What drives or
motivates you? What are your goals for the school
year? What clubs or sports will you participate in
this year? What are your long-term goals? What
will you have to do to achieve those goals? Be
specific. Elaborate.