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CNI Pnoros ev Jncx PLALe
Milwaukee County as 臓t looked in 1873 is documented in an atlas donated to the St.
Francis Library.
Refurbished L87 3 area,
^tlasoffers 1o c algenealog cal da淡
By Pamela T. Brown
A re )'ou one of those PeoPle who a臓e
ll.int竪rested in their family historical
background?The St. Francis tibrary has an
excellcnt tool that could be useful in your
About two yeafs ago an antique atlas
was given to Carl Beahr, the acting refer-
ence librarian at that time. Beah臓 recog-
nized ihe intrinsic value of this atlas and
the" information c担ntained within. T綻e
information 竪orresponded directly to. a' :
repli.巽1 atlas thaf he used during the com-
pilation of a book hc had published in
1 99 4, called " Milwaukee Streets."
The atlas given to the St.Francis Library
is a 棚ollection of maps and charts of the
areas located near the lakefront.As a mat-
tei of fact, inside the atlas it shows the
area of the former "Town of Lake." .
.-In 1951 this town was split up into the
following cities: St. Francis, BayView, Cud-
ahy and Milwaukee's southwest side.Thc
atlas also contains numerous street names
which represent the families who once
lived and worked there,and contains pho
torgraphs of the area. For exarnple, it has'
ili臓臓tiztions that show the farms and plots
ofthat era.
. Initiall臓 the atlas waS without covel
page坦 were detached and lacerated and
棚ould have easily been destroyed through
the oils of vi辿wers'hands.
.It was during this stage that a patron,
who wishes to remain anonymous, recog-
nized the value of the book and was will.
ing to incur the expense of preserving it.
Connic Sheehan, the current reference
端brarian, researched the cost in preserv-
ing the atlas on betralf of the anonymous
donor. She hired professor James Twomey
to preserve the Atlas for $350 so it could
once again be accessible to the public.
Twomey currently works as a book
preservationist in Kcnosha and- teachcs
classes at the University of rViiconsin Mil-
Shcchan allowed the anonyrnous
donor to sha臓c in thc input of maintaining
the antique atlas. Thc individual had
expresscd interest in kecping thc atlas in
as natural a statc as possiblc, to preserve
its hisor臓cat cha臓acter.
Twomcy mcndcd and decidif狸cd thc
pag巽spf qhg atl-aq beforc he bound. t|rqrn . ,
b:lctcr<igth棚r, rak端r g cre- to:prc3湛ve-th:et=^'
Connie Sheehan, a referance librarian,
researched the history of the atlas itself,
finding it to be one of four or five in exis-
antique app.ea臓達nce 担f each page for his
torical accuracy.
Sheehan wanted to know how ra臓e the
atlas was, so she went to the Milwaukee
Historical Society.There she lea臓ned that
the original cover page and the back page
were missing from the atlas.
Shc also learned that the atlas was
dated from the year 1873. She was able to
have the missing pages duplicated, and
then hadTtvomey insert the dat辿 onto the
new hard cover for the atlas.
"This atlas is one of four- or fiv竪 that
exist. I am.av臓are that the Central Ubrary
lias one and that the Historical Society
also has one," Shcehan said.
"Having this donation given to our
library means historical resea臓ch of the
area will bc much casier and accuratei
Shechan said.
Researd端ng fainily history is possible
at thc St. Francis Ubrary where, in addi
tion to the atlas, therc is also census data
on microfilm, gcnealogical books and an
Intcrnct site.
Thc St. Francis Library is located at
4230 South NicholsonAvcnue. For further
in綻巽mation, contact.Con臓Ug Shechan at
鱈辿t?.)s1臓lzl'- r.'i:i-..'o':- -:.

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  • 1. CNI Pnoros ev Jncx PLALe Milwaukee County as 臓t looked in 1873 is documented in an atlas donated to the St. Francis Library. Refurbished L87 3 area, ^tlasoffers 1o c algenealog cal da淡 By Pamela T. Brown A re )'ou one of those PeoPle who a臓e ll.int竪rested in their family historical background?The St. Francis tibrary has an excellcnt tool that could be useful in your search. " About two yeafs ago an antique atlas - was given to Carl Beahr, the acting refer- ence librarian at that time. Beah臓 recog- nized ihe intrinsic value of this atlas and the" information c担ntained within. T綻e information 竪orresponded directly to. a' : repli.巽1 atlas thaf he used during the com- pilation of a book hc had published in 1 99 4, called " Milwaukee Streets." -' The atlas given to the St.Francis Library is a 棚ollection of maps and charts of the areas located near the lakefront.As a mat- tei of fact, inside the atlas it shows the area of the former "Town of Lake." . .-In 1951 this town was split up into the following cities: St. Francis, BayView, Cud- ahy and Milwaukee's southwest side.Thc atlas also contains numerous street names which represent the families who once lived and worked there,and contains pho torgraphs of the area. For exarnple, it has' ili臓臓tiztions that show the farms and plots ofthat era. . Initiall臓 the atlas waS without covel page坦 were detached and lacerated and 棚ould have easily been destroyed through the oils of vi辿wers'hands. .It was during this stage that a patron, who wishes to remain anonymous, recog- nized the value of the book and was will. ing to incur the expense of preserving it. Connic Sheehan, the current reference 端brarian, researched the cost in preserv- ing the atlas on betralf of the anonymous donor. She hired professor James Twomey to preserve the Atlas for $350 so it could once again be accessible to the public. Twomey currently works as a book preservationist in Kcnosha and- teachcs classes at the University of rViiconsin Mil- waukee. Shcchan allowed the anonyrnous donor to sha臓c in thc input of maintaining the antique atlas. Thc individual had expresscd interest in kecping thc atlas in as natural a statc as possiblc, to preserve its hisor臓cat cha臓acter. Twomcy mcndcd and decidif狸cd thc pag巽spf qhg atl-aq beforc he bound. t|rqrn . , b:lctcr<igth棚r, rak端r g cre- to:prc3湛ve-th:et=^' Connie Sheehan, a referance librarian, researched the history of the atlas itself, finding it to be one of four or five in exis- tence. antique app.ea臓達nce 担f each page for his torical accuracy. Sheehan wanted to know how ra臓e the atlas was, so she went to the Milwaukee Historical Society.There she lea臓ned that the original cover page and the back page were missing from the atlas. Shc also learned that the atlas was dated from the year 1873. She was able to have the missing pages duplicated, and then hadTtvomey insert the dat辿 onto the new hard cover for the atlas. "This atlas is one of four- or fiv竪 that exist. I am.av臓are that the Central Ubrary lias one and that the Historical Society also has one," Shcehan said. "Having this donation given to our library means historical resea臓ch of the area will bc much casier and accuratei Shechan said. Researd端ng fainily history is possible at thc St. Francis Ubrary where, in addi tion to the atlas, therc is also census data on microfilm, gcnealogical books and an Intcrnct site. Thc St. Francis Library is located at 4230 South NicholsonAvcnue. For further in綻巽mation, contact.Con臓Ug Shechan at 鱈辿t?.)s1臓lzl'- r.'i:i-..'o':- -:.