Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) uses bipolar transistors in digital logic gates that are not operated in saturation, unlike Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) gates. Most commonly used field effect transistors are enhancement-type MOSFETs, which have three terminals - gate, source, and drain. They come in two types, nMOS and pMOS, each with their own circuit symbol representation. Complementary MOS (CMOS) logic uses both nMOS and pMOS devices.
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1. Emitter-Coupled Logic Gates
Emitter Coupled Logic or ECL is another type of digital logic gate that uses bipolar transistor
logic where the transistors are not operated in the saturation region, as they are with the standard
TTL digital logic gate.
2. Enhancement-Type MOSFET
Most widely used field effect transistor (enhancement type)
Lets look at its structure and physical operation
-3 terminal device (gate, source, drain)
Two types:
nMOS and pMOS