This document provides an overview of clinical research basics and medical literature. It discusses the importance of conducting literature reviews to avoid duplicating previous work and inform the research methodology. It describes the differences between journals, textbooks, and databases. Several common medical databases and research engines are listed, including PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane. PubMed is described in more detail, outlining how to access and search it using keywords, filters, Boolean operators, and truncation. Steps for developing a strong research proposal are also outlined.
5. What?
Medical literature is the scientific
literature of medicine: articles in
journals and texts in books devoted
to the field of medicine
6. 6
Literature review
It prevents the duplication of work that has
been done before.
It helps the researchers to find out what others
have found and reported on the problem.
It helps the researcher to become more familiar
with the various types of methodology that
could be used in the study.
It should provide convincing arguments why
this particular research project is needed.
7. Whats the difference?
Journals ( Peer reviewed vs. not?)
Text books
8. Common databases/
Research engines
PubMed (website) from Medline!
Google scholar
Web of science (ISI) (Via EKB)
Scopus (Via EKB)
Embase ( No free access)
WHO Global Health Library (GHL)
9. PubMed
Free resource developed and maintained by the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S.
National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH).
More than 5,400 worldwide journals in 60 languages.
Covers 1947 to the present with some older material.
10. PubMed
How to open PubMed?
In your browser, type
16. Boolean operators
George Boole
(1815 1864)
was an English mathematician
and philosopher.
Invented Boolean logic which is the basis
of modern digital computers.
Truncation is a searchable shortened
form of a word.
adolescen* will include
adolescents, etc
21. Example
We seach about Articles which mention The
safety and efficacy of the combination of
daclatasvir, asunaprevir, and beclabuvir in the
treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus
(Daclatasvir OR BMS-790052 OR Daklinza OR DCV)
AND (Asunaprevir OR BMS-650032 OR Sunvepra
OR ASV) AND (Beclabuvir OR BMS-791325 OR
22. Try yourself
We want to know the effects of
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in
What's your proposed search strategy?
23. 23
Steps of developing a
research proposal
Title of the research
Background information and statement of the research problem
(scientific justification for the study)
Research objectives
Research hypothesis
Work plan
Plan for utilization and dissemination of research results
Budget preparation