Heres one thing we know about marketing: if you have a plan, you are way more effective. And yet, very few nonprofits have a marketing plan in place. We must put an end to this, people! As a way to help our fellow do gooders create mission-driven marketing plans in record time, we created the 1, 2, 3 Marketing Tree. It guides you through the process of figuring out your plan in 3 simple steps.
2. 1, 2, 3
Everyone uses slightly different
words to talk about what they
do. For simplicity, we use
organization to refer to a
nonpro鍖t or a foundation,
and supporters to refer
to donors/volunteers
/patrons, etc.
What do a tree and marketing have in
common? Anyone can plant a tree and anyone
can do marketing. The trick in both cases is
knowing how to make it grow and thrive.
With the 1, 2, 3 Marketing Tree, you can
market your mission with con鍖dence.
1 De鍖ne WHAT marketing success looks
like for your organization.
Identify WHO you need to reach for your
marketing to be successful.
Figure out HOW to most effectively
reach your ideal supporters.
First things 鍖rst
turn the page and do the
1, 2, 3 Marketing Assessment.
4. Tree
For more tools and resources
to help you market your
mission with con鍖dence,
visit our DIY page at
3c. Now imagine you get a call from your ideal
supporter. Tell them why they should work with you.
3d. List the top three ways (e.g. flyers,
3d. website,top 3 mechanisms (e.g. flyers,
List the Facebook, etc.) you will reach
website, Facebook, etc.) you will use over
your ideal supporters over the next year.
Assign who will be inyour ideal supporters.
the next year reach charge of making
each one happen andcharge of making
Assign who will be in by when.
each one happen and by when. Measurement
3a. If your marketing is successful,
3e. How will you measure
in one year you will be known 3b. Imagine you are at a cocktail party. What would the success of each
as the organization that you say if someone asked: What do you do? marketing mechanism?
3 Finally, figure out HOW
to most effectively reach
your ideal supporters.
2a. Name some common characteristics of HOW
your best supporters past and present. 2d. Based on what you know
2b. Why do your best supporters say 2c. How do your best supporters of your best supporters,
they like working with you? find out about you? describe your ideal one.
2 Next, identify WHO
you need to reach
for your marketing
to be successful.
1b. What do you do best? 1c. Who is your competition?
WHO 1d. What differentiates you from your competition?
1e. What will be different for your organization one year from
1a. What does your organization offer? now if your marketing is successful?
1 First, define WHAT
marketing success
looks like for your
Write your
organizations name
5. Tree
For more tools and resources
to help you market your
mission with con鍖dence,
visit our DIY page at
3c. Now imagine you get a call from your ideal
supporter. Tell them why they should work with you.
9*%1(,047'$B(9,,*84!6'4#%(4)%+,48B*,496%94 3d. List the top three ways (e.g. flyers,
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List the Facebook, etc.) you will reach
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your ideal supporters over the next year.
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the next year reach charge of making
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each one happen and by when. Measurement
3a. If your marketing is successful, W"4X$1,*8;4%84!'*04':4)'B9646%84?,,(4 3e. How will you measure
in one year you will be known 3b. Imagine you are at a cocktail party. What would 'B*4$,%01(.48'B*#,4':4(,!40'('*8/
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marketing mechanism?
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Finally, figure out HOW
!19640,<*,881'(" to most effectively reach
your ideal supporters.
2a. Name some common characteristics of HOW
your best supporters past and present. 2d. Based on what you know
2b. Why do your best supporters say 2c. How do your best supporters of your best supporters,
they like working with you? find out about you? describe your ideal one.
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for your marketing ,$0,*$248,(1'*8401%.('8,04
to be successful. !19640,<*,881'(41(4$'!5
1b. What do you do best? 1c. Who is your competition?
WHO 1d. What differentiates you from your competition?
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1e. What will be different for your organization one year from
1a. What does your organization offer? now if your marketing is successful?
3%1$241(56'),47181984:'*4$'!51(#'),;4 First, define WHAT %#61,7,4%(4'(.'1(.4%((B%$4?B0.,94':4KLMM;MMM"44
marketing success
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Write your
organizations name