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A Training Program for Professional Level  Job Search & Success Career Navigator
5 Day  Overview Monday  Groundwork & STAR  Stories Tuesday  Marketing Me Wednesday  Speed Networking,  Resume & Cover Letters Thursday - Resume Review & Mock  Interviews Friday  Goal Setting & Search Team
Page 1
The Competency Pyramid (dol.gov) Visually represents what employers have discounted for generations Because its behavioral, not technical skills Tier 1  stuff our parents were to have taught Lost in Dr. Spock, two working parent families, single parent families
The Competency Pyramid Tiers 2 & 3  stuff education system was to have taught.  Culture lost emphasis on team Pushed emphasis on individual success Win at all costs
The Competency Pyramid Technical skills are required at all levels but cant be removed from the context of social skills. 1 & 3 promote power of the team Why entrepreneurial companies can react faster than big corporations EQ vs. IQ
IQ  vs.    EQ IQ defines intellectual potential; what you can do. IQ scores are invariable. IQ gets you the interview. EQ defines how well you use what smarts you have; what you will do. EQ scores are flexible; they can always improve. EQ gets you the job & promoted!
People are creatures of feeling more than creatures of thought
Top 5 Reasons People are Looking for a Job Too Soon (p.4) Lack of Coachability (inability to accept and act on feedback) Lack of emotional control in the workplace Lack of motivation (lacking commitment to a goal, possibly lacking behaviors that would suggest non-commitment to success) Attitude and temperament mismatch with the culture of the company and the work to be performed.
Fear is. F   - antasized E  - vents A  - ppearing R - eal page 11
Antidote to Fear? Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity to act despite our fears. FACE YOR FEAR! Identify your fears Write them down  be specific Whats the worst that could happen? Have a plan for each possibility
Effects of Anger Negative Distracts you, intimidates others, increases  physical stress. Positive Motivates you, effectively gets others attention. Why might you want to hold on to your anger?  page 13
REINFORCERS How is your anger positively reinforced? How do you positively reinforce others behaviors?
Fast Paced Direct Communicator Slower Paced Indirect Communicator Non-traditional People oriented Traditional Task oriented S E L F
 LOOK AT ME!! Higher Need to Direct People Oriented Non-Traditional Direct Communicators CREATIVE RISK TAKERS Innovative Discomfort = Losing Credibility
Higher Need to Direct TASK ORIENTED  GIT R DONE Focused Responsible Self-directed VERY Direct Communicators! Traditional  Queen of the Jungle LEADERS Discomfort = Losing Control
Lower Need to Direct  Get it RIGHT! TASK ORIENTED Indirect Communicator Analytical Thorough ORGANIZED Observant Independent Discomfort = Being Reprimanded
Lower Need to Direct People Oriented Indirect Communicator  Cant we all get along? Discomfort = Conflict Care-Givers
The Competency Pyramid The lesson to Senior levels was that  everybody  has to constantly re-invent themselves to stay competitive. Takes us to the Sigmoid curve
Situation Task Action Result
Man Board   Stand  I  R  ROAD A D  Wear Long   0 M.D.  B.A.  Ph.D DEATH LIFE   He's/Himself   Chair  Mind  Matter   ECNALG   CAKE
Storage Administrator at Wegmans A Glimpse at the job If youre an experienced IT professional looking for the opportunity to join a small group of dedicated employees in a growing area of Wegmans, a  Storage Administrator  position could be the job for you. As a Storage Administrator you will be responsible for the design, implementation, configuration, maintenance and support of the Storage Area Network including host bus adapters, switches and storage sub-systems. I will add value by
What abilities I must bring to the table to be considered 2 to 4 years of Storage Administration or related experience Work towards  continuous improvement  to encourage change; find ways to increase profitability and productivity; and improve processes, products & customer service in the department(s)
Exhibit  organizational agility  identifying and establishing relationships with people in the company who can get things done and use formal and informal channels effectively Cross-functional collaboration:  initiate dialogue around different points-of-view to find a common ground; lead interdepartmental teams, facilitating organizational consensus and creating synergies to arrive at the best business outcome Use data analysis, wisdom, experience, judgment, and past actions as well as input from other sources for  decision making , always considering the impact on customers, sales and contribution (profit)
Effectively  deal with ambiguity,  handling risk and uncertainty with comfort, maintaining effectiveness in the face of change and acting on decisions without having the total picture Use multiple resources to  analyze data  for abnormal findings, further investigating where warranted and identifying cause-effect relationships impacting the data Advise  others within the organization, as well as external business partners, using relevant knowledge and skills to ensure that sound business decisions are made.
Use  action planning  techniques associated with completing tasks including scoping out the length and difficulty of projects, breaking down work into processed steps, managing deadlines and making adjustments for multiple demands. Experience with  Project Management Candidates must be highly motivated, Team-oriented, and able to meet the aggressive schedules required in a fast moving and competitive environment.
Strong communication and organizational skills. Ability to share knowledge and experience with others. Ability to provide exceptional customer service. Ability to multitask
Behavioral-Based Questions In addition to asking questions about your work experiences and skills listed on your resume, you will be asked several behavioral-based questions. Examples of such questions are as follows: Describe a situation when you saw room for improvement in a task you were required to complete. What did you do? Did you present your idea?  In your current or last position, give me an example of the steps you took to respond to a specific customer complaint. How did the customer react? Was the customer satisfied?  - Paychex.com
Interviewing at Paychex is a thorough process. It is common for our candidates to have multiple interviews with one or more individuals. Depending on the department, interviews can be accomplished in a group setting or with one individual at a time.   - Paychex.com
VALUE PROPOSITION 1) Exactly how will your employer benefit financially from hiring you? This means what problems have you solved, what success have you had, what processes or procedures have you developed or streamlined? You've had to develop accomplishment stories, so look for re-occurring patterns here.
VALUE PROPOSITION 2)油 What special experience or credentials do you bring to the table? Are you a Six Sigma Black Belt? Have you mastered some cutting edge technology? Think about the experiences that are unique to you that a future employer would be impressed by.
VALUE PROPOSITION 3)油 What additional talents and expertise do you have? Are you a subject matter expert in something? Have you held a role in a professional organization?油 Do you have a related side interest you practice?
VALUE PROPOSITION Exactly how will your employer benefit financially from hiring you? "I have a passion for油developing new and improved products which have added millions of dollars to the profits of manufacturing companies. What special experience or credentials do you bring to the table?  I have over 10 years of experience in operations and management. What additional talents and expertise do you have?   I bring extensive experience in implementing "next" practices within manufacturing environments to continuously improve the quality and breadth of products.油 I am known as a Lean manufacturing "go to" person and advise others in creative solutions."油
VALUE PROPOSITION Effective Territory Sales Manager with proven results increasing sales by bringing in clients and developing long-term business relationships.油 Quality focused operations leader known for analytical problem solving and building relationships油to successfully create profit-driven performance.
VALUE PROPOSITION International Operations Manager in a manufacturing environment with significant responsibility for identifying business strengths and weaknesses. Contributing significant impact to profitability of products through foresight and planning of operating standards and procedures.
4 STEPS to  RETHINKING Break down the BARRIERS Get yourself in MOTION Take ACTION PLAN for success
What do you see?
What do you see?
What do you see?
DIRECTIONS:  Each block represents a saying or well-known phrase.  DIRECTIONS:  Each block represents a saying or well-known phrase.  HISTORY  C  C CC  C  C C  HISTORY  YOU JUST ME  HISTORY  BALL  OPERATOR  16  15  14  13  SHE  HER ROPE  C C C C C C C C C MOMANON  BRETH   OPERATOR  12  11  10  9  SILVER  T V  YYY MEN   TIM ING  TIMING / 0 0  8  7  6  5  THAT  GRFOOTAVE  FORGOTTE  4  3  JIG   2  1
ABCs of Power Thinking A nchor - to existing knowledge & experience B uild - on each idea generated; piggyback C hallenge - negative thinking; ask questions
Anchor & Build Using questions and metaphors Where does it lead you? What else does it make you think of?
Put it in Action  Prioritize to prevent Decision Paralysis Create a paired comparison list: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Birthday in July Night Owl Early Bird Born in Illinois Likes hot, spicy food Dallas Cowboys fan Has worked in their job at least 5 years Fluent in a second language Owns a dog Owns a cat Owns a horse Has grandchildren Has 3 or more children Has gone to a movie in the last month Has read a book in the last month Lives in an apartment Lives in a condominium Lives in a single family home Has been married more than 10 years Has a Bachelors degree Plays golf regularly Plays tennis regularly Likes to ski Has traveled to another country Owns a boat Has broken a bone Has had surgery Has gone to the Olympics Has skydived Has been in the military Scavenger Hunt
LAW OF INCREMENTAL ACTION  An act  ~ no matter how small ~  if consistently and continuously repeated will result in gargantuan outcomes.
Resume Critique Checklist  Are the accomplishments truly results-oriented STAR statements?  ( Do they show action and result?) If job posting was shared: How well did the person relate the accomplishments to  the job? Is the language (competencies, etc.) of the posting  included in the resume? How many of the core competencies (T1 & T3) included? Does the body of the resume support the summary? Does the summary have the info necessary to capture  the readers attention and compel you to read more ?
HIGH FIVES, HANDSHAKES AND HUGS! What was the most meaningful thing you learned in this program? What specific idea will you apply as a result of this program? How will your job search be helped as a result of this program?

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Cn 5 Day Presentation

  • 1. A Training Program for Professional Level Job Search & Success Career Navigator
  • 2. 5 Day Overview Monday Groundwork & STAR Stories Tuesday Marketing Me Wednesday Speed Networking, Resume & Cover Letters Thursday - Resume Review & Mock Interviews Friday Goal Setting & Search Team
  • 4. The Competency Pyramid (dol.gov) Visually represents what employers have discounted for generations Because its behavioral, not technical skills Tier 1 stuff our parents were to have taught Lost in Dr. Spock, two working parent families, single parent families
  • 5. The Competency Pyramid Tiers 2 & 3 stuff education system was to have taught. Culture lost emphasis on team Pushed emphasis on individual success Win at all costs
  • 6. The Competency Pyramid Technical skills are required at all levels but cant be removed from the context of social skills. 1 & 3 promote power of the team Why entrepreneurial companies can react faster than big corporations EQ vs. IQ
  • 7. IQ vs. EQ IQ defines intellectual potential; what you can do. IQ scores are invariable. IQ gets you the interview. EQ defines how well you use what smarts you have; what you will do. EQ scores are flexible; they can always improve. EQ gets you the job & promoted!
  • 8.
  • 9. People are creatures of feeling more than creatures of thought
  • 10. Top 5 Reasons People are Looking for a Job Too Soon (p.4) Lack of Coachability (inability to accept and act on feedback) Lack of emotional control in the workplace Lack of motivation (lacking commitment to a goal, possibly lacking behaviors that would suggest non-commitment to success) Attitude and temperament mismatch with the culture of the company and the work to be performed.
  • 11. Fear is. F - antasized E - vents A - ppearing R - eal page 11
  • 12. Antidote to Fear? Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity to act despite our fears. FACE YOR FEAR! Identify your fears Write them down be specific Whats the worst that could happen? Have a plan for each possibility
  • 13. Effects of Anger Negative Distracts you, intimidates others, increases physical stress. Positive Motivates you, effectively gets others attention. Why might you want to hold on to your anger? page 13
  • 14. REINFORCERS How is your anger positively reinforced? How do you positively reinforce others behaviors?
  • 15. Fast Paced Direct Communicator Slower Paced Indirect Communicator Non-traditional People oriented Traditional Task oriented S E L F
  • 16. LOOK AT ME!! Higher Need to Direct People Oriented Non-Traditional Direct Communicators CREATIVE RISK TAKERS Innovative Discomfort = Losing Credibility
  • 17. Higher Need to Direct TASK ORIENTED GIT R DONE Focused Responsible Self-directed VERY Direct Communicators! Traditional Queen of the Jungle LEADERS Discomfort = Losing Control
  • 18. Lower Need to Direct Get it RIGHT! TASK ORIENTED Indirect Communicator Analytical Thorough ORGANIZED Observant Independent Discomfort = Being Reprimanded
  • 19. Lower Need to Direct People Oriented Indirect Communicator Cant we all get along? Discomfort = Conflict Care-Givers
  • 20. The Competency Pyramid The lesson to Senior levels was that everybody has to constantly re-invent themselves to stay competitive. Takes us to the Sigmoid curve
  • 21.
  • 24. Man Board Stand I R ROAD A D Wear Long 0 M.D. B.A. Ph.D DEATH LIFE He's/Himself Chair Mind Matter ECNALG CAKE
  • 25. Storage Administrator at Wegmans A Glimpse at the job If youre an experienced IT professional looking for the opportunity to join a small group of dedicated employees in a growing area of Wegmans, a Storage Administrator position could be the job for you. As a Storage Administrator you will be responsible for the design, implementation, configuration, maintenance and support of the Storage Area Network including host bus adapters, switches and storage sub-systems. I will add value by
  • 26. What abilities I must bring to the table to be considered 2 to 4 years of Storage Administration or related experience Work towards continuous improvement to encourage change; find ways to increase profitability and productivity; and improve processes, products & customer service in the department(s)
  • 27. Exhibit organizational agility identifying and establishing relationships with people in the company who can get things done and use formal and informal channels effectively Cross-functional collaboration: initiate dialogue around different points-of-view to find a common ground; lead interdepartmental teams, facilitating organizational consensus and creating synergies to arrive at the best business outcome Use data analysis, wisdom, experience, judgment, and past actions as well as input from other sources for decision making , always considering the impact on customers, sales and contribution (profit)
  • 28. Effectively deal with ambiguity, handling risk and uncertainty with comfort, maintaining effectiveness in the face of change and acting on decisions without having the total picture Use multiple resources to analyze data for abnormal findings, further investigating where warranted and identifying cause-effect relationships impacting the data Advise others within the organization, as well as external business partners, using relevant knowledge and skills to ensure that sound business decisions are made.
  • 29. Use action planning techniques associated with completing tasks including scoping out the length and difficulty of projects, breaking down work into processed steps, managing deadlines and making adjustments for multiple demands. Experience with Project Management Candidates must be highly motivated, Team-oriented, and able to meet the aggressive schedules required in a fast moving and competitive environment.
  • 30. Strong communication and organizational skills. Ability to share knowledge and experience with others. Ability to provide exceptional customer service. Ability to multitask
  • 31. Behavioral-Based Questions In addition to asking questions about your work experiences and skills listed on your resume, you will be asked several behavioral-based questions. Examples of such questions are as follows: Describe a situation when you saw room for improvement in a task you were required to complete. What did you do? Did you present your idea? In your current or last position, give me an example of the steps you took to respond to a specific customer complaint. How did the customer react? Was the customer satisfied? - Paychex.com
  • 32. Interviewing at Paychex is a thorough process. It is common for our candidates to have multiple interviews with one or more individuals. Depending on the department, interviews can be accomplished in a group setting or with one individual at a time. - Paychex.com
  • 33. VALUE PROPOSITION 1) Exactly how will your employer benefit financially from hiring you? This means what problems have you solved, what success have you had, what processes or procedures have you developed or streamlined? You've had to develop accomplishment stories, so look for re-occurring patterns here.
  • 34. VALUE PROPOSITION 2)油 What special experience or credentials do you bring to the table? Are you a Six Sigma Black Belt? Have you mastered some cutting edge technology? Think about the experiences that are unique to you that a future employer would be impressed by.
  • 35. VALUE PROPOSITION 3)油 What additional talents and expertise do you have? Are you a subject matter expert in something? Have you held a role in a professional organization?油 Do you have a related side interest you practice?
  • 36. VALUE PROPOSITION Exactly how will your employer benefit financially from hiring you? "I have a passion for油developing new and improved products which have added millions of dollars to the profits of manufacturing companies. What special experience or credentials do you bring to the table? I have over 10 years of experience in operations and management. What additional talents and expertise do you have? I bring extensive experience in implementing "next" practices within manufacturing environments to continuously improve the quality and breadth of products.油 I am known as a Lean manufacturing "go to" person and advise others in creative solutions."油
  • 37. VALUE PROPOSITION Effective Territory Sales Manager with proven results increasing sales by bringing in clients and developing long-term business relationships.油 Quality focused operations leader known for analytical problem solving and building relationships油to successfully create profit-driven performance.
  • 38. VALUE PROPOSITION International Operations Manager in a manufacturing environment with significant responsibility for identifying business strengths and weaknesses. Contributing significant impact to profitability of products through foresight and planning of operating standards and procedures.
  • 39. 4 STEPS to RETHINKING Break down the BARRIERS Get yourself in MOTION Take ACTION PLAN for success
  • 40. What do you see?
  • 41. What do you see?
  • 42. What do you see?
  • 43. DIRECTIONS: Each block represents a saying or well-known phrase. DIRECTIONS: Each block represents a saying or well-known phrase. HISTORY C C CC C C C HISTORY YOU JUST ME HISTORY BALL OPERATOR 16 15 14 13 SHE HER ROPE C C C C C C C C C MOMANON BRETH OPERATOR 12 11 10 9 SILVER T V YYY MEN TIM ING TIMING / 0 0 8 7 6 5 THAT GRFOOTAVE FORGOTTE 4 3 JIG 2 1
  • 44. ABCs of Power Thinking A nchor - to existing knowledge & experience B uild - on each idea generated; piggyback C hallenge - negative thinking; ask questions
  • 45. Anchor & Build Using questions and metaphors Where does it lead you? What else does it make you think of?
  • 46. Put it in Action Prioritize to prevent Decision Paralysis Create a paired comparison list: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
  • 47. Birthday in July Night Owl Early Bird Born in Illinois Likes hot, spicy food Dallas Cowboys fan Has worked in their job at least 5 years Fluent in a second language Owns a dog Owns a cat Owns a horse Has grandchildren Has 3 or more children Has gone to a movie in the last month Has read a book in the last month Lives in an apartment Lives in a condominium Lives in a single family home Has been married more than 10 years Has a Bachelors degree Plays golf regularly Plays tennis regularly Likes to ski Has traveled to another country Owns a boat Has broken a bone Has had surgery Has gone to the Olympics Has skydived Has been in the military Scavenger Hunt
  • 48. LAW OF INCREMENTAL ACTION An act ~ no matter how small ~ if consistently and continuously repeated will result in gargantuan outcomes.
  • 49. Resume Critique Checklist Are the accomplishments truly results-oriented STAR statements? ( Do they show action and result?) If job posting was shared: How well did the person relate the accomplishments to the job? Is the language (competencies, etc.) of the posting included in the resume? How many of the core competencies (T1 & T3) included? Does the body of the resume support the summary? Does the summary have the info necessary to capture the readers attention and compel you to read more ?
  • 50. HIGH FIVES, HANDSHAKES AND HUGS! What was the most meaningful thing you learned in this program? What specific idea will you apply as a result of this program? How will your job search be helped as a result of this program?

Editor's Notes

  • #8: THREE IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT EQ from Dr. Daniel Goleman, author of several books on EQ and EQ in the workplace. EQ and IQ are not necessarily correlated you dont have to have a high IQ to have a high EQ and having a high IQ doesnt indicate a high EQ. Example: the stereotype lab genius mixing the formulas and doing the complicated math problems. We can raise our EQ. We dont know how much exactly of our IQ is what were born with and how much is influenced by upbringing, education, experience, etc. The research favors the nature side. But we do know that we can raise (or influence) our EQ. By learning and mastering the skills sets of EQ, we can have a higher EQ. The most important thing Goleman tells us is that it is EQ far more than IQ that determines our ability to be successful and happy in our lives. This is good news! It means every one of us has access to a high EQ (b/c it doesnt matter what our IQ is). It means we can learn the skills and raise our EQ and by doing so, we increase our potential for happiness and success in our lives!