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The purpose of Integrated Work Management
(IWM) is establish and manage the work and the
involvement of relevant stakeholders according
to an integrated and defined process that is
tailored from the organizations set of standard
processes (defined process for the work).
Need of IWM
 Software development is a kind of all
new stream in world business and
theres very little experience in
building software products.
 Most software products are tailor
made to fit clients stipulations.
 The image depicts triple constraints for software projects.
 It is an essential part of software organization to deliver
quality product, keeping the cost within clients budget
constrain and deliver the project as per scheduled (Time).
 There are several factors, both internal and external, which
may impact this triple constrain triangle.
 Any of three factor can severely impact the other two.
Defined process for the
 Define processes needed to
identify, define, combine, unify &
coordinate the various processes
and activities within the process
 Defining a simple and crystal
clear process helps the
organization to fruition the
desired result with the fullest
The process area also addresses the
coordination of activities such as:
1. Development activities
(Requirements development design,
2. Service activities (delivery, help desk,
customer contact)
3. Acquisition activities (Agreement
monitoring, solicitation)
4. Support activities (training,
marketing, documentation)
 Establishing the defined process at work startup by tailoring the
organizations set of standard processes
 Managing the work using the defined process
 Establishing the work environment for the work based on the
organizations work environment standards
 Establishing teams that are tasked to accomplish work objectives
 Using and contributing to organizational process assets
 Enabling relevant stakeholders concerns to be identified, considered,
and, when appropriate, addressed during the work
Integrated Work Management involves the
following activities:
Ensuring that relevant
(1)Perform their tasks in a coordinated and
timely manner to reduce the time consumption
and increase the output
(2)Address their requirements, plans, objectives,
problems, and risks to improve the efficiency
and ensure their smugness.
(3)Fulfill their commitments and ensure they are
self satisfied; and
(4)Identify, track, and resolve coordination
issues to reduce the risks.
How to manage the work effort, cost, schedule,
staffing, risks and other factors?
 Managing People / Human resources
 Act as leader
 Liaison with stakeholders
 Setting up reporting hierarchy etc.
 Managing Projects efficiently
 Defining and setting up project scope
 Managing project management activities
 Monitoring progress and performance
 Risk analysis at every phase
 Take necessary step to avoid or come out of
 Act as project spokesperson
 Delegation of authority
 Breaking down the project tasks into smaller,
manageable form
 Finding out various tasks and correlate them
 Estimating time frame required for each task
 Dividing time into work-units
 Assigning adequate number of work-units for
each task
 Calculating total time required for the project
from start to finish
 Once size and efforts are estimated, the
time required to produce the software
can be estimated.
 Efforts required is segregated into sub
categories as per the requirement
specifications and interdependency of
various components of software.
 The tasks can be scheduled on day-to-
day basis or in calendar months.
 The sum of time required to complete
all tasks in hours or days is the total
time invested to complete the project.
For estimating project cost, it is required to
 Size of software
 Software quality
 Additional software or tools, licenses etc.
 Skilled personnel with task-specific skills
 Travel involved
 Training and support
SG 1 Use Defined Process for the Work SG 2 Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant
SP 1.1 Establish the defined process SP 2.1 Manage Stakeholder Involvement
SP 1.2 Use Organizational process Assets for Planning
Work Activities
SP 2.2 Manage dependencies
SP 1.3 Establish the Work Environment SP 2.3 Resolve coordination issues
SP 1.4 Integrate Plans
SP 1.5 Manage the Work Using Integrated Plans
SP 1.6 Establish Teams
SP 1.7 Contribute to Organizational Process Assets
SP 1.1 Establish the Defined Process for the Work
 Stakeholder requirements
 Organizational process needs and
 The organizations set of standard processes
and tailoring guidelines
 The operational environment
 The business environment
 The service delivery environment
 Establish and maintain the defined
process from startup and throughout
the work.
Example Work Products:
1. The defined process for the work.
1. Select a lifecycle model from the ones available in
organizational process assets.
2. Select standard processes from the organizations set of
standard processes that best fit the needs of the work.
3. Tailor the organizations set of standard processes and
other organizational process assets according to tailoring
guidelines to produce the defined process for the work.
4. Use other artifacts from the organizations process asset
library as appropriate.
5. Document the defined process for the work.
6. Conduct peer reviews of the defined process for the work.
7. Revise the defined process for the work as necessary.
SP 1.2 Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning
Work Activities
 Use organizational process assets and the measurement repository for
estimating and planning work activities
 When available, use results of previous planning and execution activities
as predictors of the relative scope and risk of the effort being estimated.
Example Work Products:
1. Work estimates
2. Work plans
1. Use the tasks and work products of the defined
process for the work as a basis for estimating
and planning work activities.
2. Use the organizations measurement repository
in estimating the work planning parameters.
The estimate typically includes the
 Appropriate historical data from this
work or similar work
 Similarities and differences between the
current work and work from which
historical data will be used
 Validated historical data
 Reasoning, assumptions and rationale
used to select the historical data
Examples of parameters
Work product & task attributes
Application domain
Service system and its components
Operational or delivery environment
Experience of the people
SP 1.3 Establish the Work Environment
 An appropriate work environment for the work comprises an infrastructure of
facilities, tools & equipment that people need to perform their jobs effectively
in support of business and service objectives.
Example Work Products:
o Equipment and tools for the work
o Installation, operation & maintenance manuals for the work environment
o User surveys and results
o Use, performance, and maintenance tools
o Support services for the work environment
1. Plan, design & install a
work environment
2. Provide ongoing
maintenance & operational
support for the work
3. Maintain the qualification
of components of the work
4. Periodical review how well
the work environment is
meeting work activity needs
& supporting collaboration,
and take action as
 Integrate the work plan and other plans that affect the work to
describe the defined process for the work.
 The work plan should include plans for service system
development and service delivery as appropriate.
 The development of the work plan should account for current
and projected needs, objectives, and requirements of the
organization, customer, suppliers and end users as appropriate.
Example Work Products:
 Integrated plans
Integrate other plans that affect the work with the work plan
Incorporating the definitions of measures & measurement activities for managing the work
Identify & analyze product and work group interface tasks
Schedule tasks in a sequence that accounts for critical development, delivery factors & work risks
Incorporate plans for performing peer reviews on work products
Incorporate the training needed to perform the defined process into the training plans
Establish objective entry and exit criteria to authorize the initiation & completion of tasks
Ensuring the work plans compatibility with plans relevant to the stakeholders
Identify how conflicts will be resolved that arise among relevant stakeholders
SP 1.5 Manage the Work Using Integrated Plans
 Manage the work using the work plan, other plans that
affect the work, and the defined process for the work.
Example Work Products:
 Work products created by performing the define process
for the work
 Collected measures and status records or reports
 Revised requirements, plans and commitments
 Integrated plans
1. Implement the defined
process using the organizations
process asset library
2. Monitor and control the work
activities and work products
using the defined process for
the work, work plan & other
plans that affect the work
3. Obtain & analyze selected
measurements to manage the
work and support organization
4. Periodically review and align
the service performance with
current and anticipated needs,
objectives & requirements of
the org., customer & end users
as appropriate
5. Address causes of selected
issues that can affect work
 The work is managed using teams that reflect the organizational rules and
guidelines for team structuring, formation and operation.
 One of the best ways to ensure coordination and collaboration with
relevant stakeholders is to include them on the team.
Example Work Products:
 Documented shared vision
 List of members assigned to each team
 Team charters
 Periodic team status reports
Establish & maintain the work
groups shared mission
Establish & maintain the team
Establish & maintain each
Periodically evaluate the team
structure and composition
SP 1.7 Contribute to Organizational Process Assets
 Contribute process related experiences to organizational process
Example Work Products:
1. Proposed improvements to organizational process assets
2. Actual process and product measures collected from the work
3. Documentation (e.g., exemplary process descriptions, plans, training
modules, checklists, lessons learned)
4. Process artifacts associated with tailoring and implementing the
organizations set of standard processes for the work.
1. Propose improvements
to the organizational
process assets
2. Store process and
product measures in the
3. Submit
documentation for
possible inclusion in the
organization's process
asset library
4. Document lessons
learned from the work
for inclusion in the
organization's process
asset library
5. Provide process artifacts
associated with tailoring and
implementing the
organizations set of
standard processes in the
support of the organizations
process monitoring activities SUB
SG 2
Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant
 Stakeholder involvement is managed according to the
integrated plan and defined process for the work.
Example Work Products:
 Agendas and schedules for collaborative activities
 Recommendations for resolving relevant stakeholder
 Documented issues (e.g., issues with stakeholder and
services system requirements, architecture, design.
1. Coordinate with
relevant stakeholders
who should participate
in work activities.
 The relevant
stakeholders should
already be identified
in the work plan.
2. Ensure Ensure work
products that are
produced to satisfy
commitments meet the
requirements of the
 The work products
produced to satisfy
commitments can be
3. Develop
recommendations and
coordinate actions to
resolve misunderstandings
and problems with
 Participate with relevant stakeholders to identify,
negotiate and track critical dependencies.
 Defects, issues and action items resulting from
reviews with relevant stakeholders.
 Critical dependencies
 Commitments to address critical dependencies
 Status of critical dependencies.
Conduct reviews with relevant
Review and get agreement on
commitments to address each
critical dependency with those
who are responsible for
providing or receiving work
product or services
Identify each critical
Document critical
dependencies and
Establish need dates and plan
dates for each critical
dependency based on the
work schedule
Track the critical dependencies
and commitments and take
corrective actions as
SP 2.1 Resolve Coordination Issues
Example of Coordination issues:
 Service system requirements and design defects
 Late critical dependencies and commitments
 Product level problems
 Unavailable critical resources or staff
Example Work Products
1. Relevant stakeholder coordination issues
2. Status of relevant stakeholder coordination
1. Identify and document
4. Escalate to appropriate
managers the issues not
resolvable with relevant
2. Communicate issues to
relevant stakeholders
5. Track issues to closure
3. Resolve issues with relevant
6. Communicate with relevant
stakeholders on the status
and resolution of issues.

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Cmmi integrated work management level01

  • 2. PURPOSE: The purpose of Integrated Work Management (IWM) is establish and manage the work and the involvement of relevant stakeholders according to an integrated and defined process that is tailored from the organizations set of standard processes (defined process for the work).
  • 3. Need of IWM Software development is a kind of all new stream in world business and theres very little experience in building software products. Most software products are tailor made to fit clients stipulations. The image depicts triple constraints for software projects. It is an essential part of software organization to deliver quality product, keeping the cost within clients budget constrain and deliver the project as per scheduled (Time). There are several factors, both internal and external, which may impact this triple constrain triangle. Any of three factor can severely impact the other two.
  • 4. Defined process for the work: Define processes needed to identify, define, combine, unify & coordinate the various processes and activities within the process groups. Defining a simple and crystal clear process helps the organization to fruition the desired result with the fullest efficiency. The process area also addresses the coordination of activities such as: 1. Development activities (Requirements development design, verification)) 2. Service activities (delivery, help desk, customer contact) 3. Acquisition activities (Agreement monitoring, solicitation) 4. Support activities (training, marketing, documentation)
  • 5. Establishing the defined process at work startup by tailoring the organizations set of standard processes Managing the work using the defined process Establishing the work environment for the work based on the organizations work environment standards Establishing teams that are tasked to accomplish work objectives Using and contributing to organizational process assets Enabling relevant stakeholders concerns to be identified, considered, and, when appropriate, addressed during the work Integrated Work Management involves the following activities:
  • 6. Ensuring that relevant stakeholders. (1)Perform their tasks in a coordinated and timely manner to reduce the time consumption and increase the output (2)Address their requirements, plans, objectives, problems, and risks to improve the efficiency and ensure their smugness. (3)Fulfill their commitments and ensure they are self satisfied; and (4)Identify, track, and resolve coordination issues to reduce the risks.
  • 7. How to manage the work effort, cost, schedule, staffing, risks and other factors? STAFFING Managing People / Human resources Act as leader Liaison with stakeholders Setting up reporting hierarchy etc. Managing Projects efficiently Defining and setting up project scope Managing project management activities Monitoring progress and performance Risk analysis at every phase Take necessary step to avoid or come out of problems Act as project spokesperson Delegation of authority RISK SCHEDULE Breaking down the project tasks into smaller, manageable form Finding out various tasks and correlate them Estimating time frame required for each task Dividing time into work-units Assigning adequate number of work-units for each task Calculating total time required for the project from start to finish MONITOR MANAGE CATEGORIZE IDENTIFICATION
  • 8. TIME Once size and efforts are estimated, the time required to produce the software can be estimated. Efforts required is segregated into sub categories as per the requirement specifications and interdependency of various components of software. The tasks can be scheduled on day-to- day basis or in calendar months. The sum of time required to complete all tasks in hours or days is the total time invested to complete the project. COST For estimating project cost, it is required to consider, Size of software Software quality Hardware Additional software or tools, licenses etc. Skilled personnel with task-specific skills Travel involved Communication Training and support
  • 9. SPECIFIC PRACTICES BY GOALS SG 1 Use Defined Process for the Work SG 2 Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant stakeholders SP 1.1 Establish the defined process SP 2.1 Manage Stakeholder Involvement SP 1.2 Use Organizational process Assets for Planning Work Activities SP 2.2 Manage dependencies SP 1.3 Establish the Work Environment SP 2.3 Resolve coordination issues SP 1.4 Integrate Plans SP 1.5 Manage the Work Using Integrated Plans SP 1.6 Establish Teams SP 1.7 Contribute to Organizational Process Assets
  • 10. SP 1.1 Establish the Defined Process for the Work Factors: Stakeholder requirements Commitments Organizational process needs and objectives The organizations set of standard processes and tailoring guidelines The operational environment The business environment The service delivery environment Establish and maintain the defined process from startup and throughout the work. Example Work Products: 1. The defined process for the work.
  • 11. 1. Select a lifecycle model from the ones available in organizational process assets. 2. Select standard processes from the organizations set of standard processes that best fit the needs of the work. 3. Tailor the organizations set of standard processes and other organizational process assets according to tailoring guidelines to produce the defined process for the work. 4. Use other artifacts from the organizations process asset library as appropriate. 5. Document the defined process for the work. 6. Conduct peer reviews of the defined process for the work. 7. Revise the defined process for the work as necessary. SUB PRACTICES
  • 12. SP 1.2 Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Work Activities Use organizational process assets and the measurement repository for estimating and planning work activities When available, use results of previous planning and execution activities as predictors of the relative scope and risk of the effort being estimated. Example Work Products: 1. Work estimates 2. Work plans
  • 13. 1. Use the tasks and work products of the defined process for the work as a basis for estimating and planning work activities. 2. Use the organizations measurement repository in estimating the work planning parameters. SUB PRACTICES The estimate typically includes the following: Appropriate historical data from this work or similar work Similarities and differences between the current work and work from which historical data will be used Validated historical data Reasoning, assumptions and rationale used to select the historical data Examples of parameters Work product & task attributes Application domain Service system and its components Operational or delivery environment Experience of the people
  • 15. SP 1.3 Establish the Work Environment An appropriate work environment for the work comprises an infrastructure of facilities, tools & equipment that people need to perform their jobs effectively in support of business and service objectives. Example Work Products: o Equipment and tools for the work o Installation, operation & maintenance manuals for the work environment o User surveys and results o Use, performance, and maintenance tools o Support services for the work environment
  • 16. SUB PRACTICES 1. Plan, design & install a work environment 2. Provide ongoing maintenance & operational support for the work environment 3. Maintain the qualification of components of the work environment 4. Periodical review how well the work environment is meeting work activity needs & supporting collaboration, and take action as appropriate
  • 17. SP 1.4 INTEGRATE PLANS Integrate the work plan and other plans that affect the work to describe the defined process for the work. The work plan should include plans for service system development and service delivery as appropriate. The development of the work plan should account for current and projected needs, objectives, and requirements of the organization, customer, suppliers and end users as appropriate. Example Work Products: Integrated plans
  • 18. SUB PRACTICES Integrate other plans that affect the work with the work plan Incorporating the definitions of measures & measurement activities for managing the work Identify & analyze product and work group interface tasks Schedule tasks in a sequence that accounts for critical development, delivery factors & work risks Incorporate plans for performing peer reviews on work products Incorporate the training needed to perform the defined process into the training plans Establish objective entry and exit criteria to authorize the initiation & completion of tasks Ensuring the work plans compatibility with plans relevant to the stakeholders Identify how conflicts will be resolved that arise among relevant stakeholders
  • 19. SP 1.5 Manage the Work Using Integrated Plans Manage the work using the work plan, other plans that affect the work, and the defined process for the work. Example Work Products: Work products created by performing the define process for the work Collected measures and status records or reports Revised requirements, plans and commitments Integrated plans
  • 20. SUB PRACTICES 1. Implement the defined process using the organizations process asset library 2. Monitor and control the work activities and work products using the defined process for the work, work plan & other plans that affect the work 3. Obtain & analyze selected measurements to manage the work and support organization needs 4. Periodically review and align the service performance with current and anticipated needs, objectives & requirements of the org., customer & end users as appropriate 5. Address causes of selected issues that can affect work objectives
  • 21. SP 1.6 ESTABLISH TEAMS The work is managed using teams that reflect the organizational rules and guidelines for team structuring, formation and operation. One of the best ways to ensure coordination and collaboration with relevant stakeholders is to include them on the team. Example Work Products: Documented shared vision List of members assigned to each team Team charters Periodic team status reports
  • 22. SUB PRACTICES Establish & maintain the work groups shared mission Establish & maintain the team structure Establish & maintain each team Periodically evaluate the team structure and composition
  • 23. SP 1.7 Contribute to Organizational Process Assets Contribute process related experiences to organizational process assets Example Work Products: 1. Proposed improvements to organizational process assets 2. Actual process and product measures collected from the work 3. Documentation (e.g., exemplary process descriptions, plans, training modules, checklists, lessons learned) 4. Process artifacts associated with tailoring and implementing the organizations set of standard processes for the work.
  • 24. 1. Propose improvements to the organizational process assets 2. Store process and product measures in the organization's measurement repository 3. Submit documentation for possible inclusion in the organization's process asset library 4. Document lessons learned from the work for inclusion in the organization's process asset library 5. Provide process artifacts associated with tailoring and implementing the organizations set of standard processes in the support of the organizations process monitoring activities SUB PRACTICES
  • 25. SG 2 Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders
  • 26. SP 2.1 MANAGE STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT Stakeholder involvement is managed according to the integrated plan and defined process for the work. Example Work Products: Agendas and schedules for collaborative activities Recommendations for resolving relevant stakeholder issues Documented issues (e.g., issues with stakeholder and services system requirements, architecture, design.
  • 27. SUB PRACTICES: 1. Coordinate with relevant stakeholders who should participate in work activities. The relevant stakeholders should already be identified in the work plan. 2. Ensure Ensure work products that are produced to satisfy commitments meet the requirements of the recipients. The work products produced to satisfy commitments can be services. 3. Develop recommendations and coordinate actions to resolve misunderstandings and problems with requirements.
  • 28. SP 2.2 MANAGE DEPENDENCIES Participate with relevant stakeholders to identify, negotiate and track critical dependencies. Defects, issues and action items resulting from reviews with relevant stakeholders. Critical dependencies Commitments to address critical dependencies Status of critical dependencies.
  • 29. SUB PRACTICES: Conduct reviews with relevant stakeholders Review and get agreement on commitments to address each critical dependency with those who are responsible for providing or receiving work product or services Identify each critical dependency Document critical dependencies and commitments Establish need dates and plan dates for each critical dependency based on the work schedule Track the critical dependencies and commitments and take corrective actions as appropriate.
  • 30. SP 2.1 Resolve Coordination Issues Example of Coordination issues: Service system requirements and design defects Late critical dependencies and commitments Product level problems Unavailable critical resources or staff Example Work Products 1. Relevant stakeholder coordination issues 2. Status of relevant stakeholder coordination issues
  • 31. SUB PRACTICES: 1. Identify and document issues 4. Escalate to appropriate managers the issues not resolvable with relevant stakeholders 2. Communicate issues to relevant stakeholders 5. Track issues to closure 3. Resolve issues with relevant stakeholders 6. Communicate with relevant stakeholders on the status and resolution of issues.