This document provides an overview of computer numerical control (CNC) machines. It discusses what NC and CNC are, the history of NC machines, the typical elements of a CNC system including the part program and control unit. It also describes different types of CNC machines such as lathes, mills, drills, and lasers. Advantages of CNC machines include precision, efficiency, and reducing waste, while disadvantages include higher costs.
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1. Computer Numerical Control
Banu Akar Nee Kaynak
Duygu G旦k巽e Meltem Erdi
Hacettepe University
Chemical Engineering Department
1. What are NC & CNC?
2. History
3. CNC system Elements
4. Properties of CNC machine
5. Types of CNC machines
6. CNC applications
7. Advantages& Disadvantages
8. Conclusion
9. References
3. What are NC & CNC ?
Numerical control (NC) is a method of automatically
operating a manufacturing machine based on a code
letters, numbers and special characters.
The numerical data required to produce a part is
provided to a machine in the form of program, called part
program or CNC (computer numerical control)
4. What are NC & CNC ?
The program is translated into the appropriate electrical
signals for input to motors that run the machine.
A CNC machine is an numerical control machine with
the added feature of an on board computer. The
computer is referred to as the machine control unit
In 1775, John Wilkinson- cannon boring machine (lathe).
In 1881, Eli Whitney- milling machine.
In 1947, Mr. John Parsons began experimenting for
using 3-axis curvature data to control the machine tool
motion for the production for aircraft components.
In 1949, parsons- first NC machine.
In 1951, MIT was involved in the project.
In 1955, after refinements NC became available in
Today, modern machinery are CNC milling machines
and lathes.
A typical CNC system consists of the following six
Part program
Program input device
Machine control unit
Drive system
Machine tool
Feedback system
Figure 1 : Schematic illustration of the major
components of a numerical control machine tool
7. Basic Concept of Part Programming
Part programming contains geometric data about the part and
motion information to move the cutting tool with respect to the work
Basically, the machine receives instructions as a sequence of blocks
containing commands to set machine parameters; speed, feed and
other relevant information.
A block is equivalent to a line of codes in a part program.
N135 G01 X1.0 Y1.0 Z0.125 T01 F5.0
Block number Coordinates
Special function
Tool number
8. Programming Methods
Automatically Programmed Tools (APT)
A text based system in which a programmer defines a
series of lines, arcs, and points which define the
overall part geometry locations.
These features are then used to generate a cutter
location (CL) file.
9. Programming Methods
Computer Aided Machining (CAM) Systems-
Computer Aided Design (CAD) Systems
CAD/CAM systems allow for rapid development and
modifying of designs and documentation.
The 3D geometric model produced becomes a common
element for engineering analysis (FEA), machining
process planning (including CNC part programming,
documentation (including engineering drawings), quality
control, and so on.
10. Drives of CNC machine tool
Hydraulic actuator
- high power machine tool
Stepping motor
- small machine due to limited power and torque
DC motor
- excellent speed regulation, high torque, most widely
11. Properties of CNC machines
Based on Motion Type: Motion control - the heart of
Point-to-Point or Continuous path
Based on Control Loops:
Open loop or Closed loop
Based on Power Supply:
Electric or Hydraulic or Pneumatic
Based on Positioning System
Incremental or Absolute
12. Point-to-Point Tool Movements
Point-to-point control systems cause the tool to
move to a point on the part and execute an operation
at that point only.
The tool is not in continuous contact with the part
while it is moving.
Examples: drilling, reaming, punching, boring and
Figure 2 :
13. Continuous-Path Tool Movements
Continuous-path controllers cause the tool to
maintain continuous contact with the part as the tool
cuts a contour shape.
These operations include milling along any lines at
any angle, milling arcs and lathe turning.
Figure 3:
14. Loop Systems for Controlling Tool
Schematic illustration of the components of (a) an open-loop and (b) a closed-loop control
system for a CNC machine.
Figure 4 :
15. Types of CNC Machines
Lathe Machine
Milling Machine
Drilling Machine
The bench drill
The pillar drill
Boring Machine
Grinding Machine
16. Types of CNC Machines
CNC Mills
These machining centers use
computer controls to cut different
They are able to translate
programs consisting of specific
number and letters to move the
spindle to various locations and
Used to make 3D prototypes,
moulds, cutting dies, printing
plates and sights.
Figure 5 :
17. Types of CNC Machines
CNC Lathes
They cut metal that is often turning
at fast speeds.
CNC lathes are able to make fast,
precision cuts using indexable
tools and drills with complicated
programs.Normally, they cannot
be cut on manual lathes.
They often include 12 tool holders
and coolant pumps to cut down on
tool wear.
Figure 6 :
18. Types of CNC Machines
Turning Centers are capable of executing many
different types of lathe cutting operations
simultaneously on a rotating part.
Figure 7 :
19. Types of CNC Machines
CNC Grinders
Grinding metal process uses a
coated wheel that slowly
removes metal to create a
Through the years, grinding
was done on a manual
machine, but with the advent
of CNC technology, the
grinding process has
Figure 8 :
20. Types of CNC Machines
Drilling is commonly used for mass production. The drilling machine
(drilling press) is used to create or enlarge holes.
Drilling machine for different jobs;
The bench drill: For drilling
holes through raw materials such
as wood, plastic and metal
The pillar drill: A larger version
that stands upright on the floor.
As the bench drill, it can be used
to drill larger pieces of materials
and produce bigger holes.
Figure 9 :
21. Types of CNC Machines
CNC Boring
Process of enlarging an
existing hole or internal
cylindirical surface.
This can be accomplished on
a lathe or a machine tool
specifically designed for the
process, such as a horizontal
boring machine.
Figure 10:
22. Types of CNC Machines
Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM)
Wire EDM machines utilize a very thin wire (.0008 to .012
in.) as an electrode. The wire is stretched between
diamond guides and carbide that conduct current to the
wire and cuts the part like a band saw.
Material is removed by the erosion caused by a spark that
moves horizontally with the wire.
Figure 11:
23. Types of CNC Machines
Laser Cutting Machines
The machine utilizes an intense
beam of focused laser light to cut
the part.
Material under the beam
experiences a rapid rise in
temperature and is vaporized.
Laser cuts with a minimum of
distortion, no mechanical cutting
Figure 12 :
24. Specific tools to perform different
Figure 13:
25. Specific tools to perform different
Figures 14:
27. Application of CNC in Some
Automotive Industry
Aerospace Industry
Machinery Industry
Electrical Industry
Instrumentation Industry
28. Automotive Industry
Different Products
Figure 15:
29. Aerospace Industry
Aircraft Turbine Machined by
5-Axis CNC Milling Machine
Figure 16:
30. Advantages of CNC Machines
Ease of Use
CNC machines are easier for beginners
operation of several CNC machines at same time
some CNC machines dont need any operator
call their operator in case of the emergencies.
High Efficiency
operate almost continuously 24 hours a day, 365 days a
31. Expanding Options
Expand the machine's capabilities with Software
changes and updates
No Prototyping
New programmes provide elimination build a prototype,
save time and money
Parts are identical to each other
33. Disadvantage of CNC Machines
CNC machinery:
costs quite a lot more than conventional machinery
does not eliminate the need for expensive tools
expensive to repair
CNC machines which are applicable any type of
manufacturing anything is identical in shorter time
CNC machines provide many advantages
many industries prefer using CNC machines