This document reviews and analyzes various climate change visualization tools. It groups the tools into 5 clusters: virtual globes, interactive web maps, integrated portals, time-series animations, and infographics. For each cluster, several relevant tools are listed and one tool is highlighted with more details provided on its features and functionality. The highlighted tools are evaluated based on Bertin's visualization design principles.
2. Cluster One
Virtual Globes
Maps - Virtual Globes
Three-dimensional software models
representing the Earth
Use satellite imagery and aerial photographs
Allow users to zoom, rotate, and otherwise
navigate areas of the model.
3. Cluster One
Maps- Virtual Globes
List of Tools in Cluster
Climate Hot Map (
4C Global Rise in Temperature map
Earth Browser (
4. Highlighted Tool
Climate Hot Map
Virtual Globe tool powered by Google Earth
Visualizes hot spots, areas that have been
identified as having been impacted by climate change
or are projected to show significant impact in the
Allows scientists and the public to see trends in
climate change in the most affected areas.
Impacts are categorized into: People, Freshwater,
Oceans, Ecosystems and Temperature
Developed by the Union of Concerned Scientists
7. Climate Hot Map InfoVis Toolkit
Highlighted Features
Perceptual Coding
Position X
Size X Direct Manipulation X
Orientation Immediate Feedback X
Texture Linked Displays X
Shape X Animate Shift of Focus
This tool was selected as a Color X Dynamic 際際滷rs
state of the art tool because of Shading Semantic Zoom
its specific focus on climate Depth Cues Focus Plus Context X
change elements and the
ease with which it can be Surface X Details on Demand X
downloaded and executed by Motion X Output/Input X
the lay user while still offering
Stereo X
advanced features and a rich
visual experience. Proximity Information Density
Similarity Maximize Data-Ink Ratio X
Continuity Maximize Data Density
Connectedness Minimize Lie Factor X
8. Cluster Two
Virtual Globes
Maps Interactive Web Maps
Two dimensional applications
Allow for the input of data values to be
displayed on a map
Also often provide option to view data in
graphs and charts.
Use color-coding, shapes, time sliders and
other features to define data.
9. Cluster Two
Maps - Interactive Web Maps
List of Tools in Cluster
ClimateWizard (
Climate Data Online (
GeoCommons (
CI:Grasp (
FERRET/Live Access Server (
Remote Sensing Information Gateway
10. Highlighted Tool
Web-based interface that allows users to create
climate change maps and observe historical patterns
as well as visualize future impacts.
Measures Average Temperature and Precipitation,
users can select time series from 1901 to present
Offers standard web-tool and customizable maps
available via email.
12. ClimateWizard InfoVis Toolkit
Perceptual Coding Interaction
Position X
Size X Direct Manipulation X
Orientation Immediate Feedback X
Texture Linked Displays
This tool was chosen as a Shape
Animate Shift of Focus
Dynamic 際際滷rs X
state of the art tool because of Shading Semantic Zoom
its utility and value, a user-
friendly interface that allows Depth Cues Focus Plus Context
even inexperienced users to Surface Details on Demand X
see animated models of future Motion Output/Input X
climate change predictions.
Also, the ability to build Proximity Information Density
customized maps in addition
Similarity Maximize Data-Ink Ratio X
to working with the online tool
gives ClimateWizard an extra Continuity Maximize Data Density
Connectedness Minimize Lie Factor X
dimension. Closure
13. Cluster Three Integrated Portal
List of Tools in Cluster
World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal
14. Highlighted Tool
Virtual Globes
World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal
Online access to climate change data on a global,
regional, and country level
Access to WorldBank Data and external data
visualization tools
Climate Data, Impact Data, Vulnerabilities Data can
be examined
Maps display historical and future trends and
Tools can be filtered to variable, time period, and
16. WB Climate Change Knowledge Portal InfoVis Toolkit
Perceptual Coding Interaction
Position X Interaction
Size X Direct Manipulation X
Orientation Immediate Feedback X
Texture Linked Displays X
Shape X Animate Shift of Focus
This tool was chosen as a Color X Dynamic 際際滷rs X
state of the art tool because of Shading X Semantic Zoom
volume of information that can Depth Cues Focus Plus Context X
be visualized. The tool is
suitable for novice users but Surface Details on Demand X
also serves the needs of Motion Output/Input X
experienced users who can
examine historical changes,
compare regions, and Proximity Information Density
understand potential impacts Similarity Maximize Data-Ink Ratio X
all from one visualization
Continuity Maximize Data Density
portal. Connectedness Minimize Lie Factor X
17. Cluster Four
Virtual Globes
Time-Series Animations
Use time range data as a specific
variable, in addition to any other values
that are to be measured.
Data is animated to show changes over
Output in bubble charts, scatter plots, or
other displays.
18. Cluster Four
Time Series Animations
List of Tools in Cluster
Climate Analysis Indicator Tool (CAIT)
Google Motion Chart
19. Highlighted Tool
Downloadable application used by
government agencies and international
organizations to visualize climate data
Datasets can be uploaded, generating
color-coded maps. Graphs can also be
generated and maps can be published
22. StatPlanet InfoVis Toolkit
Perceptual Coding Interaction
Position X Interaction
Size X Direct Manipulation X
Orientation Immediate Feedback X
Texture Linked Displays X
Shape Animate Shift of Focus
This tool was chosen as a Color Dynamic 際際滷rs X
state-of-the-art tool because of Shape X Semantic Zoom
its clear display, ease of use Color X Focus Plus Context
and unique integration of map
and time-series graph, which Shading Details on Demand
allows the eye to quickly Depth Cues Output/Input X
process simultaneous pieces
of information.
Motion Information Density
Stereo Maximize Data-Ink Ratio X
Proximity Maximize Data Density
Similarity X Minimize Lie Factor X
Continuity X
23. Cluster Five
Static visual representations of a particular
topic or data set.
Breaks down complex data or information and
displays it in easy, digestible form.
Visually engaging to generate and hold
interest in the covered topic.
Can be used as educational tool or as
persuasive communication.
24. Cluster Five
List of Tools in Cluster
Vital Climate Graphics
25. Highlighted Tool
Vital Climate Graphics
Information package of forty infographics
related to climate change and the
Variety of infographs presented, including
tables, charts, line graphs, etc.
Particularly focused on the socioeconomic
impacts of climate change.
26. Vital Climate Graphics InfoVis Toolkit
Perceptual Coding Interaction
Position X Interaction
Size X Direct Manipulation
Orientation Immediate Feedback
Texture Linked Displays
Shape Animate Shift of Focus
This tool was chosen as state Color Dynamic 際際滷rs
of the art because of the Shape X Semantic Zoom
number, diversity, and quality Color X Focus Plus Context
of available infographs, and
their specific usefulness for Shading Details on Demand
individuals interested in all Depth Cues Output/Input
areas of climate change. Surface
Because there are multiple Motion Information Density
infographs included, Only one Stereo Maximize Data-Ink Ratio X
infograph was evaluated with
Proximity X Maximize Data Density X
the InfoVis Toolkit, Projected Similarity X Minimize Lie Factor X
changes in global
temperature. Continuity