This Webinar covers following Topics.
What is Cloning
When Cloning useful
Different methods of Cloning
How to perform Cloning
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Cloning an Oracle Home or Oracle Install.pptx
1. Cloning an Oracle Home or Oracle Install
Satishbabu Gunukula, Oracle ACE
18+ Years of Experience in Database Technologies and
specialized in high availability solutions.
Masters Degree in Computer Applications
Written articles for major publications
Oracle Certified Professional Oracle 8i,9i,10g
Oracle Certified Expert Oracle 10g RAC
2. Program Agenda
Overview of Cloning
When Cloning useful
Methods of Cloning
How is Cloning done
Copy source Oracle Installation
Clone Oracle Installation
Q& A
3. Overview of Cloning
Starting from 10g onwards, Oracle supports cloning and users can
easily clone existing Oracle installations
Cloning is a process of copying an existing installation to a different
server or location. Cloning is similar to an Oracle installation except
Oracle universal installation performs the actions in a special mode
called clone mode.
The source and destination servers should have same configuration
and packages installed in order Oracle cloning to work
The cloning process works by copying all files from the source Oracle
home to the destination Oracle home, and files which are not part of
the source instance will not be copied to the destination location
4. When Cloning useful
When it comes to a server upgrade or migration, database
administrators will have to question whether to clone or
install the Oracle binaries
If you need to create a new installation with many patches, then
cloning enables you to create a new installation with all patches
applied to it in one step and eliminate manual installation.
To create an installation that is the same as Production for
Development/Testing purpose
If you need to create Oracle home and deploy it to many hosts
If you need to quickly deploy an instance and the applications
5. Methods of Cloning
Below methods available to clone the Oracle installation
Clone using perl : In this method you need to install DB
Console so that the required Perl files will be installed in
Clone using runInstaller : In this method you need to install DB
Clone using runInstaller in silent mode: In this method you will
be using same runInstaller in non-interactive mode
6. How is Cloning done
Cloning is a two-step process, in the first step you will copy
Oracle installation from source to destination and in second
step you will run Oracle Universal Installer to clone the
installation on the destination.
Step 1: Copy source Oracle Installation
Step 2: Clone Oracle Installation
7. Copy source Oracle Installation
Before you make a copy of the existing installation, the databases,
listeners and agents, etc running on the server should be shut down
on the source installation.
The source Oracle home will have configuration/trace/log files related
to the environment such as udump, bdump, alert.log , init.ora,
listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, etc.
When you clone the Oracle home, the destination will have all source
configuration files. If your destination will have different
database/instances then your need to exclude those files during copy
or remove the files after copy.
If your requirement is server migration and then no need to exclude
those files.
8. Copy source Oracle Installation
Below are the lists of few files that may need to exclude
during the cloning process, in case your destination will be
Database related files (Data/tmp files, log files, Control filesetc)
SQL*Net Files
DB related directories $ORACLE_HOME/dbs ( init.ora,spfile.ora,orapwd)
$ORACLE_HOME/admin (trace, alert, core filesetc)
$ORACLE_BASE/diag (trace, alert, core, incident filesetc)
$ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole__ (Enterprise manager/db console)
$ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin/ (Heterogeneous files)
9. Copy source Oracle Installation
Things to note during the copy
Oracle 11g has permissions are more restrictive files and exclude
the below files during the copy or tar
From 11g and higher, add these files to the exclusion list, theyll be
created by script later in the cloning process.
If any other products are installed/configured but not required at
destination, then you need to exclude those files as well.
10. Copy source Oracle Installation
On Source Server : Copy Oracle Installation using tar
Note: You can also use cp, scp or any other copy tools.
Create a exclude list
Create a tar file by excluding files or directories which are not
required using below command
11. Copy source Oracle Installation
On Destination Server:
Create directory structure and set the environment variables such
Copy the tar file to destination server and unpack.
12. Clone Oracle Installation
On Destination Server: Pre-requisites
Make sure that ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE environment
variables are set
The /etc/oraInst.loc file must exists and if not exists create
If you have copied oracle Inventory, then you will receive a
message that the inventory already exists. Either exclude the
Oracle Inventory during the copy of detach the Oracle home
16. Clone Oracle Installation
On Destination Server: Post-clone tasks
To complete the cone you should log in as root and run
# /home/oracle/product/
In Unix & Linux platforms run for version
10g and older
o /home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1