CNFA is an international nonprofit organization that works in 23 countries in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Central and South Asia. In 2009, CNFA had revenues of $43 million and 400 employees. CNFA partners with organizations like USAID, private sector companies, and foundations to strengthen agricultural value chains and increase incomes through innovative and market-driven programs. CNFA focuses on improving access to inputs, financing, markets and technology while empowering smallholder farmers, especially women.
4. CNFA at a Glance: 2009 revenues: $43 million 400 employees worldwide Presence in 23 countries History of programs in over 30 countries
5. CNFA Clients: USAID Millennium Challenge Corporation Private sector corporations Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) US Department of Agriculture Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA)
6. A healthy, stable world begins with sustainable agriculture. Productive & competitive value chains Enhanced food security Higher incomes and quality of life A promising future
7. The CNFA Approach: Innovative Entrepreneurial and enterprise driven Technically sound Capacity to go to scale Demonstrated impact
8. CNFA: Core Competencies Value chain development Improving post-harvest handling, storage, processing and marketing High-quality agricultural rural input distribution networks Enterprise development Rural finance, credit and capital investment Empowering women Enhancing food security
9. The CNFA Value Chain Approach Service Provider Smallholder Farmers Processor- Post Harvest Handler Distributor- Transporter Consumer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Domestic, Export Raw Materials Final Product FBO Inputs Market Feedback Market Information Market Information Forward Contracts Market Feedback Market Information Financing Linkages Processing, Irrigation, Storage, Inputs __Agrodealers__ Crop Protection, Fertilizer and Seed Companies Input Availability Agrodealer Trainings Finance Support for Inputs Irrigation Development Infrastructure Investments Strengthening Business Capacity of FBOs Post Harvest Handling Marketing, Transport to Market Cold Chain Improvements Global G.A.P. Compliance
10. CNFA in Africa: Expanding production & enhancing food security in 12 countries East Africa hub in Nairobi, Kenya West Africa hub in Accra, Ghana
11. Agrodealer Strengthening Programs in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Mali, $17 million Objective: to improve agricultural productivity and food security by increasing access to agricultural inputs, extension, credit, technology and output markets CNFA trains agrodealersvillage-based input retail businessesthrough a six-module business management training program Certified agrodealers sell inputs and provide access to training, technical assistance, equipment rental, finance, and output marketing CNFA-designed guarantee facilities provide a 50% credit guarantee, leveraging private sector credit.
12. Agrodealer Strengthening Programs in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Mali Program achievements: 5,000 certified agrodealers supplying more than 2 million farmers $110 million in inputs sold through agrodealers Value of matching investments: over $2.7 million The CNFA credit guarantee leverages more than $8 million
13. West Africa Seed Alliance (WASA): Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo and Benin, $60 million Objective: creating a sustainable commercial seed industry that ensures small-scale farmers affordable, access to high-quality seeds and planting materials. $60 million public-private partnership between CNFA, USAID, AGRA, private sector companies like Monsanto, Dupont and Pioneer, ICRISAT, and Iowa States Seed Science Center WASA is partnering with African institutions to ensure local ownership and the sustainability of seed industry activities. WASAs 5 components include research, policy, education, commercial distribution networks, and commercial seed companies. CNFA manages the final two components.
14. Ghana: Commercial Strengthening of Certified Cocoa Production, $2.9 million Objective: Raising Incomes of Ghanaian Cocoa Farming Families by Increasing Quality and Expanding Production Donor: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Integrated, commercially oriented approach to increasing product quality and expanding production Leverages private-sector investment and pilots integrated input, production, and output methods that can be brought to scale nationwide. CNFA delivers technical training assistance, association development, support for policy advocacy and improved land tenure through cocoa warehouses Cocoa farmers will increase incomes by 150%
15. CNFA in Georgia: Currently employing 90 full time staff with total programming of $47.2 million $20 million Agribusiness Development Activity (ADA) Strengthens high-value agriculture through SME development, value chain development, and dissemination of market information $19.5 million Georgia Agricultural Risk Reduction Program Addresses crucial food security and income generation issues in conflict-affected communities $ 5 million Access to Mechanization Project, which leverages $20 million from private sector companies like John Deere and Case New Holland Improves access to custom machinery services Funded through the FTF Leader with Associates mechanism
16. Moldova: Agribusiness Development Program, $12.5 million Objective: to increase rural incomes and employment by improving trade performance of the agricultural sectorspecifically high-value agriculture $105 million in high-value fresh and processed exports over 5 years 13 ADP processing clients received HACCP and related food safety certifications to export to the EU, and 8 ADP growers (the only in the CIS to qualify) received GLOBALGAP fresh produce safety certifications to export to the EU 23 matching grants to producers and processors worth $1.3 million leveraged $2.9 million in Moldovan enterprise investment More than 10,000 trained in certifications and post-harvest and marketing
17. Haiti: Market Chain Enhancement Project, $25 million contract Objective: to increase incomes and competitiveness in agriculture, tourism, and handcrafts value chains Funded by $25 million USAID contract Technical assistance and training improve production technologies in SMEs Linkages across multiple value chains, including agriculture, tourism, and handcrafts Matching grants (which will leverage $5 million in private investment) catalyze investment in local enterprises
18. Pakistan: Improving Livelihoods and Enterprise Development (I-LED), $28 million Objective : improving the livelihoods of people impacted by the 2005 earthquake by working through key value chains 60+ staff in 3 offices Program benefits about 70,000 individuals and has created 4,000 jobs and led to a $10 million increase in incomes Sector focus: potato, poultry, ruminants, tourism, fruit and nuts, vegetables, dairy
19. Afghanistan Farm Service Alliance, $3.5 million Objective : increasing rural family incomes by catalyzing the growth of rural Farm Service Centers Establishing 7 Farm Service Centers (FSCs) that provide input supply and output marketing services and linkages FSCs provide services to more than 16,000 households 7 FSCs have formed a national association
20. Global Farmer-to-Farmer Program, $22.5 million With three leader awards, CNFA is the single largest implementer of the Global Farmer-to-Farmer Program , allowing us to field more than 300 volunteers a year Programs in 12 countries in East Africa, Southern Africa, and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Leverages skills of large volunteer pool to augment and strengthen existing programs Leader with Associates mechanism, like an IQC, allows USAID to award CNFA quick-turnaround cooperative agreements anywhere in the world Additional $6.5 million in LWA awards to date