Layout with Stack View, Table View, and Collection ViewMake School
This document provides an overview and comparison of different layout options in iOS including UIStackView, UIScrollView, UITableView, and UICollectionView. It describes UIStackView as a layout mechanism similar to CSS Flexbox that is better than Auto Layout for dynamic layouts. UIScrollView allows displaying content larger than the screen size by allowing the user to scroll. UITableView is ideal for uniform list content while UICollectionView provides a more flexible non-linear layout like filters.
Framework Enabling End-Users to Maintain Web Applications (ICICWS2015)Masayuki Nii
The document describes a study evaluating whether end-users can maintain web applications using a declarative web application framework called INTER-Mediator. The framework allows users to describe web pages and database queries using key-value pairs rather than imperative programming. An experiment found that while some subjects failed to learn the framework within 2 hours, others scored 42-93% on an exam after studying for over 45 minutes, indicating they successfully learned to develop with the framework in a short period of time.
The document discusses code for creating and managing a custom sheet window in a Cocoa application. It defines an NSDocument subclass with methods for opening and closing the sheet, as well as handling termination events. The open method uses beginSheet:modalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo: to display the sheet, while close uses endSheet:. The terminate method closes any open sheets before quitting the application.
This document discusses OpenSSL and encryption/decryption using the Blowfish cipher. It shows examples of encrypting a plaintext string using OpenSSL's bf utility with different keys and initialization vectors. It also shows decrypting an encrypted file back to plaintext. Finally, it includes Objective-C code to decrypt data from a file encrypted with Blowfish using the OpenSSL EVP API.
The document is a log containing repeated entries of a date, topic headings for "Cocoa", "QuickLook", and a file path and page number. It does not contain any other substantive information in the entries or overall.
The document discusses methods for getting the preferred MIME type for a file from its extension or path. It defines a category on NSString to initialize a string from NSData using an IANA character set name. It also shows code for getting the preferred MIME type by calling UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass on the file's UTI, determined from its extension using UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag, or from its path using LSCopyItemAttributes.
遺看界看温茶膿氏#47-鰻皆雨檎晦遺看稼稼艶界岳庄看稼のデリゲ`トメソッドと範^Masayuki Nii
This document discusses NSURLConnection delegate methods and authentication. It describes the order that delegate methods are called for different connection states, including before, during and after communication. It also covers all delegate methods, including those related to authentication and handling different error conditions. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how to implement delegate methods to handle normal connections as well as errors, redirects, SSL connections and authentication.
This document discusses OpenSSL and encryption/decryption using the Blowfish cipher. It shows examples of encrypting a plaintext string using OpenSSL's bf utility with different keys and initialization vectors. It also shows decrypting an encrypted file back to plaintext. Finally, it includes Objective-C code to decrypt data from a file encrypted with Blowfish using the OpenSSL EVP API.
The document is a log containing repeated entries of a date, topic headings for "Cocoa", "QuickLook", and a file path and page number. It does not contain any other substantive information in the entries or overall.
The document discusses methods for getting the preferred MIME type for a file from its extension or path. It defines a category on NSString to initialize a string from NSData using an IANA character set name. It also shows code for getting the preferred MIME type by calling UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass on the file's UTI, determined from its extension using UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag, or from its path using LSCopyItemAttributes.
遺看界看温茶膿氏#47-鰻皆雨檎晦遺看稼稼艶界岳庄看稼のデリゲ`トメソッドと範^Masayuki Nii
This document discusses NSURLConnection delegate methods and authentication. It describes the order that delegate methods are called for different connection states, including before, during and after communication. It also covers all delegate methods, including those related to authentication and handling different error conditions. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how to implement delegate methods to handle normal connections as well as errors, redirects, SSL connections and authentication.