This blog aims to teach primary school children basic vocabulary for describing clothing through pictures, drawings, and other graphic resources related to clothing. The blog seeks to motivate learning through visual content and activities, with the goals of helping young students learn terms for women's, men's clothing and accessories. It will provide pictures, presentations, videos and printable games to aid vocabulary acquisition.
3. Environment and methodology:Themainpurpose of this blog isthatchildrenwatchpictures, drawings, othergraphicsresourcesrelatedtoclothing, and learnbasicvocabularyfordescribingtheirclothing.
4. Goals:Young studentswilllearnbasicvocabulary and expressionsfordescribingclothing.Theywillbemotivatedforlearningbecausetherwillfindgraphicresources and activities.Theywillbeableto describe womens, mensclothing and accesories.