CLOCKSS is a collaboration that ensures long-term access to scholarly works. It welcomes new members to join its community. JASPER's aim is to make archiving journals easier by working with publishers to determine the best archiving option based on factors like platform and export abilities. There are three potential archiving routes: using the Open Journal System, direct uploads, or web crawling. All archived holdings are reported to the Keepers Registry to aid discovery. CLOCKSS invites others to join in preserving long-term access to scholarship.
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CLOCKSS and JASPER lightning talk r2 r 2022
1. Time is a Thief of Memory
February 2022 Alicia Wise, Executive Director
2. About CLOCKSS
• CLOCKSS is a collaboration of academic publishers and research
libraries and ensures long-term access to the scholarly record.
• We welcome you to our community!
4. Aims of the Project
JASPER’s aim is to get more journals archived by establishing a simple
•work out which archiving option might be the best fit for the publisher
•establish the level where the amount of effort is manageable by the
publisher. This is based on the following factors:
• platform
• ability to send article metadata to DOAJ
• ability to export and zip full text, images etc easily
•provide the journal’s representatives with the correct information to make
archiving happen.
5. Route 1 – the Open Journal System (OJS) Route