CubeXS Weatherly (Pvt) Ltd. is a Cloud Computing Firm offering;
- Cloud Storage
- Web Hosting
- Private and Public Cloud
- Dedicated Server
- Co-Location
- Enterprise Services
And much more...
2. Storage
ID and Password
Schedule your backup
Folder / Profile Scheduling
Multiple RPO
Two way Sync
3. CubeXSStorage Solution
CubeXSoffersenterpriseclasscloudstoragesolutionsforcorporate, enterpriseandmidmarketcustomers.FullyredundantandScalableStoragesolutionfulfillyouralloff-sitebackupneeds:
-Customer can start with 100 GB and extend up to many Tara bytes
-Storage is based on ZFS RAID, which provides extended Red / Write speed, Protection and redundancy
-Storage is powered with SyncrifySoftware utility which provides Security, Versioning, accessibility, alerts, scheduling, two-way Sysnc, increamentalbackups and many more
4. Software Benefits: Security
SSL and HTTPS:HTTPS ensures the communication channel between client and server is secure. Actual file transfers as well as any administrative task can be optionally encrypted using SSL. A self- signed SSL certificate comes bundled with the product that gets you up and running within minutes.
Encryption:While HTTPS ensures a secure communication channel, encryption prevents unauthorized access to the files once they are copied on the server. Our Software uses strong AES encryption to protect files, which can only be accessed with a password key.
User accounts: Every user is associated with a user id and password.
6. Software Benefits
Compression: Software uses smart-compression, which compresses data before sending them over the network. In cases where compression has no or very little affect on the file size, Utility saves CPU cycles by transferring the files as-is. For example, a 10MB MP3 file won't benefit from compression whereas a 10MB Text file can be easily reduced to less than 1 MB with compression.
Two-way sync: Synchronizing files in both directions synchronize one or more folders on multiple machines. Whether you want to synchronize documents or entire web servers, this feature makes sure you always have the latest version on every machine.