The document outlines a multi-phase process for implementing a CMX database for CMS development. It involves:
1) Selecting a release and project/requirement documents to create a new release and project in the database.
2) Uploading screen wireframes and creating element status entries and notifications for each screen.
3) Adding or editing CMS forms for each element row using an image annotation tool to display projects, requirements, and screens.
4) Baseline screens after client approval with BA entries, CMS forms, and writer input shown and element statuses set to done.
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CMX database10082012
1. CMX DatabaseCMSDevBAWritersImplementationAdmin
Phase 1
Select Release,
select the project/
RD, (possibly CR,
JIRA Defect)
Select screen(s) for
this release +
Create the Release
Create the project
RD (P70705),
CR (own column)
Upload screen
Image Annotation
Create entries
Element status update
+ Notification
Search by all New/
Changed Status
Possibly provide any
existing forms
already created for
the screen
Add/Edit CMS form
for each row
Image Annotation
Display all projects/
RD/CR, grouped by
release, then display
all screens within a
Add/Edit element
entries for each row
In Image Annotation
Baseline after client
Image Annotation
Tools with
1. BA entries
2. CMS forms
3. Writer input
Element Status set
to Done
List the table with
information right
below the image
annotation tool
Define Roles/
Fields viewed by
each Role/Group
Self service
notification must be
sent to the person
Image Annotation Tool must
display only the fields pertinent to
CMS Dev and the Layover box
created by the BA. Layover box is
shared across teams
Image Annotation Tool must display only
the fields pertinent to Writer and the
Layover box created by the BA. Layover
box is shared across teams
Print out must include the layover boxes
with numbering