These thesis will focus on understanding and briefing introduction about Spring framework, superior properties, outstanding features in creative application that requires modularizing and capacity of reusing high. Beside that, further description of some technologies such as JMS, MongoDB, AngularJS and Bootstrap which are currently software companies use to create a web application enterprise with Spring framework
These thesis will focus on understanding and briefing introduction about Spring framework, superior properties, outstanding features in creative application that requires modularizing and capacity of reusing high. Beside that, further description of some technologies such as JMS, MongoDB, AngularJS and Bootstrap which are currently software companies use to create a web application enterprise with Spring framework
Open Mesh Cloud Wifi la giai phap xay d動味ng mo hinh wifi chuyen nghi畉耕p tren di畉耕n r畛ng s動 du味ng cong ngh畉耕 i畉耕n toan am may giup cho doanh nghi畉耕p ti棚t ki畉耕m th董i gian, chi phi, quan ly t畉〔p trung t但t ca thi棚t bi味 chi v董i vai thao tac on gian.
Seminar on cloud computing by Prashant GuptaPrashant Gupta
Cloud computing relies on sharing computing resources over the internet rather than local servers. It provides software, platforms, and infrastructure as on-demand services with various advantages like lower costs, improved performance, and universal access, but also disadvantages like requiring constant internet and potential security and reliability issues. The document discusses concepts like cloud architecture, service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), storage types (public, private, hybrid cloud), and advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.
This document discusses cloud computing, including definitions of cloud computing, the different types of cloud computing services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), examples of cloud platforms like Google Cloud, and advantages like reduced costs, scalability, and environmental benefits compared to traditional computing. It also notes some disadvantages like reliance on internet connectivity and lack of access offline.
The document provides an introduction to cloud computing, defining key concepts such as cloud, cloud computing, deployment models, and service models. It explains that cloud computing allows users to access applications and store data over the internet rather than locally on a device. The main deployment models are public, private, community, and hybrid clouds, while the main service models are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). IaaS provides fundamental computing resources, PaaS provides development platforms, and SaaS provides software applications to users. The document discusses advantages such as lower costs and universal access, and disadvantages including internet dependence and potential security issues.
Cloud computing involves delivering computing services over the Internet. Instead of running programs locally, users access software and storage that resides on remote servers in the "cloud." The concept originated in the 1950s but Amazon launched the first major public cloud in 2006. Cloud computing has three main components - clients that access the cloud, distributed servers that host applications and data, and data centers that house these servers. There are different types of clients, deployment models for clouds, service models, and cloud computing enables scalability, reliability, and efficiency for applications accessed over the Internet like email, social media, and search engines.
slideshow: /ssuser9b325a/docker-101-144718472
This is an introduction to docker in Vietnamese language
In this document
- Introduction to docker
- Docker network
- Demo scenario
際際滷 show:
The document provides instructions for making a "black stone" from cow or bull thigh bones that can be used to treat snake bites, scorpion stings, and other wounds. The process involves boiling and cleaning the bones, drying them in the sun for 3 days, wrapping them in foil and placing in a charcoal fire for 15-20 minutes until they turn black, then cutting them into small pieces that will stick to the skin and suck out poison from wounds. Once used, the black stones can be reused by soaking in boiling water and drying in the sun to remove absorbed poison.
SK Infosec is a South Korean security services provider with over 860 employees. It offers security consulting, system integration, monitoring and management services. In recent years, its annual revenue and growth have increased substantially, with total revenue reaching nearly $101 million in 2012 and growth of 14.7% that year. SK Infosec provides a full range of managed security services including prevention, management, monitoring and incident handling for its customers in Korea.
The SK Group is one of the largest conglomerates in South Korea, accounting for about 10% of the country's GDP. It has over 90 companies across industries like information and communications, energy and chemicals, and services. SK C&C is the SK Group's IT services subsidiary and the largest in South Korea, providing consulting, systems integration, outsourcing, and solutions. It has over 4,000 employees and $1.8 billion in annual revenue. SK Inforsec is a security solutions provider owned by SK C&C, with annual sales of over $100 million from services like security consulting, managed security, and mobile security solutions.
This document discusses the growing threats posed by cyber attacks and advanced persistent threats (APTs). It notes that most breaches are discovered by third parties, and targeted attacks have become the norm. The reality is that a new threat is created every second, a cyber intrusion occurs every 5 minutes, and over 90% of enterprises have malware. Analysts urge organizations to adopt advanced threat detection capabilities. The document then describes Custom Defense's solution, which provides network-wide detection, threat intelligence, custom sandboxes for analysis, and automated security updates. It provides examples of how the solution integrates with other Trend Micro products and third-party technologies.
Empowering the business while efficiently mitigating risks - Eva Chen (Trend ...Minh Le
The document provides an overview of Trend Micro's smart protection strategy, which aims to empower businesses while efficiently mitigating risks. It discusses how information has become a strategic asset for organizations and the new threats they face from cybercriminals. Trend Micro's approach focuses on providing smart protection for information, security that is simple yet flexible to manage across evolving IT ecosystems, and defenses that fit organizations' needs. Key elements of the smart protection strategy include layered security, interconnected threat intelligence, real-time updates, and transparency with no user impact.
5. What is the cloud?
IT as a service
What is
Cloud allows access to services without user technical knowledge or control of
supporting infrastructure
Cloud Computing?
Best described in terms of what happened to mechanical power over 100 yrs
Now computers are simple devices connected to the larger cloud
Data processing, storage and software applications that used to run locally
are now being supplied by big central computing stations. They're becoming,
in essence, computing utilities.
13. IaaS PaaS - SaaS
Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Infrastructure
IaaS Software as a Service
PaaS PaaS (SaaS)
SaaS SaaS SaaS Architectures
Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Infrastructure
IaaS Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS PaaS Architectures
Cloud Infrastructure
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
14. Virtualization Technologies - Background
Mode Switching
Kernel mode
User mode
VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor)
VMM 坦ng vai tr嘆 nh動 m畛t ph畉n m畛m trung gian ch畉y tr棚n HH 畛
chia s畉 ti nguy棚n v畛i HH. V鱈 d畛: VMware workstation, Virtual PC,
VMM 坦ng vai tr嘆 l m畛t hypervisor ch畉y tr棚n ph畉n c畛ng. V鱈 d畛:
VMware ESXi, Hyper-V, Xen.
Monolithic: ESXi
Micro hypervisor: Hyper-V
15. Monolithic vs Micro-kernelized
Monolithic hypervisor
Driver ri棚ng bi畛t 畛 truy c畉p ti
nguy棚n ph畉n c畛ng b棚n d動畛i.
C叩c VMs truy c畉p ti nguy棚n h畛
th畛ng th担ng qua drivers c畛a
働u i畛m: hi畛u su畉t cao
Nh動畛c i畛m: khi driver tr棚n
hypervisor b畛 s畛 c畛 th狸 c畉 h畛 th畛ng
ng動ng ho畉t 畛ng, ho畉c ph畉i 畛i m畉t
v畛i v畉n 畛 an ninh khi drivers c坦 th畛
b畛 gi畉 d畉ng b畛i malware, m畛t r畛i ro
trong m担i tr動畛ng 畉o h坦a.
.Micro-kernelized hypervisor: kh担ng c坦 driver b棚n trong hypervisor m ch畉y tr畛c
ti畉p tr棚n m畛i partition. M畛t VM l partition cha qu畉n l箪 memory, l動u tr畛 drivers, v
kh畛i t畉o c叩c partition con.
働u i畛m: s畛 an ton v tin c畉y.
Nh動畛c i畛m: 畛 s畉n sng (availability) khi partition cha g畉p s畛 c畛.
20. Cloud vs Virtualization
Virtualization Cloud
Infrastructure Application
Hypervisor & related tools. Services.
Computer OS. Service catalog.
Compute, network, and storage. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS.
IT manager, IT administrator Business app owner, developer,
end users.
Pay as you go
Provision resource
Farmville, Mafia Wars, Treasure Isle...
12,000 servers on AWS
More than 230 million monthly users
100% on AWS
9 Billion USD market cap
Migrating 100% on Amazon Web Services
10 M subscribers, 100k DVD titles
36. Open Source
Apache 2.0 license, NO enterprise version
Open Design
Open Design Summit
Open Development
Anyone can involve development process
Open development management via Launchpad &
Open Community
OpenStack Foundation in 2012
37. Openstack History
July 2010 - Initial announcement
October 2010 - Austin Release
April 2011 - Cactus Release
October 2011 - Diablo Release
April 2012 - Essex Release
October 2012 - Folsom Release
47. Thnh ph畉n 界鞄鱈稼鞄
Cloud Controller - qu畉n l箪 v t動董ng 岳叩界 v畛i t畉t c畉 c叩c thnh ph畉n c畛a
API Server - gi畛ng nh動 m畛t Web service 畉u cu畛i c畛a Cloud Controller
Compute Controller - cung c畉p, qu畉n l箪 ti nguy棚n t畛 c叩c instance
Object Store - cung c畉p kh畉 nng l動u tr畛, thnh ph畉n ny i c湛ng
v畛i Compute Controller
Auth Manager - d畛ch v畛 x叩c th畛c cho user.
Volume Controller - l動u tr畛 theo block- level - gi畛ng nh動 Amazon EBS
Network Controller - t畉o qu畉n l箪 c叩c k畉t n畛i trong virtual network 畛 c叩c
server c坦 th畛 t動董ng 岳叩界 v畛i nhau v v畛i public network
Scheduler - ch畛n ra compute controller th鱈ch h畛p nh畉t 畛 l動u instance.
48. Users & Projects (Tenants)
Cloud Administrator (admin): Global role. Ton quy畛n trong h畛
IT Security (itsec): Global role. IT security. C叩ch ly b畉t c畛 instance
no trong b畉t k狸 project no.
Project Manager (projectmanager): Projecrole. M畉c 畛nh cho ng動畛i
s畛 h畛u project. Th棚m b畛t user vo proj, t動董ng 岳叩界 v畛i c叩c img, ch畉y
Network Administrator (netadmin): Project role. C畉u h狸nh t動畛ng
l畛a, v c叩c rule cho network, g叩n public IP cho instance.
Developer (developer): Project role. M畉c 畛nh cho user.
53. Swift Operations
Managing the rings (adding/removing devices, zones,
search for devices, rebalance the ring)
Upgrading services (one zone at a time)
Handling driver failure (unmount; optionally remove it
from the ring, mount a new EMPTY drive)
Zone failure (temporal: nothing!)
Detecting failing disks (device audit)
Object auditor (manually after a system crash)
66. CSA - Cloud Security Alliance
Cloud management v Operation
Cloud management
Qu畉n l箪 v ph叩t hi畛n c叩c m畛i nguy hi畛m
Qu畉n l箪 v b畉o m畉t th担ng tin, d畛 li畛u
Di chuy畛n data gi畛a c叩c nh cung c畉p, ho畉c sang m担 h狸nh truy畛n
Cloud operation
C叩c nguy c董 security truy畛n th畛ng, v畉n 畛 recovery khi c坦 thi棚n tai
Data Center Operations
Kh畉 nng ph畉n 畛ng v畛i c叩c s畛 c畛 x畉y ra
B畉o m畉t 畛ng d畛ng
M達 h坦a v qu畉n l箪 kh坦a (Key Management)
Qu畉n l箪 vi畛c nh畉n d畉ng, quy畛n h畉n, v truy c畉p vo h畛 th畛ng
畉o h坦a
Security as a Service
67. NIST (National Institude of Standard and Technology)
Qu畉n l箪 v ki畛m so叩t
S畛 h畛u d畛 li畛u, insider threats v risk management
Ki畉n tr炭c cloud
Cloud computing software - OpenStack, OpenNebula,
Hypervisor (VMM)
Virtual traffic v VM images
Client-side v Server-side protection
Qu畉n l箪 vi畛c truy c畉p v ch畛ng th畛c
Software Isolation
Data Protection
Availability (DDoS)
Kh畉 nng ph畉n 畛ng v畛i c叩c s畛 c畛 x畉y ra
68. Security requirements
Availability management: 畛 s畉n sng c畛a h畛 th畛ng trong m畛i
tr動畛ng h畛p
Access control management: qu畉n l箪 vi畛c truy c畉p
Vulnerability and problem management: kh畉 nng ngn c畉n
c叩c l畛 h畛ng v th但m nh畉p
Patch and configuration management: update h畛 th畛ng
th動畛ng xuy棚n ngay khi c坦 b畉n v叩 v c畉u h狸nh
Countermeasure: c叩c bi畛n ph叩p 畛i ph坦 khi g畉p s畛 c畛 v畛
Cloud system using and access monitoring: qu畉n l箪 vi畛c s畛
d畛ng v truy c畉p c畛a user v畛i cloud.
69. Security solutions
i畛u khi畛n vi畛c truy c畉p vo th担ng tin, d畛 li畛u
Qu畉n l箪 quy畛n truy c畉p c畛a users
Qu畉n l箪 v gi叩m s叩t truy c畉p v c叩c d畛ch v畛 m畉ng, c叩c Oss, v c叩c
畛ng d畛ng.
t畉p trung vo qu畉n tr畛 ng動畛i d畛ng, c叩c c董 ch畉 ch畛ng th畛c m畉nh v s畛 d畛ng
one-time password, Single Sign On, qu畉n l箪 quy畛n h畉n,
tr畛ng t但m vo t畉ng network, servers, v c叩c platform h畉 t畉ng 畛ng d畛ng.
Ng動畛i d湛ng ch畛u tr叩ch nhi畛m qu畉n l箪 c叩c 畛ng d畛ng 畉t tr棚n platform PaaS.
truy c畉p vo c叩c server 畉o, network 畉o, h畛 th畛ng l動u tr畛 畉o, v 畛ng d畛ng
tr棚n m畛t IaaS platform 動畛c thi畉t k畉 v qu畉n l箪 b畛i kh叩ch hng. Vi畛c qu畉n
l箪 truy c畉p 畛 m担 h狸nh IaaS bao g畛m 2 ph畉n 界鞄鱈稼鞄: qu畉n l箪 host, network, v
畛ng d畛ng thu畛c s畛 h畛u c畛a cloud provider trong khi ng動畛i d湛ng ph畉i qu畉n
l箪 vi畛c truy c畉p 畉n c叩c server 畉o, l動u tr畛 畉o, networks 畉o, v c叩c 畛ng d畛ng
ch畉y tr棚n c叩c virtual servers
70. Security solutions
Partitioning: n但ng cao hi畛u su畉t t鱈nh to叩n c畛a c叩c 畛ng
Migration: S畛 linh ho畉t v kh畉 nng d畛ch chuy畛n c叩c h畛
th畛ng CSDL nh動ng v畉n 畉m b畉o trong su畛t.
Workload analysis and allocation
71. OpenStack Security
Keystone (hay OpenStack Identity) 界鞄鱈稼鞄 l thnh ph畉n
界鞄鱈稼鞄 cho security v畛i c叩c ch畛c nng ch畛ng th畛c, 界鞄鱈稼鞄
User v Project: vi畛c t畉o c叩c user v project c滴ng 畉m
b畉o vi畛c truy c畉p ch畛ng th畛c khi user kh担ng th畛 truy c畉p
vo c叩c project kh担ng thu畛c ch畛 qu畉n c畛a m狸nh ch畛c
nng User v Project trong Nova.
Keypairs: T畉o c叩c kh坦a 畛 g叩n cho instance khi kh畛i t畉o
c滴ng l 1 c担ng c畛 畉m b畉o security khi ch畛 c坦 user 動畛c
c畉p kh坦a m畛i 畛 th畉m quy畛n truy c畉p instance.
72. Keystone
C叩c thnh ph畉n c畛a Keystone
Endpoints - Nova, Swift, Glance ch畉y tr棚n 1 port v URL
x叩c 畛nh g畛i l endpoint
Regions v湛ng server v畉t l箪 ch畉y c叩c d畛ch v畛 OpenStack
User - A keystone authenticated user.
Services c叩c d畛ch v畛 qu畉n l箪 b畛i keystone.
Role g叩n quy畛n cho users.
Tenant c滴ng 界鞄鱈稼鞄 l project, bao g畛m c叩c d畛ch v畛
endpoint, role g叩n cho user thu畛c project.
73. Keystone
Keystone cung c畉p 2 ph動董ng th畛c ch畛ng th畛c:
token based
Keystone cung c畉p c叩c d畛ch v畛 b畉o m畉t sau
Token Service (th担ng tin ch畛ng th畛c 1 user)
Catalog Service (c叩c d畛ch v畛 dnh cho 1 user)
Policy Service (qu畉n l箪 v h畉n ch畉 vi畛c truy c畉p 畉n c叩c
d畛ch v畛 畛i v畛i t畛ng user hay group).