This document provides information about environmental purchasing discounts from a company called Premier Materials. It lists their product offerings across 350+ regulatory compliant products in categories like clean marina products, sustainable facility products, and education products. It also includes a clean marina decision matrix that outlines which products correspond to specific clean marina protocols and the applicable environmental regulations those products help with compliance. The document promotes receiving preferred customer discounts on individually selected, tested, and verified products or on system technologies designed for water body solutions.
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Clean Marina Workbooks
1. Environmental Purchasing - Discounts
Jacksonville | Denver | San Francisco Compliance Products Improvement Products
Clean Marina Products Sustainable Facility Products Education Products
Over 350 Regulatory Compliant Products
Receive preferred customer discounts
Choose individual products which are tested and verified.
Choose system technologies designed for specific water body solutions.
Present RFPs and specifications for product life-cycle comparisons
Emergency | Compliance | Improvement | Education
CA | CO | FL | FMCA | Native