This document describes COCO's Memory Palace, a project that uses AI image recognition APIs like Google Vision and Amazon Rekognition to analyze images and generate poems. COCO is trained on the MS COCO dataset of 80 common objects. The project combines images, poetry, and AI outputs to strange fantastical effect, mixing dreamlike memories and imaginings. It explores ideas from classical arts of memory involving the association of images to locations for remembering information.
9. My list uses the following sources: bang-v2, beer SRM chart,
colorhexa, crayola, n3, ntc, pantone, raveling, resene, rgb.txt
(X11), steve.hollasch, wikipedia, and xkcd.
9284 Named Colors
15. Some More Design Details
BigText.js for text layout (space-鍖lling width/size)
Complicated drop shadows to make text stand
out against the image background
CSS image effects to grayscale, blur, opacity
(Flexbox saved my ass)
18. John Berger, Understanding a Photograph
I have decided that seeing this is worth
recording. Photography is the process of
rendering observation self-conscious.
22. Frances Yates, The Art of Memory
There are two kinds of memory one natural,
the other arti鍖cial. The natural memory is that
which is engrafted in our minds, born
simultaneously with thought. The arti鍖cial
memory is a memory strengthened or
con鍖rmed by training.
25. Frances Yates, The Art of Memory
The arti鍖cial memory is established from
places and images. A locus is a place easily
grasped by the memory, such as a house, an
intercolumnar space, a corner, an arch, or the
like. Images are forms, marks or simulacra.. of
what we wish to remember. For instance if we
wish to recall the genus of a horse, or a lion, of
an eagle, we must place their images on
de鍖nite loci.
32. Fourteen
Mary Doria Russell
All bone, no meat
Growing, not grown.
Desire, dreams,
Nothing to show.
Diving, but still dry.
Photo courtesy of Accidental Mysteries, collection of John Foster.
Poems About Photography
33. MS COCO Dataset
Common Objects in Context image training dataset:
Our dataset contains photos of [80 objects]* types that would
be easily recognizable by a 4 year old. *2014 was 80, not 91
34. Useful articles
How to Freeze a Model and Serve It With A Python API
Dat Trans post: How to Train Your Own Object Detector With
35. Useful articles
How to Freeze a Model and Serve It With A Python API
Dat Trans post: How to Train Your Own Object Detector With
59. COCOs grammar*
Includes words related to her degree of
uncertainty at the object recognition
nouns mixed in that are NOT in her vocabulary,
from a word2vec lookup of related terms in the
Gigaword corpus served by API (part-of-speech
Language style re鍖ecting naivety and youth
*tracery.js from Kate Compton
63. John Berger
A photograph, whilst recording what has been
seen, always and by its nature refers to what is
not seen. the quantum of truth in an
'impersonal' photograph must still depend upon
the general categories already in the
spectator's mind.
81. the old guitarist, Picasso
The Man with the Blue Guitar
by Wallace Stevens
82. The man bent over his guitar,
A shearsman of sorts. The day was green.
They said, You have a blue guitar,
You do not play things as they are.
The man replied, Things as they are
Are changed upon the blue guitar.
88. Wallace Stevens, Man With the Blue Guitar
We shall forget by day, except
The moments when we choose to play
The imagined pine, the imagined jay.
89. Yates, the Art of Memory
an arti鍖cial memory gone out of control into
wild imaginative indulgence
90. Yates, the Art of Memory
an arti鍖cial memory gone out of control into
wild imaginative indulgence
the dream archaeology of a humanist mingles with dream
memory systems to form the strange fantasia.