Daniel Schaap and myself are giving a workshop for first year students of 'Communication and Multimedia Design' at 'The Hague University' on May 25th, 2010.
Unfortunately the font obliged by the Corporate Identity of the Study Association SIM isn't supported, so the titles come out weird.
The thing you can't see, is that we will be using a second beamer next to our presentation. On this a twitterstream will display the tweets with the hashtag we picked for our presentation, #SIMow. That way students can comment, compliment or ask questions during the workshop. With this we hope to engage interaction, sometimes a hard to archieve goal when dealing with students.
5. Klasse Car Eigenschappen int xpos; int ypos; float speed; Methoden display(); move(); intersect();
6. Alle Objecten Car car1 = new Car(0,375,-7); Maar nu alle autos in 1 keer?
7. Code per Object Car car1; Car car2; //Initialize cars car1 = new Car(0, 375, -7); car2 = new Car(255,420,6); //Methods of cars car1.move(); car1.display(); car2.move(); car2.display(); //Frogger gets hit by car if (car1.intersect(Frogger)) { Frogger.die(); } if (car2.intersect(Frogger)) { Frogger.die(); } Er zijn 12 cars; dit is NIET EFFICINT!
9. Code mbv Arrays Car[] allCars = new Car[12]; for (int i=0; i<allCars.length; i++) { //Initialize cars allCars[i] = new Car(random(x), random(y), random(v)); //Methods of cars allCars[i].display(); allCars[i].move(); //Frogger gets hit by car if (allCars[i].intersect(Frogger)) { Frogger.die(); } }
13. Daniel Schaap twitter.com/Ovinomancer slideshare.net/Ovinomancer Jordann Gross twitter.com/JordannGross slideshare.net/JordannGross Einde Veel dank en succes met Processing!