Jason Bitton had a very successful sales career at Clearwire in a short period of time. He started as the top performing direct sales representative in Chicago within 8 weeks of being hired. He was then promoted to oversee 27 RadioShacks and significantly increased their sales over several months. After 16 weeks on the job, he was promoted again to manage two large sales teams at Best Buy locations and increased their sales by 32% that quarter. Throughout his career, he developed strong relationships, provided excellent coaching and motivation, and consistently exceeded sales goals and quotas.
2. Direct Sales Achievements
1st place MTD Number 6 Direct Channel
Clearwire Direct Representative in the Nation
Channel Rep in the for total sales in 2010 Q1, just
Chicago market eight 10 weeks after hire
weeks after hire
3. RadioShack Territory
Eleven weeks after hire, promoted to
Clearwire National Account Manager,
overseeing 27 RadioShacks
Trained, coached, and built relationships
with district & store managers, resulting in
record setting sales.
RadioShack accomplishments:
June: First month with RadioShack territory,
increased month end sales by 96%
July: Increased Sales 107% over June
August: Increased Dual Band loading 34%
4. Optimizing top performers:
With properly allocated resources, this
Gurnee RadioShack near a major Navy
base sold more units in one month than the
next 28 RadioShacks combined.
Great job to Jason Bitton,
17 Subs out of Gurnee Radio Shack I think that this is the best single day
with a Chicago Market record setting day ever for any market at the shack"
- Sean Romo -
-Bruce Giese
Indirect Sales Manager
National Radio Shack Acct. Mgr
5. Territory Manager
Sixteen weeks after hire, promoted to National
Indirect Account Executive
Successfully recruited, trained, managed, and motivated
two sales teams, each consisting of 14+ National Retail
Account Executives working at 12 Best Buy locations.
Sales teams developed cross-functional
business relationships with Best Buy
employees and sold directly to
Increased sales 32% for Q3 while
stabilizing labor costs and achieving
the highest ARPU in the NW
Chicago market
6. Managing Labor:
Getting granular with your numbers
Sales activity management that is
constant and consistent
Quota forecasting:
Have your employee provide his daily sales
goal. With proper coaching it will be higher
than your forecast, creates an ownership piece,
and drives proactive workers
Praise and encourage the sales team as a whole,
with criticism being reserved for one-on-one. This
removes excuses from lower producing employees
and encourages them to match their constantly
successful counterparts.
Jason, great day. It was nice to see Mike do so well Jason, Nice day yesterday. See that you finished with
in Vernon hills. Great work developing him. Your 4g+ 10 sales on 8 labor hours and had 2 sales personally.
loading is significantly increasing as well, keep delivering Wanted to tell you Thank You and great day. Way to make
consistent messaging and your guys will continue to hit an impact with the labor hours that you used.
their mark. Nice day yesterday.
Todd London kevin gadd | clear
-Clear Regional Manager (Chicago General Manager)
7. Strategic Relationships Established positive relationships
with DM & GMs that ultimately
& Constant Contact: meant the difference between fully
staffed displays and far tucked away
Hello Todd, (Best Buy General Manager) shelves.
I wanted to make you aware of this Tucked away shelf
weeks CLEAR staf鍖ng at Arlington
Heights. There will be half day staf鍖ng
on Monday, and full day staf鍖ng
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday. We are currently
training existing employees on all best
buy metrics including, Black-tie,
warranties, activations, anti-virus, and
credit apps. Also, we are on-boarding
and aggressively training 5 new
employees you can be proud to have in
your store. As always please contact me
directly with any questions.
Fully Staffed Display
Jason Bitton
on the Racetrack