Presentation of the research paper entitled "Clustered Serialization with Fuel" in ESUG International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST 2011), Edinburgh, Scotland.
This document discusses proxy objects in Smalltalk. It begins by defining a proxy as a surrogate or placeholder that controls access to another target object. It then describes different approaches to implementing proxies and their limitations, such as issues with traditional approaches that use #doesNotUnderstand:. The document proposes an alternative "ghost model" using #cannotInterpret: to intercept all messages in a uniform way while keeping proxies and handlers separate. It explains how this approach works and advantages it has over traditional proxies. The document also discusses extending this approach to proxy classes and methods.
This user guide provides instructions for operating a portable dual-mode telephone. It includes sections on phone basics, making calls, text entry, phone menus and settings, as well as safety warnings and legal information. The document contains all information needed to understand and use the core functionality of the telephone.
Fungisil et ZetaClear sont rem竪de efficace pour infection fongique des ongles. Ses ingr辿dients naturels soulagent les infections des ongles et des orteils sans effets secondaires.
This document discusses using Metacello to build custom Pharo images. It begins by explaining the author's motivations for building many customized images, such as testing new tools and versions. The author proposes leveraging Metacello's configuration files to define versions of packages and dependencies to build images tailored for individuals, companies, universities, and research groups. The conclusion encourages others to adapt the author's image building approach using Metacello to suit their own needs.
The document discusses different zones within a bra store and strategies for communication within each zone. The zones include the fitting room, transition zone, and shop floor. Issues in each zone are identified along with actions like using brand elements, illustrations, lifestyle photos, and minimal text to address issues and better communicate with customers in an appropriate way for each specific area of the store.
The document discusses Fuel, an object serialization library. It provides fast serialization and materialization of object graphs. Fuel groups similar objects into clusters during serialization for efficiency. It uses a "pickle format" where object graphs are serialized to a stream of bytes in clusters labeled with the cluster ID and number of objects. This grouping of objects into labeled clusters allows for fast materialization of large object graphs from the stream.
The document discusses DBXTalk, an open-source relational database access solution for Smalltalk. It includes OpenDBXDriver, which provides a common API for various database backends. GlorpDBX acts as a glue layer between Glorp and OpenDBXDriver. DBXTools and DBXBrowser provide scaffolding and a UI for database interaction and visualization. The current state includes a released OpenDBXDriver and ported Glorp. Future work involves improving the tools and adding backends.
Cassandra 1.0 and the future of big data (Cassandra Tokyo 2011)jbellis
Jonathan Ellis is the project chair of Apache Cassandra and founder and CTO of DataStax. He gave a presentation on Cassandra 1.0 and the future of big data. He discussed Cassandra's capabilities for handling real-time and large datasets, as well as DataStax Enterprise which unifies real-time and analytics capabilities. He also demonstrated how portfolio and stock data could be modeled and analyzed using Cassandra.
In this presentation for the NYC Titanium User's Group, Andrew McElroy, a Titanium Certified Expert and Certified Instructor, explains the advantages of using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) for creating automated tests to improve the development of Titanium and Alloy applications. He also discussed his TiCucumber library which enables the seamless use of Cucumber with Alloy.
Application performance is an important part of an applications usability. This session will provide detailed information and tips to keep your applications running fast.
Compelling location-based services require more than simple whats near me? operations. The Open Street Map dataset is a perfect example of a rich geographically-based wiki that can be used for much more than map rendering.
With the newly released Neo4j Spatial, any data can be adapted to complex queries with geographic components like Select all streets in the Municipality of NYC where at least 2 of my friends are walking right now.
The talk will demonstrate the important benefits of modeling geodata in a graph, the main components needed to expose data to geo stacks like map servers, and explain how the Open Street Map dataset is modeled in Neo4j. Ill show how using Neo4j unlocks the full potential of the OSM data far beyond just rendering maps.
There will also be some cool examples of Neo4j Spatial, from Telecomms network planning, Web-based AJAX GIS systems, topology editing and routing to REST and Web Feature Service endpoints, all in a single stack.
This is Location-based Services on steroids!
Ext JS 4.1: Layouts, Performance, and API updatesSencha
Improving layout and rendering performance is a major focus of Ext JS 4.1. This session will discuss some of these details and how they might impact your application, custom components and custom layouts. Beyond these largely invisible features, Ext JS 4.1 has other exciting enhancements. We will also cover: improvements to Grid, Border layout, XTemplate, Data and the class system.
The document discusses how OpenSky, a commerce company, uses both Doctrine ORM and ODM to manage their data. It uses Doctrine ORM with MySQL to handle order and transaction data, while using Doctrine ODM with MongoDB to handle product and other non-financial data. It describes how OpenSky defines Product documents and Order entities, and how it loads the Product reference on an Order entity using a post-load lifecycle event listener.
A presentation on how Showyou uses the Riak datastore at, as well as work we've been doing on a custom Riak backend for search and analytics.
The document discusses Smalltalk and its use in business. It provides an overview of Smalltalk, including its history and inventions. It describes dialects like Pharo and how it can be used for web development, databases, and more. Benefits include productivity, flexibility, and being fully object-oriented, while disadvantages include lack of mainstream popularity and documentation compared to other languages.
The document discusses object graphs in object-oriented programming and the problem of unused but referenced objects consuming memory. It proposes swapping unused object subgraphs to disk to free up memory while keeping them available. Key challenges include identifying unused object groups, serializing them efficiently with minimal overhead, and handling shared objects and pointers between swapped and unswapped objects. The approach taken is to mark used/unused objects at runtime, group related unused objects into subgraphs, swap only subgraph roots and inner objects to a file while keeping shared objects in memory, and update pointers to swapped objects.
Metacello is a package management system for Monticello that uses configuration files to define project versions and dependencies. A configuration file specifies the Monticello files, dependencies on other projects, and dependencies between packages for a project. Metacello is intended for users, not developers, of a project and allows users to load projects and specify pre and post code execution and project references. The current version is 1.0-beta.27.4 and future plans include improving version naming, validation, and ongoing bug fixes.
2) Serialize the object graph
3) Create and associate proxies
4) Replace original objects with proxies
The document proposes an application-level virtual memory system for object-oriented programs. It works by swapping out unused object graphs to secondary storage and replacing them with proxy objects in primary memory. When a proxy is accessed, its corresponding graph is swapped back in from secondary storage. Key aspects include assigning graph IDs, serializing graphs, creating associated proxy objects, and replacing original objects with proxies during swap out.
Este documento describe la integraci坦n de Squeak con bases de datos relacionales. Propone el desarrollo de SqueakDBX, un driver unificado que permitir鱈a la conexi坦n de Squeak con m炭ltiples DBMS como Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL y SQLite. Se detallan la arquitectura propuesta, el estado actual de implementaci坦n y las pr坦ximas mejoras planificadas como el soporte a campos grandes de datos y triggers.
FinTech is reshaping the way businesses handle payments, risk management, and financial operations. From AI-driven fraud detection to blockchain-powered security, the right FinTech solutions can streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. This guide explores 10 essential FinTech tools that help businesses stay ahead in an increasingly digital economy.
Discover how digital payments, credit risk management, treasury solutions, AI, blockchain, and RegTech can enhance efficiency, security, and profitability.
Read now to learn how businesses are leveraging FinTech for smarter financial management!
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris Wahl
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
EaseUS Partition Master Crack 2025 + Serial Keykherorpacca127
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
EASEUS Partition Master Crack is a professional hard disk partition management tool and system partition optimization software. It is an all-in-one PC and server disk management toolkit for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians, and consultants to provide technical services to customers with unlimited use.
EASEUS Partition Master 18.0 Technician Edition Crack interface is clean and tidy, so all options are at your fingertips. Whether you want to resize, move, copy, merge, browse, check, convert partitions, or change their labels, you can do everything with a few clicks. The defragmentation tool is also designed to merge fragmented files and folders and store them in contiguous locations on the hard drive.
Leadership u automatizaciji: RPA prie iz prakse!UiPathCommunity
Dobrodo邸li na "AI Powered Automation Leadership Talks", online dogaaj koji okuplja senior lidere i menad転ere iz razliitih industrija kako bi podelili svoja iskustva, izazove i strategije u oblasti RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Ovaj dogaaj pru転a priliku da zavirite u nain razmi邸ljanja ljudi koji donose kljune odluke u automatizaciji i liderstvu.
Kroz panel diskusiju sa tri izuzetna strunjaka, istra転iemo:
Kako uspe邸no zapoeti i skalirati RPA projekte u organizacijama.
Koji su najvei izazovi u implementaciji RPA-a i kako ih prevazii.
Na koje naine automatizacija menja radne procese i poma転e timovima da ostvare vi邸e.
Bez obzira na va邸e iskustvo sa UiPath-om ili RPA uop邸te, ovaj dogaaj je osmi邸ljen kako bi bio koristan svima od menad転era do tehnikih lidera, i svima koji 転ele da unaprede svoje razumevanje automatizacije.
Pridru転ite nam se i iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da nauite od onih koji vode automatizaciju u svojim organizacijama. Pripremite svoja pitanja i inspiraciju za sledee korake u va邸oj RPA strategiji!
How to teach M365 Copilot and M365 Copilot Chat prompting to your colleagues. Presented at the Advanced Learning Institute's "Internal Communications Strategies with M365" event on February 27, 2025. Intended audience: Internal Communicators, User Adoption Specialists, IT.
Cassandra 1.0 and the future of big data (Cassandra Tokyo 2011)jbellis
Jonathan Ellis is the project chair of Apache Cassandra and founder and CTO of DataStax. He gave a presentation on Cassandra 1.0 and the future of big data. He discussed Cassandra's capabilities for handling real-time and large datasets, as well as DataStax Enterprise which unifies real-time and analytics capabilities. He also demonstrated how portfolio and stock data could be modeled and analyzed using Cassandra.
In this presentation for the NYC Titanium User's Group, Andrew McElroy, a Titanium Certified Expert and Certified Instructor, explains the advantages of using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) for creating automated tests to improve the development of Titanium and Alloy applications. He also discussed his TiCucumber library which enables the seamless use of Cucumber with Alloy.
Application performance is an important part of an applications usability. This session will provide detailed information and tips to keep your applications running fast.
Compelling location-based services require more than simple whats near me? operations. The Open Street Map dataset is a perfect example of a rich geographically-based wiki that can be used for much more than map rendering.
With the newly released Neo4j Spatial, any data can be adapted to complex queries with geographic components like Select all streets in the Municipality of NYC where at least 2 of my friends are walking right now.
The talk will demonstrate the important benefits of modeling geodata in a graph, the main components needed to expose data to geo stacks like map servers, and explain how the Open Street Map dataset is modeled in Neo4j. Ill show how using Neo4j unlocks the full potential of the OSM data far beyond just rendering maps.
There will also be some cool examples of Neo4j Spatial, from Telecomms network planning, Web-based AJAX GIS systems, topology editing and routing to REST and Web Feature Service endpoints, all in a single stack.
This is Location-based Services on steroids!
Ext JS 4.1: Layouts, Performance, and API updatesSencha
Improving layout and rendering performance is a major focus of Ext JS 4.1. This session will discuss some of these details and how they might impact your application, custom components and custom layouts. Beyond these largely invisible features, Ext JS 4.1 has other exciting enhancements. We will also cover: improvements to Grid, Border layout, XTemplate, Data and the class system.
The document discusses how OpenSky, a commerce company, uses both Doctrine ORM and ODM to manage their data. It uses Doctrine ORM with MySQL to handle order and transaction data, while using Doctrine ODM with MongoDB to handle product and other non-financial data. It describes how OpenSky defines Product documents and Order entities, and how it loads the Product reference on an Order entity using a post-load lifecycle event listener.
A presentation on how Showyou uses the Riak datastore at, as well as work we've been doing on a custom Riak backend for search and analytics.
The document discusses Smalltalk and its use in business. It provides an overview of Smalltalk, including its history and inventions. It describes dialects like Pharo and how it can be used for web development, databases, and more. Benefits include productivity, flexibility, and being fully object-oriented, while disadvantages include lack of mainstream popularity and documentation compared to other languages.
The document discusses object graphs in object-oriented programming and the problem of unused but referenced objects consuming memory. It proposes swapping unused object subgraphs to disk to free up memory while keeping them available. Key challenges include identifying unused object groups, serializing them efficiently with minimal overhead, and handling shared objects and pointers between swapped and unswapped objects. The approach taken is to mark used/unused objects at runtime, group related unused objects into subgraphs, swap only subgraph roots and inner objects to a file while keeping shared objects in memory, and update pointers to swapped objects.
Metacello is a package management system for Monticello that uses configuration files to define project versions and dependencies. A configuration file specifies the Monticello files, dependencies on other projects, and dependencies between packages for a project. Metacello is intended for users, not developers, of a project and allows users to load projects and specify pre and post code execution and project references. The current version is 1.0-beta.27.4 and future plans include improving version naming, validation, and ongoing bug fixes.
2) Serialize the object graph
3) Create and associate proxies
4) Replace original objects with proxies
The document proposes an application-level virtual memory system for object-oriented programs. It works by swapping out unused object graphs to secondary storage and replacing them with proxy objects in primary memory. When a proxy is accessed, its corresponding graph is swapped back in from secondary storage. Key aspects include assigning graph IDs, serializing graphs, creating associated proxy objects, and replacing original objects with proxies during swap out.
Este documento describe la integraci坦n de Squeak con bases de datos relacionales. Propone el desarrollo de SqueakDBX, un driver unificado que permitir鱈a la conexi坦n de Squeak con m炭ltiples DBMS como Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL y SQLite. Se detallan la arquitectura propuesta, el estado actual de implementaci坦n y las pr坦ximas mejoras planificadas como el soporte a campos grandes de datos y triggers.
FinTech is reshaping the way businesses handle payments, risk management, and financial operations. From AI-driven fraud detection to blockchain-powered security, the right FinTech solutions can streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. This guide explores 10 essential FinTech tools that help businesses stay ahead in an increasingly digital economy.
Discover how digital payments, credit risk management, treasury solutions, AI, blockchain, and RegTech can enhance efficiency, security, and profitability.
Read now to learn how businesses are leveraging FinTech for smarter financial management!
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris Wahl
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
EaseUS Partition Master Crack 2025 + Serial Keykherorpacca127
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
EASEUS Partition Master Crack is a professional hard disk partition management tool and system partition optimization software. It is an all-in-one PC and server disk management toolkit for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians, and consultants to provide technical services to customers with unlimited use.
EASEUS Partition Master 18.0 Technician Edition Crack interface is clean and tidy, so all options are at your fingertips. Whether you want to resize, move, copy, merge, browse, check, convert partitions, or change their labels, you can do everything with a few clicks. The defragmentation tool is also designed to merge fragmented files and folders and store them in contiguous locations on the hard drive.
Leadership u automatizaciji: RPA prie iz prakse!UiPathCommunity
Dobrodo邸li na "AI Powered Automation Leadership Talks", online dogaaj koji okuplja senior lidere i menad転ere iz razliitih industrija kako bi podelili svoja iskustva, izazove i strategije u oblasti RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Ovaj dogaaj pru転a priliku da zavirite u nain razmi邸ljanja ljudi koji donose kljune odluke u automatizaciji i liderstvu.
Kroz panel diskusiju sa tri izuzetna strunjaka, istra転iemo:
Kako uspe邸no zapoeti i skalirati RPA projekte u organizacijama.
Koji su najvei izazovi u implementaciji RPA-a i kako ih prevazii.
Na koje naine automatizacija menja radne procese i poma転e timovima da ostvare vi邸e.
Bez obzira na va邸e iskustvo sa UiPath-om ili RPA uop邸te, ovaj dogaaj je osmi邸ljen kako bi bio koristan svima od menad転era do tehnikih lidera, i svima koji 転ele da unaprede svoje razumevanje automatizacije.
Pridru転ite nam se i iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da nauite od onih koji vode automatizaciju u svojim organizacijama. Pripremite svoja pitanja i inspiraciju za sledee korake u va邸oj RPA strategiji!
How to teach M365 Copilot and M365 Copilot Chat prompting to your colleagues. Presented at the Advanced Learning Institute's "Internal Communications Strategies with M365" event on February 27, 2025. Intended audience: Internal Communicators, User Adoption Specialists, IT.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 2DianaGray10
In session 2, we will introduce you to Data manipulation in UiPath Studio.
Topics covered:
Data Manipulation
What is Data Manipulation
RegEx Builder
Date and Time
Required Self-Paced Learning for this session:
Data Manipulation with Strings in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Data Manipulation with Lists and Dictionaries in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h - https:/
Data Manipulation with Data Tables in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m - https:/
鏝 For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1DianaGray10
Welcome to UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1.
In this session, we will cover the following topics:
Introduction to RPA & UiPath Studio
Overview of RPA and its applications
Introduction to UiPath Studio
Variables & Data Types
Control Flows
You are requested to finish the following self-paced training for this session:
Variables, Constants and Arguments in Studio 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Control Flow in Studio 2 modules - 2h 15m - https:/
鏝 For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
He巽 d端端nm端s端n端zm端, m端asir smartfonlar v kameralar nec bu qdr g旦zl g旦r端nt端lr yarad脹r? Bunun sirri Computational Fotoqrafiyas脹nda(Computer Vision/Imaging) gizlidirkillri 巽km v emal etm 端sulumuzu tkmilldirn, komp端ter elmi il fotoqrafiyan脹n inqilabi birlmsi.
Agentic AI: The 2025 Next-Gen Automation GuideThoughtminds
Introduction to Agentic AI: Explains how it differs from traditional automation and its ability to make independent decisions.
Comparison with Generative AI: A structured comparison between Generative AI (content creation) and Agentic AI (autonomous action-taking).
Technical Breakdown: Covers core components such as LLMs, reinforcement learning, and cloud infrastructure that power Agentic AI.
Real-World Use Cases (2025 & Beyond): Examines how Agentic AI is transforming industries like insurance, healthcare, retail, finance, and cybersecurity.
Business Impact & ROI: Discusses case studies from Unilever, FedEx, and more, showcasing cost savings and operational efficiency improvements.
Challenges & Risks: Highlights bias, security threats, regulatory compliance, and workforce reskilling as critical challenges in AI adoption.
5-Step Implementation Strategy: A practical roadmap to help organizations integrate Agentic AI seamlessly.
Future Predictions (2025-2030): Forecasts on AI-driven workforce evolution, industry disruptions, and the rise of Quantum AI.
AI in Medical Diagnostics The Future of HealthcareVadim Nareyko
What Youll Learn:
What is AI in medical diagnostics and how it works?
How AI enhances accuracy, speed, and accessibility in disease detection.
Real-world examples from leading innovators like Google Health, IBM Watson, and Siemens Healthineers.
The cutting-edge AI technologies driving this transformation, including computer vision, natural language processing, and federated learning.
The challenges, opportunities, and future trends in AI-powered diagnostics.
Why AI in Healthcare Matters:
Traditional diagnosis relies heavily on manual interpretation, making it time-consuming and sometimes prone to human error. AI-driven diagnostic systems analyze vast amounts of medical data faster and more accurately, helping doctors detect diseases in their early stages.
From automated radiology analysis to AI-assisted pathology and real-time patient monitoring, these technologies are revolutionizing healthcare, telemedicine, and personalized treatment.
DevNexus - Building 10x Development Organizations.pdfJustin Reock
Developer Experience is Dead! Long Live Developer Experience!
In this keynote-style session, well take a detailed, granular look at the barriers to productivity developers face today and modern approaches for removing them. 10x developers may be a myth, but 10x organizations are very real, as proven by the influential study performed in the 1980s, The Coding War Games.
Right now, here in early 2025, we seem to be experiencing YAPP (Yet Another Productivity Philosophy), and that philosophy is converging on developer experience. It seems that with every new method, we invent to deliver products, whether physical or virtual, we reinvent productivity philosophies to go alongside them.
But which of these approaches works? DORA? SPACE? DevEx? What should we invest in and create urgency behind today so we dont have the same discussion again in a decade?
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching at ScaleScyllaDB
Weighing caching considerations for use cases with different technical requirements and growth expectations.
- Request coalescing
- Negative sharding
- Rate limiting
- Sharding and scaling
Blockchain is revolutionizing industries by enhancing security, transparency, and automation. From supply chain management and finance to healthcare and real estate, blockchain eliminates inefficiencies, prevents fraud, and streamlines operations.
What You'll Learn in This Presentation:
1. How blockchain enables real-time tracking & fraud prevention
2. The impact of smart contracts & decentralized finance (DeFi)
3. Why businesses should adopt secure and automated blockchain solutions
4. Real-world blockchain applications across multiple industries
Explore the future of blockchain and its practical benefits for businesses!
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptxshyamraj55
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptx | ### 際際滷 Deck Description:
This presentation features Atul, a Senior Solution Architect at NTT DATA, sharing his journey into traditional AI using Azure's Custom Vision tool. He discusses how AI mimics human thinking and reasoning, differentiates between predictive and generative AI, and demonstrates a real-world use case. The session covers the step-by-step process of creating and training an AI model for image classification and object detectionspecifically, an ad display that adapts based on the viewer's gender. Atulavan highlights the ease of implementation without deep software or programming expertise. The presentation concludes with a Q&A session addressing technical and privacy concerns.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching StrategiesScyllaDB
Exploring the tradeoffs of common caching strategies and a look at the architectural differences.
- Which strategies exist
- When to apply different strategies
- ScyllaDB cache design
Transcript: AI in publishing: Your questions answered - Tech Forum 2025BookNet Canada
George Walkley, a publishing veteran and leading authority on AI applications, joins us for a follow-up to his presentation "Applying AI to publishing: A balanced and ethical approach". George gives a brief overview of developments since that presentation and answers attendees' pressing questions about AIs impact and potential applications in the book industry.
Link to recording and presentation slides:
Presented by BookNet Canada on February 20, 2025 with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.
DealBook of Ukraine: 2025 edition | AVentures CapitalYevgen Sysoyev
The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2024 and the first deals of 2025.
9. Fuels main goals
Provide fast object serialization and materialization.
Be 鍖exible and easy to customize.
Have a good OO design, well tested and
No need of special support from the VM.
Be a general purpose serializer.
Allow tools to be built on top of Fuel.
Monday, August 22, 2011
10. Key features
Fast serialization and materialization.
Class reshape support.
Serialization of any kind of object.
Cycles support.
Global objects references.
Buffered writing.
Support for some hook methods.
Monday, August 22, 2011
11. Key Characteristics
Pickle format.
Objects grouped in clusters.
Analysis phase before writing.
Stack over recursion.
Two phases for writing instances and
Iterative graph recreation.
Monday, August 22, 2011
12. Pickle format
Invest more time in serialization so that objects can then be
materialized much faster.
Monday, August 22, 2011
13. Grouping objects in
Similar objects (they share writing/loading information) are
grouped together in clusters. The most common case, yet not the
only one, takes place when a class is a cluster for its instances.
Monday, August 22, 2011
16. 14
Each jar has
a speci鍖c
type of
Jars are in
Monday, August 22, 2011
17. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?Each jar has
a speci鍖c
type of
Jars are in
Monday, August 22, 2011
18. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Each jar has
a speci鍖c
type of
Jars are in
Monday, August 22, 2011
19. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Each jar has
a speci鍖c
type of
Jars are in
Monday, August 22, 2011
20. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Each jar has
a speci鍖c
type of
Jars are in
Monday, August 22, 2011
21. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Jars are in
Each cluster
has a speci鍖c
type of object
Monday, August 22, 2011
22. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Jars are in
Each cluster
has a speci鍖c
type of object
Monday, August 22, 2011
23. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Each cluster
has a speci鍖c
type of object
Clusters are
in order
Monday, August 22, 2011
24. 14
- Whats inside?
- How much?
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Each cluster
has a speci鍖c
type of object
Clusters are
in order
Monday, August 22, 2011
25. 14
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Each cluster
has a speci鍖c
type of object
Clusters are
in order
- Cluster ID
- Amount of
Monday, August 22, 2011
26. 14
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Each cluster
has a speci鍖c
type of object
Clusters are
in order
- Cluster ID
- Amount of
Monday, August 22, 2011
27. 14
Each cluster
has a speci鍖c
type of object
Clusters are
in order
- Cluster ID
- Amount of
Different sizes
and different
amounts of
Monday, August 22, 2011
32. 16
Why the pickle format is so fast in materialization?
Standard serializers Fuel pickle format
Monday, August 22, 2011
33. 16
Why the pickle format is so fast in materialization?
Standard serializers Fuel pickle format
materialization Iterative
Monday, August 22, 2011
35. There is no silver
Fast serialization
(without pickle)
Slow serialization
(with pickle)
Monday, August 22, 2011
36. Fuel requires
Traversing the object graph.
Mapping each object to a speci鍖c cluster.
This is done in a phase before
serialization called Analysis.
Monday, August 22, 2011
37. Analysis phase
cluster1 aPoint
cluster2 x y
... ...
key (a cluster) value (a set)
1) Traverse
(#fuelAccept: aVisitor)
2) Fill dictionary
Monday, August 22, 2011
38. Serialization
key (a cluster) value (a set)
serialize: anObject on: aStream
materializeFrom: aStream
A cluster de鍖nes how its objects
are serialized and materialized.
cluster1 aPoint
cluster2 x y
... ...
Monday, August 22, 2011
39. Stack over recursion
To traverse the object graph, Fuel uses a custom
stack implementation rather than a recursion.
Monday, August 22, 2011
41. Fuel for software(so far)
Moose export utility.
SandstoneDB persistence.
Pier kernel persistence.
Newspeak language.
Marea (my own research project!).
Monday, August 22, 2011
42. Future Work
Continue efforts on performance optimization.
Create a tool for loading class and trait
Support user-de鍖ned Singletons.
Fast statistics/brief info extraction of a stored
Partial loading of a stored graph.
Monday, August 22, 2011
43. Future work 2
Enable to deploy serialization and
materialization behavior independently.
Support object replacement for serialization
and materialization.
Allow cycle detections to be disabled.
Partial loading.
Monday, August 22, 2011