This document discusses coaching of Agile teams. It defines what coaching is and is not, such as therapy or consulting. It outlines tools for coaching including T-G.R.O.W and S.M.A.R.T frameworks, as well as powerful questions coaches can ask. These focus on encouragement, root causes, risks, and moving forward. The document also discusses barriers to effective coaching and principles for successful coaching such as connection, caring, clarity and commitment.
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Coach me if you can
1. Coach Me If You Can
Coaching Agile Teams
9. What is the action plan?
What are your next steps?
By what date or time will you complete
these steps?
How do you suppose you improve the
How would you pull all this together?
What options can you create?
What if it works out exactly as you want it to?
What is exciting to you about this?
What is the opportunity here?
If you could do anything you wanted, what
would you do?
Way Forward
Why did it happen?
What caused it?
What led up to it?
What have you tried so far?
What do you think that means?
What was the lesson?
What is the challenge?
What are the chances of success?
What seems to be the main obstacle?
How will you know you have reached the goal?
13. Barriers for Coaching
Lack of understanding or misunderstanding about the purpose of coaching
Coaching is considered as intervention and interruption from "main work
Coaching is provided to a person, who does not have impact on the project process
Coaching used as a quick fix rather than a part of company or program strategy
Coaching is used to compensate lack of leadership and motivation
One size coaching model for all cases
14. 7c of Successful Coaching (by Richard Winfield)
#9: Summer: Encouraging questions
Autumn: Result focusing questions
#10: Summer: Encouraging questions
Autumn: Result focusing questions
#15: 7 Cs of Success (bybusiness coach Richard Winfield)
It is used for individual coaching process, but is adaptable and relevant for group facilitation
The Original for individual coaching
CONNECTION . It's crucially important to build a rapport with a coachee, to make sure that you both are on the one page and perceive information similarly as well as moving toward one an the same goals.
CARING. It's is also great when a coach care about a person and the progress he or she does. The coach should care about the outcome and have a clear vision of it, as well as knows the steps to achieve this objective.
CLARITY . One more item of success is awareness of the situation and deep understanding, where the coach is approaching and what is done vs what is left to be done.
CURIOSITY. It's good to show and feel real interest about the coaching result and about the obstacles a coachee is facing, it's useful to question what is holding a coachee back and what can be done about it.
CHALLENGE. Try to challenge a coachee way thinking, especially a negative one, question his/her restrictions and limitations. Teach a coachee to think bigger.
Confidence. A coach should believe in a coachee, in possibility that he/she can achieve what he is aiming to. Only in this case a coach can encourage the coachee to take the risks and to make changes.
CONFIDENCE. Both coach and coahcee should be committed to the aimed results and do their best to achieve it.