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                                                                                                                            PART one

Understanding the Cloud
US author, professor and photographer Matthew Bamberg starts a two-part
feature on how to use  and how to stay safe  in this new data storage facility
The term the cloud sounds unfamiliar to           Consider the devices  smartphones,               Most photographers today are also thinking
most people even though they are engaged          laptops, tablets and desktops  that can            about storing and/or backing-up their images
with the system much of the time they are on      access the same servers. Not only can these         in the cloud. Storage and back-up services are
their computer. All Facebook, Twitter and         devices access the server via an internet           as abundant as those for sharing photos.
Flickr users are using the cloud; more            connection, the server can access the device           With two models, private and public, the
specifically, everything online  webpages,       too. In addition, many of the devices are able to   cloud is widely accessed. Private clouds are
images, text and links  is considered to be      access one another via the server. There are a      replacing office computer networks, so instead
in the cloud.                                   number of companies out there offering cloud        of having several computers connected and
   But what does cloud computing mean to          capabilities and specialise in niche services.      run by a host computer, companies are buying
photographers of all levels? The access to        They might focus on device-to-device services,      servers and linking their computers to that.
applications and storage has been unequivocal     while others offer storage, social networking,      Public clouds, used by corporations and
to technology since the dawn of the internet      photo sharing, and links to on-ground services      individuals, consist of a process of buying
age. The cloud makes it easier to work across     such as printing of photographs. A few              cloud resources such as data storage and
platforms because you can access and update       websites offer so many services that visitors       processing. An example might include using
image files on one platform and pull them up      can get confused and overwhelmed.                   Google App Engine to store and run an
on another (perhaps a PC or smartphone).            In terms of photography in the cloud, there       application that a developer has written
                                                  are millions of users sharing, and storing,         the computer code for so the public
Servers and Storage                               photos at dozens of websites such as: Flickr,       can access it. 4
The most vital part of the computer network       Picasa Web Albums, SmugMug, Shutterfly and
is the server. A server is designed better than   Snapfish. And there are a million more
a consumer computer because it runs all the       photographers that host their own
time and has many people accessing it. In the     websites on servers that are
back of the server are many ethernet ports        accessible via the internet
connected to other servers. Servers are kept      anywhere anytime.
in data centres and when you send information
by email or through prompts on the web (like a
Google search), the first place those requests
go to is your local data centre.

                                                                  With two models, private and public, the cloud is widely
                                                                   accessed. Private clouds are replacing office computer
                                                                         networks, so instead of having several computers
                                                                    connected and run by a host computer, companies are
                                                                       buying servers and linking their computers to that.
                                                                                                         Matthew Bamburg

Cloud Components                                  photos, manipulate them, and even print them.     Many people use the cloud application
The cloud is broken up into parts or              Things will be all remote, all the time.          Dropbox to sync files on their devices which
components, which relate to services and             Using the cloud can involve computer-to-       uses Amazons S3 servers to sync files on
hardware. The servers and infrastructure at       computer access, a process that doesnt           multiple devices. Initially, you need to
present are adequate in terms of dependability    require the computers to have the same            download the application on each of the
and security, but have a long way to go in        operating systems. (Windows vs. Mac wont be      devices to which you are syncing. Each device
terms of broadband speed and access. There        an issue). For example, you can download the      creates a Dropbox folder so that when you
are dozens of options in several online editing   software from www.gotomypc.com to your            change one file, say on your Mac, it
programmes for enthusiast and keen                home or office PC or Mac so that a remote         automatically syncs to your other devices
photographers and professional                    computer can access it. When you keep the         (Android, PC, iPhone).
photographers working with web images, but        first computer on and connected to the               Some storage companies offer additional
none that professionals would use because the     internet, you can go to your remote computer,     services. SugarSync not only stores images,
size and kind of files are far too big and        perhaps a laptop at a coffee shop, and connect    it allows you to sync your data to your other
complex for cloud manipulation (image                                                               computers and devices. The most recent
uploading 200 Nikon D800 TIFFS!).                                                                   addition to syncing, Adobe Revel, has been
In other words, a massive program like            The part of the cloud that is                    designed solely for photographers taking and
Photoshop cant exist in the cloud because it     of interest to photographers                      manipulating photos on one device and then
uses too much memory and would be very                                                              syncing them to others via an Adobe server,
unstable at the bandwidths available today.       begins with the providers of                      where a high-resolution version of the image
Smaller online platforms such as Pixlr and        server space for photographs.                     is saved.
Photoshop Express are typical of what are                                                              Risks you take when you put your images
being offered to photographers via the web.       Dozens of companies, including                    into the cloud include hackers, security and
   The part of the cloud that is of interest to   Amazon and Google, are in the                     photo theft. Although it might seem alarming
photographers begins with the providers of                                                          to have your images lost or stolen, its not
server space for photographs. Dozens of           storage business. All have                        likely if you cast an observant eye on
companies, including Amazon and Google, are       large-scale storage services                      technology news. Keeping abreast of how the
in the storage business. All have large-scale                                                       companies you are involved with are doing can
storage services that are reasonably priced for   that are reasonably priced for                    let you know ahead of time the future of your
amateur photographers. Once a photographer        amateur photographers.                           backups. Most experts recommend that you
needs more than 500GB of storage, the costs                                                         store your images on both external hard drives
become pricey. Each storage provider offers                                                         and the cloud, not letting go of using external
packages and services that are unique to its      to the website. This site takes you to the        hard drives. Theyre bigger, better, and
business model.                                   desktop of your home or office computer while     cheaper than ever and, unlike a place like the
   The infrastructure of the cloud includes       you are online at the coffee shop, enabling you   cloud where you have no idea where your
software that runs the servers. Companies         to work on the move.                              photos are physically, you know where they
such as Akamai, EMC2, and Dell have products                                                        are in your home or office. PP
to protect the server data from access by         File Syncing
unwarranted parties and make data transfer        Another cloud feature to understand is file
fast and dependable.                              syncing, which means that images saved on
   Photographers have access to software          one device are also saved on other devices.
platforms via the internet, including online      Syncing files among a group of devices is
image processing programmes where                 possible and is independent of the
customers access the software/applications        operating system on which the                      Matthew has just written
to process an image. It allows consumers to       device runs.                                       a new book called
access and use the developers applications                                                          Photography Applications
that run inside a web browser. One thing is                                                          and Cloud Computing, a
certain about the cloud. It is expanding so                                                          256-page paperback
much that in just a few years the desktop of                                                         expert guide on everything
your computer will likely to be part of it. The                                                      you need to know about
 cloud will be the place where youll upload                                                         staying safe in the cloud.
                                                                                                     ISBN: 978-1133788751
                                                                                                     PRICE: 贈24

 Next Month
  In the next installment, Matthew talks in more detail about how the cloud can specifically be used and maximised by photographers.


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  • 1. THE BUSINESS PART one Understanding the Cloud US author, professor and photographer Matthew Bamberg starts a two-part feature on how to use and how to stay safe in this new data storage facility The term the cloud sounds unfamiliar to Consider the devices smartphones, Most photographers today are also thinking most people even though they are engaged laptops, tablets and desktops that can about storing and/or backing-up their images with the system much of the time they are on access the same servers. Not only can these in the cloud. Storage and back-up services are their computer. All Facebook, Twitter and devices access the server via an internet as abundant as those for sharing photos. Flickr users are using the cloud; more connection, the server can access the device With two models, private and public, the specifically, everything online webpages, too. In addition, many of the devices are able to cloud is widely accessed. Private clouds are images, text and links is considered to be access one another via the server. There are a replacing office computer networks, so instead in the cloud. number of companies out there offering cloud of having several computers connected and But what does cloud computing mean to capabilities and specialise in niche services. run by a host computer, companies are buying photographers of all levels? The access to They might focus on device-to-device services, servers and linking their computers to that. applications and storage has been unequivocal while others offer storage, social networking, Public clouds, used by corporations and to technology since the dawn of the internet photo sharing, and links to on-ground services individuals, consist of a process of buying age. The cloud makes it easier to work across such as printing of photographs. A few cloud resources such as data storage and platforms because you can access and update websites offer so many services that visitors processing. An example might include using image files on one platform and pull them up can get confused and overwhelmed. Google App Engine to store and run an on another (perhaps a PC or smartphone). In terms of photography in the cloud, there application that a developer has written are millions of users sharing, and storing, the computer code for so the public Servers and Storage photos at dozens of websites such as: Flickr, can access it. 4 The most vital part of the computer network Picasa Web Albums, SmugMug, Shutterfly and is the server. A server is designed better than Snapfish. And there are a million more a consumer computer because it runs all the photographers that host their own time and has many people accessing it. In the websites on servers that are back of the server are many ethernet ports accessible via the internet connected to other servers. Servers are kept anywhere anytime. in data centres and when you send information by email or through prompts on the web (like a Google search), the first place those requests go to is your local data centre. With two models, private and public, the cloud is widely accessed. Private clouds are replacing office computer networks, so instead of having several computers connected and run by a host computer, companies are buying servers and linking their computers to that. Matthew Bamburg 61
  • 2. THE BUSINESS Cloud Components photos, manipulate them, and even print them. Many people use the cloud application The cloud is broken up into parts or Things will be all remote, all the time. Dropbox to sync files on their devices which components, which relate to services and Using the cloud can involve computer-to- uses Amazons S3 servers to sync files on hardware. The servers and infrastructure at computer access, a process that doesnt multiple devices. Initially, you need to present are adequate in terms of dependability require the computers to have the same download the application on each of the and security, but have a long way to go in operating systems. (Windows vs. Mac wont be devices to which you are syncing. Each device terms of broadband speed and access. There an issue). For example, you can download the creates a Dropbox folder so that when you are dozens of options in several online editing software from www.gotomypc.com to your change one file, say on your Mac, it programmes for enthusiast and keen home or office PC or Mac so that a remote automatically syncs to your other devices photographers and professional computer can access it. When you keep the (Android, PC, iPhone). photographers working with web images, but first computer on and connected to the Some storage companies offer additional none that professionals would use because the internet, you can go to your remote computer, services. SugarSync not only stores images, size and kind of files are far too big and perhaps a laptop at a coffee shop, and connect it allows you to sync your data to your other complex for cloud manipulation (image computers and devices. The most recent uploading 200 Nikon D800 TIFFS!). addition to syncing, Adobe Revel, has been In other words, a massive program like The part of the cloud that is designed solely for photographers taking and Photoshop cant exist in the cloud because it of interest to photographers manipulating photos on one device and then uses too much memory and would be very syncing them to others via an Adobe server, unstable at the bandwidths available today. begins with the providers of where a high-resolution version of the image Smaller online platforms such as Pixlr and server space for photographs. is saved. Photoshop Express are typical of what are Risks you take when you put your images being offered to photographers via the web. Dozens of companies, including into the cloud include hackers, security and The part of the cloud that is of interest to Amazon and Google, are in the photo theft. Although it might seem alarming photographers begins with the providers of to have your images lost or stolen, its not server space for photographs. Dozens of storage business. All have likely if you cast an observant eye on companies, including Amazon and Google, are large-scale storage services technology news. Keeping abreast of how the in the storage business. All have large-scale companies you are involved with are doing can storage services that are reasonably priced for that are reasonably priced for let you know ahead of time the future of your amateur photographers. Once a photographer amateur photographers. backups. Most experts recommend that you needs more than 500GB of storage, the costs store your images on both external hard drives become pricey. Each storage provider offers and the cloud, not letting go of using external packages and services that are unique to its to the website. This site takes you to the hard drives. Theyre bigger, better, and business model. desktop of your home or office computer while cheaper than ever and, unlike a place like the The infrastructure of the cloud includes you are online at the coffee shop, enabling you cloud where you have no idea where your software that runs the servers. Companies to work on the move. photos are physically, you know where they such as Akamai, EMC2, and Dell have products are in your home or office. PP to protect the server data from access by File Syncing unwarranted parties and make data transfer Another cloud feature to understand is file fast and dependable. syncing, which means that images saved on Photographers have access to software one device are also saved on other devices. platforms via the internet, including online Syncing files among a group of devices is image processing programmes where possible and is independent of the customers access the software/applications operating system on which the Matthew has just written to process an image. It allows consumers to device runs. a new book called access and use the developers applications Photography Applications that run inside a web browser. One thing is and Cloud Computing, a certain about the cloud. It is expanding so 256-page paperback much that in just a few years the desktop of expert guide on everything your computer will likely to be part of it. The you need to know about cloud will be the place where youll upload staying safe in the cloud. ISBN: 978-1133788751 PRICE: 贈24 Next Month In the next installment, Matthew talks in more detail about how the cloud can specifically be used and maximised by photographers. 63