The document presents two budget proposals - a minimum option and a normal option - for the InterCluster Club. The minimum option has an income of €9,500 from membership fees from 10 clusters and expenses of €9,500 that include a part-time person and logistics costs. The normal option has a higher total income of €38,500 from membership fees from 30 clusters and partner contributions, and higher total expenses of €38,500 that include a full-time person, administration costs, and meeting expenses.
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Club draft budget budget
1. InterCluster Club: budget proposal
Income Euro ! Expenses Euro !
Registration HR and logistics
Membership 10 clusters (950 x 10) 9,500 100.0% 1/4 time person 7,500 78.9%
Logistics 2,000 21.1%
Total Income 9,500 100.0% Total Expenses 9,500 100.0%
Income Euro ! Expenses Euro !
Registration HR and logistics
Membership 30 clusters (950 x 30) 28,500 74.0% Full time person 30,000 77.9%
Partners 10,000 26.0% Administration (Rent, phone, computer,…) 6,000 15.6%
Meetings (Event, catering, rooms,…) 2,500 6.5%
Total Income 38,500 100.0% Total Expenses 38,500 100.0%
5/4/11 ***Document Confidentiel***