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Clyde Shen  021 0811 1443  Page 1
Clyde Shen
Address: 13 Clematis Ave, Hamilton 3200
Mobile: 021 0811 1443  Email: clyde1229@gmail.com
Experienced software development professional with a recent track record of success
in a range of sectors and a strong interest in front-end development opportunities
 Outstanding range of IT programming and web development skills developed across a varied recent
career path including as a developer working in a range of sectors
 Experienced in and skilled in providing innovative and creative solutions to technology development
and implementation challenges
 A fast learner, with a substantial ability to absorb and assimilate new information particularly in
relation to computer languages, programming, application development and technology
 Highly developed organisation and time management skills, able to prioritise multiple tasks, work
under pressure and meet deadlines
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills complementing the ability to relateto others and
to build positive relationships with all stakeholders
 Ability to work independently, to lead and to work as part of a teamand proven experience in
leading and mentoring software development teammembers and in creative problem solving
 A passion for technology, researching and keeping updated with technology to stay informed about
the latest solutions for future implementation
Software Application Developer Zambion, Hamilton 2016 - current
Mentor Experieco, Auckland 2016
Software Developer Central Station Software, Auckland 2015 - 2016
Principal Developer Tang Ren Ltd, Auckland 2014 - 2015
Bachelorof Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology 2013
 Major Computer Science
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer (OCAJP 7) 2013
Microsoft: C#, MVC, MVVM, .Net Core, Entity Framework Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio,
SQL Server
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
Tools/Libraries: Typescript, promise, Node.js, Git, GitHub, ChartJS, Kubernetes, OAuth2
Technologies: Aurelia, HTML5, Webpack, REST API, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, Ajax, React, Angular,
Bootstrap, JSON, Web Services, REST, Responsive UI, DDD, Unit Test, Karma, Jasmine
Clyde Shen  021 0811 1443  Page 2
Software Application Developer - Zambion, Hamilton 2016 - current
Zambion develops and deploys web-based Payroll, HR, Time and Attendance, Leave Management
Software. The business has been in NZ for 10+ years and is a leading Payroll systems provider with clients.
Report to the Director of the business and work in a software development team. Responsible for
delivering the Zambion Cloud project for clients which requires a deep understanding of specialised
software development and of how users interact with the Cloud project. Responsible for coding features
and unit test functions for software to reduce error and faults. Used Aurelia Framework, Typescript,
Javascript, ASP.Net Core, MySQL, REST API, Webpack, Docker and Kubernetes
 Highly effective in collaborating with team members to the cloud project that resulted in a %300
increase in sales both locally and abroad growing the company from 12 to around 40 clients
 Made a significant contribution to the development of a state of the art advanced web-based Payroll,
HR, Time and Attendance, Leave Management Software that is IRD compliant, intuitive, intelligent
 Successful in programme multiple features to meet client needs such as Payslips, Leave Balances,
Position Management, Performance/Review Management, Payments/Deductions
 Developed new features such as Company Organisation Chart, Dynamic Forms, Dynamic dashboard
widget, and Training System
Mentor - Experieco, Auckland 2015 - 2016
Experieco works with businesses of all sizes deploying enterprise workforce management, core custom
applications, dynamic forms and mobility solutions.
Selected to be a peer mentor by Central Station Software for Experico, an associated business.
Responsible for training and mentoring junior developers in Experico and for assisting them with the
resolution of a rangeof technical issues. Delegatedtasks and supervised the work of 18 developers,
managed time sheets and led trouble shooting and problem solving in the team.
 Successful in preparing weekly lessons to teachHTML, CSS and JQuery, and demonstrate MVC project
to junior developers
 Attended and actively participated in training activities and recognised for positively to the team
 Effective in providing support to junior developers with special needs to ensure their success
Software Developer - Central Station Software, Auckland 2014 - 2015
Central Station Software develops and deploys software using the latest design techniques, technology
and device application. The business caters for the early childhood education sector and others creating
custom design system solutions specific to business needs.
Graduate intern responsible for assisting the software development team with bug fixing, testing and
feature development and contributing to completion of a rangeof projects primarily for clients who were
operating in the early childhood education sector such as After School Care, Class, Education Academies.
Contributed to one significant project (AIMY Plus) which was a cloud-based software solution providing
software for child programme management and real time bookings and financials. Used ASP.Net MVC,
C#, Kendo UI, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Entity Framework and Microsoft SQL Server in Agile environment.
 Successful in contributing to both back-end and front-end development of features for the Contact
Manager that managed more than 110,000 contact details in the AIMY Plus system
 Led the optimising of legacy code and reduced redundant data to decrease response time from 8
seconds to 0.5 seconds in average
Clyde Shen  021 0811 1443  Page 3
Principal Developer - Tang Ren Ltd, Auckland 2014 - 2015
Tang RenLtd is software development and web design company that delivers web system development,
website building, website promotion, planning and running of the spatial domains as well as network
marketing, visual identity design and web media promotions.
Responsible for determining all necessary coding requirements for client website development including
forms, e-commerce capability and specialised scripts and participating in the full life cycle of new website
development. Also responsible for leading and managing a junior development team.
 Reduce development time from 4 to 2 months by creating own MVC framework and using Bootstrap
 Managed the web design and development of the entire client websites by using various CMS
systems including WordPress or Magento, and page layout base on customized design, UI/UX,
responsive web, generalSEO
 Involved in front-end, back-end development and maintenance of MVC architecturewebsites and an
internal CMS development using PHP, Object-oriented programming, HTML5/CSS3, MySQL, Apache,
AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap Framework, and LAMP toolsets
Event Volunteer, TED Talks, Hamilton 2017 - current
Software Development Job Ready Programme, Industry Connect 2015 - 2016
Licences: NZ Drivers Licence
References: Available on request
Interests: Hiking, diving, ice skating, the outdoors and personal software development projects

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Clyde Shen

  • 1. Clyde Shen 021 0811 1443 Page 1 Clyde Shen Address: 13 Clematis Ave, Hamilton 3200 Mobile: 021 0811 1443 Email: clyde1229@gmail.com Experienced software development professional with a recent track record of success in a range of sectors and a strong interest in front-end development opportunities Outstanding range of IT programming and web development skills developed across a varied recent career path including as a developer working in a range of sectors Experienced in and skilled in providing innovative and creative solutions to technology development and implementation challenges A fast learner, with a substantial ability to absorb and assimilate new information particularly in relation to computer languages, programming, application development and technology Highly developed organisation and time management skills, able to prioritise multiple tasks, work under pressure and meet deadlines Excellent communication and interpersonal skills complementing the ability to relateto others and to build positive relationships with all stakeholders Ability to work independently, to lead and to work as part of a teamand proven experience in leading and mentoring software development teammembers and in creative problem solving A passion for technology, researching and keeping updated with technology to stay informed about the latest solutions for future implementation Software Application Developer Zambion, Hamilton 2016 - current Mentor Experieco, Auckland 2016 Software Developer Central Station Software, Auckland 2015 - 2016 Principal Developer Tang Ren Ltd, Auckland 2014 - 2015 Bachelorof Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology 2013 Major Computer Science Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer (OCAJP 7) 2013 Microsoft: C#, MVC, MVVM, .Net Core, Entity Framework Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio, SQL Server Operating Systems: Windows, Linux Tools/Libraries: Typescript, promise, Node.js, Git, GitHub, ChartJS, Kubernetes, OAuth2 Technologies: Aurelia, HTML5, Webpack, REST API, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, Ajax, React, Angular, Bootstrap, JSON, Web Services, REST, Responsive UI, DDD, Unit Test, Karma, Jasmine
  • 2. Clyde Shen 021 0811 1443 Page 2 Software Application Developer - Zambion, Hamilton 2016 - current Zambion develops and deploys web-based Payroll, HR, Time and Attendance, Leave Management Software. The business has been in NZ for 10+ years and is a leading Payroll systems provider with clients. Report to the Director of the business and work in a software development team. Responsible for delivering the Zambion Cloud project for clients which requires a deep understanding of specialised software development and of how users interact with the Cloud project. Responsible for coding features and unit test functions for software to reduce error and faults. Used Aurelia Framework, Typescript, Javascript, ASP.Net Core, MySQL, REST API, Webpack, Docker and Kubernetes Achievements Highly effective in collaborating with team members to the cloud project that resulted in a %300 increase in sales both locally and abroad growing the company from 12 to around 40 clients Made a significant contribution to the development of a state of the art advanced web-based Payroll, HR, Time and Attendance, Leave Management Software that is IRD compliant, intuitive, intelligent Successful in programme multiple features to meet client needs such as Payslips, Leave Balances, Position Management, Performance/Review Management, Payments/Deductions Developed new features such as Company Organisation Chart, Dynamic Forms, Dynamic dashboard widget, and Training System Mentor - Experieco, Auckland 2015 - 2016 Experieco works with businesses of all sizes deploying enterprise workforce management, core custom applications, dynamic forms and mobility solutions. Selected to be a peer mentor by Central Station Software for Experico, an associated business. Responsible for training and mentoring junior developers in Experico and for assisting them with the resolution of a rangeof technical issues. Delegatedtasks and supervised the work of 18 developers, managed time sheets and led trouble shooting and problem solving in the team. Successful in preparing weekly lessons to teachHTML, CSS and JQuery, and demonstrate MVC project to junior developers Attended and actively participated in training activities and recognised for positively to the team Effective in providing support to junior developers with special needs to ensure their success Software Developer - Central Station Software, Auckland 2014 - 2015 Central Station Software develops and deploys software using the latest design techniques, technology and device application. The business caters for the early childhood education sector and others creating custom design system solutions specific to business needs. Graduate intern responsible for assisting the software development team with bug fixing, testing and feature development and contributing to completion of a rangeof projects primarily for clients who were operating in the early childhood education sector such as After School Care, Class, Education Academies. Contributed to one significant project (AIMY Plus) which was a cloud-based software solution providing software for child programme management and real time bookings and financials. Used ASP.Net MVC, C#, Kendo UI, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Entity Framework and Microsoft SQL Server in Agile environment. Successful in contributing to both back-end and front-end development of features for the Contact Manager that managed more than 110,000 contact details in the AIMY Plus system Led the optimising of legacy code and reduced redundant data to decrease response time from 8 seconds to 0.5 seconds in average
  • 3. Clyde Shen 021 0811 1443 Page 3 Principal Developer - Tang Ren Ltd, Auckland 2014 - 2015 Tang RenLtd is software development and web design company that delivers web system development, website building, website promotion, planning and running of the spatial domains as well as network marketing, visual identity design and web media promotions. Responsible for determining all necessary coding requirements for client website development including forms, e-commerce capability and specialised scripts and participating in the full life cycle of new website development. Also responsible for leading and managing a junior development team. Reduce development time from 4 to 2 months by creating own MVC framework and using Bootstrap framework Managed the web design and development of the entire client websites by using various CMS systems including WordPress or Magento, and page layout base on customized design, UI/UX, responsive web, generalSEO Involved in front-end, back-end development and maintenance of MVC architecturewebsites and an internal CMS development using PHP, Object-oriented programming, HTML5/CSS3, MySQL, Apache, AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap Framework, and LAMP toolsets Event Volunteer, TED Talks, Hamilton 2017 - current Software Development Job Ready Programme, Industry Connect 2015 - 2016 Licences: NZ Drivers Licence References: Available on request Interests: Hiking, diving, ice skating, the outdoors and personal software development projects