The workshop aims to ensure healthy community forests through sustainable practices. It will be half a day in the classroom covering standards for nursery stock and tree health, and half a day doing demonstrations and exercises outdoors, including inspecting nursery stock, planting techniques, and a gravel bed option for reforestation. The workshop will be held at the Cloquet Forestry Center facilities within managed boreal forests in northern Minnesota.
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1. The goal of this workshop is to ensure mature and healthy community forests and landscapes through
thoughtful, pragmatic and fiscally sustainable practices. Half the day will be in the classroom and half the day
in the field.
Setting a higher bar for tree health:
Using the ANSI Z-60.1 and MnDOT standards for nursery stock.
How provenance, seed zone and stock testing, yields better trees for Minnesota landscapes.
Demonstrations and Exercises (Outdoors and hands-on!):
Accepting or Rejecting Trees: Recognizing plant material quality.
Correcting of nursery stock problems: roots buried in containers or soil balls, pot-bound plants.
Best planting practices for all nursery stock types
The community gravel-bed option.
Mulching, watering, staking and winter protection.
The Cloquet Forestry Center facilities are set within two of the most intensely managed, boreal forests in the up-
per mid-west region of the U.S. Click here for a virtual tour or go to the facilities homepage.
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Map location
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternative formats upon request.
Direct requests to Mike Reichenbach at 218-726-6470 or
2. Indoors:
7:40-8 AM CHECK-IN & Refreshments
8-9 AM What does a healthy tree look like? Where does it come from?
ANSI Standards for Nursery Stock.
MnDOT quality standards
Where do healthy trees come from?
Provenance, seed zone and stock testing.
9-10 AM.- Costs and Benefits: Nursery stock types and planting options.
10:00-10:15 AM- Break,: Material and sample review, explore displays and introduced web based resources.
10:15-11:15 AM- Preparing and Planting Trees and Shrubs:
Adjusting root depths.
Correcting root problems.
Planting hole architecture.
11:15-12:15 PM- The Gravel-bed Option: A new way of reforesting your community?
Installation of gravel-bed overview: siting, materials, media and irrigation.
Species performance/Root health.
Limitations and issues.
Guided installation and harvest of a g.b. trees.
12:15-1:00 PM- Lunch with Friends and Peers (provided), Enjoy Exhibits!
1:00-3:00 PM- Best Planting Practices. YOU practice!
Primary stock types (gravel-bed, bareroot, B & B, various containerized stock.
Adjusting and Preparing Trees: Ball and burlap and pot-bound nursery stock.
Planting: Planting hole architecture, baskets, strings, burlap, mulch, water and stake as needed!
Getting There:
Cloquet Forestry Center is located
175 University Road
Cloquet, MN 55720
U of M, N.E. Forestry Workshop
ATTN: Sean Peterson The center is 19 miles from Du-
luth and 132 miles from the Twin
1530 Cleveland Ave. N. Cities. For Google Maps driving
St. Paul, MN. 55108 directions click here.
Yes, Ive Included Payment of $60, Check or Purchase Order to: University of Minnesota
Yes, Im seeking I.S.A. or S.A.F. CEUs (circle one)
Registrant Name:
Employer (if employed as Tree Inspector):
Minnesota Tree Inspector Number (if for recertification)
Mailing Address:
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