3. The Foundation for Planners:
Rules of Conduct AICP Code of Ethics
The Planner's Responsibility to the Public
A planner's primary obligation is to serve the public interest. While the
definition of the public interest is formulated through continuous debate, a
planner owes allegiance to a conscientiously attained concept of the public
interest, which requires these special obligations:
A planner must have special concern for the long-range consequences of
present actions.
A planner must pay special attention to the interrelatedness of
4. AICP Code of Ethics (cont.)
A planner must strive to provide full, clear and accurate information on
planning issues to citizens and governmental decisions-makers.
A planner must strive to give citizens the opportunity to have a
meaningful impact on the development of plans and programs.
Participation should be broad enough to include people who lack formal
organization or influence.
A planner must strive to expand choice and opportunity for all persons,
recognizing a special responsibility to plan for the needs of
disadvantaged groups and persons, and must urge the alteration of
policies, institutions and decisions which oppose such needs.
A planner must strive to protect the integrity of the natural
A planner must strive for excellence of environmental design and
endeavor to conserve the heritage of the built environment.
5. Keys to working with Neighbors
7. Communication
Ground Rules
Need to Know Everything
Be Prepared
Agree to Disagree
All Parties Deserve
All Opinions are Valid
The Process